Capitalism allows for the most efficient allocation of resour-

>capitalism allows for the most efficient allocation of resour-

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Plumbing is the best way to get water into my hous-

>Picture of pipe leak.jpg

When they really need it, they'll find the money.

Perhaps he should lower the rent...


Freedman is the man's name, being a jew is his game.

You're confusing capitalism with judaism.
Name of the hospital landlord: (((Joel Freedman)))

But thx to free market capitalism he doesn't have to :^)


And not one person was murdered here because of lack of funds.

This is it, BP

> Philadelphia
Imagine trying to run a hospital in the projects. Yes there are a lot of people in need of help... Problem is, they expect to get it for free

The rare based leaf!

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You came all the way from redit to share this with us. How nice of you.

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Then people who dislike the price, doesn't have to buy, and should therefore seek competitors. People don't "need" to live in Philadelphia.

So he's gonna sit on it until the city is desperate enough to pay his exorbitant rent from the public treasury. Free market capitalism :^)

I don't see the problem here?

He is offering a service, and no one is buying it. He will either continue to operate at a loss, or lower his prices. The free market at work.

>thinking a million a month is both high rent and not necessary for building maintenance on a hospital

And he will continue to not make any money on the property. It is pretty simple.
Even with proper allocation of resources, people are still flawed and make errors in judgement.

Then he'll up the rent.

is the landlord jewish? Anglo? Either one could be useful to our cause.

Yeah, is landlord what we're calling kikes now? I don't even need to read about the guy and know he's a jew.

>>The free market at work.
>Hospital is still closed
Ah yes, glorious free market

>people dropping like flies over empty hospital building
>landlord flexing his god damn right to rent out for an appropriate price
>everyone fucking mad at the landlord because low poor low IQ
remember poorfags, if you don't own something you can't dictate how it should be used

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he's likely closely connected to the means of counterfeit, which is why he can sit on it.

Yes, and? His hospital will remain closed and he will continue operating at a loss. People can choose other places to go to. What is wrong here?

So capitalism doesn't allow for the most efficient allocation of resources. Thanks for the concession.

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>Joel Friedman

gee so crazy.

youre confusing capitalism with judaism, seriously. only a kike or a kiked would do this. only a kiked or kike would allow him to do this in their town. its obvious terrorism, i dont see why he isnt v&

thats true i live in a hole and i get my water right from the sky

Just use eminent domain, seize the property, and pay him a pittance or what they call "fair" market value and call it a day.

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The Free Market isn't something that balances things out instantaneously. He will eventually: A) Find a buyer. B) Run out of money and lower his rent. C) Die, and his property will go to someone else who may do any of these three options.

In the long term, the problem will be solved on its' own without intervention.

You've made your point very well: jews are greedy pieces of shit.

they should just kill him like wtf?! How do people put up with this shit. Fucking cityfags are so cucked. idk why u dont all commit suicide right now


>cuckitalist defending people suffering
always knew you guys have no sense of morality
>takes years for the resources to be efficiently allocated when the government can step in and solve the problem in weeks
nice knowing that the free market is ass.

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this is literally fake news. at least it’s misleading.
the hospital went under before the guy bought it.
1 million is 25% of what rent would cost normally, he wouldn’t make any profit he’s basically giving it away. talks between him and the city didn’t break if because of that all but because the city could get some space for free.

better ask yourselves as tax payers (as if any of you leeches pay taxes) why a city in times like these isn’t willing to spent a small amount of 1 mil for a month or two or three to save lives. huh, awkward.

The government is trash at managing anything. The Post Office can barely function, while UPS is like hiring a team of commandos to deliver your IRL shitposts.

The city could easily pay that. They just don't want to.

shitty hospital in Oakland was like that. They turned it into a almost free shit hole where illegals go to get service.

actual fpbp.
Imagine building a conclusion on one story

The problem with situations like these is the landlord often has some government program that is paying for the losses they're taking by holding an empty building. If they were getting charged full property tax they couldn't do this for long before losing the gamble.

Nope. You even admitted that the government can be more efficient than the free market.



Bolshies dilate

They probably just sold it to him recently. And the city has probably been collecting taxes on it. And he knows if a bunch of corona patients die there the building is going to be worthless for luxury condos.

He's not in the wrong here.

No, I didn't. You presumed that the government is somehow omniscient and better at everything forever than the free market because you are a child who expects economic shifts to happen overnight.

The minimal prerequisite for viable socialism is a white ethnostate. Philly doesn't qualify.

Okay, this is epic

We've seen it time and time again. Every ten years socialism needs to save capitalism from itself. And the government constantly needs to stop greedy corporations and suchlike from exploiting workers and customer.


lol REKT

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>Yeah, is landlord what we're calling kikes now?

Boomers are also what we call kikes. When everyone says they want boomers to die they mean the jews.

Well why doesn't the American government just buy the hospital and pay for staff out of all the taxes Americans pay? Oh wait...... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. have fun dying mutts.

If freedom means anything, it means the right to be an asshole.

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>is the landlord jewish?

>But Joel Freedman, the California businessman who owns the property, said he believes his offer to rent the property for almost $1 million a month is “a very reasonable, heartfelt offer to the City of Philadelphia," his spokesperson said in response to Kenney’s comments.

>Joel Freedman

Sounds Italian?

>is the landlord jewish?
Do faggots have AIDS?
Are niggers stupid?

Just want to point out how cringe this was.

Please explain in detail how the government seizing the hospital from this greedy kike will lead to the US becoming Venezuela.

Capitalism is Judaism you dumb boomer.

>luxury condos.

choose one

lawyers, bankers and landlords all fall under the definition of kikedom

So is Bolshevism you tranny faggot.

>He's not in the wrong here.
He is automatically in the wrong for being a landlord

Oh no you dont you lying snake.
Venezuela is capitalist, it is another example of the failures of capitalism. It has never had a socialist economy.

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That's right. Sometimes you have to work outside the ideal pipe to fix the leaks, patch up what's wrong, and remove the roots that are breaking the pipe to begin with. I hope they do that last part.

Without landlords you'd be a vagrant.

they should make it legal for a man to go out into the wilderness and build a mud hut

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No. You are an idiot. Landlords dont build things, they merely have their name written on a piece of paper stored in a government database somewhere which entitles them to extort people. With out landlords we would all be exactly the way we currently are, but richer. Nothing else would be different.

What exactly is the problem supposed to be here?
>Extortionate denial of service
If the landlord is maintaining the property while denying service, then he isn't making back the money being spent on maintained.
He will eventually run out and hence the extortionist behaviour has been regulated.
What mechanism is in place to regulate the behaviour of landowners under your system?
>There wont be any owners
So how are disputes resolved?
What happens if I want to use the cancer ward to host a rave and the doctors object?
>One party gets their way
Who decides which?
>A person or organization
Then this is ownership.
>Everything is decided and allocated democratically
What happened to
>The people are dumb
>They don't know their own interests
? This doesn't exactly demonstrate confidence in democracy as a means of doing anything.
>Dictatorship of the people
So the problem isn't that ownership is concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite, it's just that it's concentrated in the hands of the wrong kind of tiny elite?
The ideal system is the same one we have now, but with different people on top?

This shit is predictable.
It's routine.
It's been the political life-cycle of ever single generation since boomers.
You aren't advocating change by behaving exactly like every previous generation when controlling for stage in life.
Watching this is like watching maggots protesting flies.
If you want actual change, look at previous generations, look at their attitudes when they were your age, then do something else.
Following their footsteps leads nowhere we haven't already been.
In 20 years, all of today's
>Capitalism has failed
fags will be identical to today's
>It may not be perfect
middle-aged normies, because when controlling for stage in the life-cycle, they have contributed nothing new, and are simply following in their footsteps.

why cant we landlord ourselves?

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In the heart of center city surrounded by multimillion dollar historic properties.
Have you ever actually been to where the hospital is located?
Not exactly in the projects mah dude.
Down broad street towards girard ave, debateable.

Capitalism and socialism are both failures. What we need is NSDAP-style fascism.


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Nobody's stopping you from buying land and building your own house.

Imagine railing against jews
Supporting your white citizens first
And then simping for landlords lmao

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Really? are you sure? Bank Jew loans for houses are not an option without a MORTGAGE which literally means DEATH GRIP............ you are blue pilled fagget.

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>If freedom means anything, it means the right to be an asshole.

Thats why corona chan exists.

I wasn't aware that was illegal.

Or are you talking about not buying the land first?

LOL The FED owns almost all the land, and they do nothing with it.

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When is Yas Forums going to take the Georgepill?

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Both, why do we buy it?? who owns it?>

Then you should be eternally grateful to your landlord for sparing you from having to get a bank jew loan.

Fascism is just capitalism where the capitalists keep their head down and play along for the time being.
Class collaboration is still capitalism.

Sounds pretty inefficient bro


Dude is literally just asking to rent the building at cost at this point. Bullshit headline is misleading as bawlz.

The landlords are the JEWS.

The only thing you'll get under communism is a bullet in your skull. Useful Idiots die first.

Sorry you faggot leaf, your confusing capitalism with kikery. Learn the difference, it could save your life...

>The landlords are the JEWS.
What isn't?

How can Fascism be Capitalism? How can Fascists who pront their own money interest free be the same as Capitalists who have to get their money from a PRIVATE JEW PEOPLE KNOWN AS FED............ how is it the same?

The day of the rake has now been pushed back by 1 (one) day