If India can do this, why can't europe become a nation, Yas Forums?

If India can do this, why can't europe become a nation, Yas Forums?

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Because Jews killed every man who ever tried to unite Europe

You're aware that India is a barely functional dumpster fire of a country with constant ethnic, religious, and cultural strife, right?

yeah but they still maintain peace some how

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Why do the jews want europe to be divided?

They had an anti-Muslim pogrom like three fucking weeks ago.


India is one economic depression away from balkanization.

Don't see it ever happening

The main problem with uniting a common Europe is the existence of separatists states within European Counties. For example, Alsace France is a region that wishes to be independent from France. The same can be observed in places such as Italy, with the North and South divide. It could be summarized by a difference of culture, and could never truly happen, which is something pretty absent from North American Culture broadly so its difficult to observe.

That's retarded, it's basically politics at that point

Are there actually ANY non-Indian leaf posters on this board left?

Nobody ever really does

Actually its a vast differences of cultures within the countries. There are certain parts of Spain that still speak Castilian. So if they cant unify their own countries what the fuck makes you think they can unite all of Europe?

problem with Europe is the amount of useless ugly languages we have, don't @ at me, they're all ugly and pointless.

To add, the US has been around a mere 270ish years, European nations have been kicking eachother's teeth in for over 2 millennia at this point.

Yes. Plenty of Chink posters still around.

which languages are useless and uggo?

All of them, we should start shitting everywhere and smearing it on rocks to communicate with shapes

ok schizo

German is fairly useless, since its only spoken on one continent, so is Italian. Spanish and French are pretty valuable because of colonialism, which has brought them to every major continent. Honestly tho, within the next 300 years, English will probably be the only language spoken by developed countries.
>Colonialism is inevitable

lol don't do it i wish every day we balkanized. The entire hindi speaking population is actually retarded.


All the Hindi provinces are poor as shit and have high fertility rates

South Indian?

Because it would be a threat to them if whites united, because the moment they drop their beef with each other they'll start fixing problems, problems that the jews uniquely create for the sole reason of dividing whites.

Divide and conquer is my best guess.

We need a new flag for a United Europe as well. The EU flag sucks, plus our United Europe would represent something completely different.

Because they don't like each other enough to build a functional state

European Union is stupid globalist shit. Good on ya for leaving, now fix your fucking country.

omg thats fucking horrible :(

No surprise that the idea of European Unity and the EU being two separate concepts fried *those* almonds.

Europe doesn't need a *flag.* A coat of arms maybe, but a single flag would distract from the regional flags.

What would you call the European Union other than a beefed up NAFTA then. Sorry you have literally no personal freedoms while im intoxicated carrying around my handgun LEGALLY.

>There are certain parts of Spain that still speak Castilian
Castilian is the 'main' form of European Spanish and is what's taught when you take highschool Spanish. You're thinking of Aragonese, Catalan, Leonese, or Galician Spanish. Or Basque which is a nonspanish minority language in Spain

That's an interesting thought actually. Not sure I agree but it's interesting nonetheless.

Don't you think one single flag we could all be United under would be a good idea?

you guys shouldn't have left the EU. I feel like Nigel Farage is a jew politican

Why do you assume what India has done is a good thing?

>German is fairly useless, since its only spoken on one continent, so is Italian.
Obnoxiously uneducated post

We're not talking about the EU here. We're talking about a hypothetical United Europe, two different things.

Castillian is an old form of proper Spanish. But yeah those are also separate languages spoken within the region, further cementing my point.

Okay, name one other country that speaks German as a primary language cunt.

That's like asking why the UNITED states is UNITED

>At least I have my guns XD
And again, I wouldn't call the European Union ANYTHING. Two. Separate. Concepts. You may have the freedom to go shooting off, but you lack the intelligence to know when it's appropriate. For future reference; it's when you actually learn to read.

He's certainly Boomer bait, to be sure. Give it a couple more years and we won't have to worry about them fucking up our future again. or hoarding houses for that matter. Based Corona.

India has been united for long periods of its history. Europe has been close to united other than in brief periods of military conquest.

Its pretty easy to understand why non native hindi speakers hate that part of the country. Non native Hindi states contribute towards 90% of the countries GDP while the Hindi states receive most of this tax revenue for "development" which never happens.

I guess there are leeches in EU too but once you become a unified country things get really messed up

I would call the European Union the exact same thing NAFTA was trying to accomplish. Open borders and the prerequisite for globalism.

>learning languages to communicate with people and not to read literature

Absolute pleb tier

Literature can be translated retard

Certainly if there *was* such a concept as a united Europe. But as the European Union has learned the hard way, that's something you have to work towards. You can't jump straight to "Europe, a nation" off of the bat.

Start with European Unity, use that to strengthen existing regional identities, and use the central framework to break down the existing, corrupt states into local, federalised regions.
Build a federal identity in the American sense from there, like the Americans did.

With varying degrees of success. Reading in the original language gives a better sense of the author, the imagery and the culture.

look at northernd and southern italians, or spaniards, they are as diffrent culturally as me and kraut, and yet they form single nation. i think cultural diffrences are bullshit, and there is no real valid reason besides few retards that still clinges to past atrocities to not unite

Yeah thats true, but is it worth the trouble to learn another language entirely? I would, as would most, argue that its not. Doesn't mean its totally useless
>Fairly Useless

The whole reason to have a nation is to defend the people, their culture and their homeland.

A one nation Europe would destroy all of that.

The standard subIQ arguing strategy. If at first you don't succeed, keep repeating yourself because clearly we didn't understand you the first time.
Opinion discarded until you have a civilisation to make anything close to a comparison with. I'd recommend starting with education.

Well most language learning is fairly useless because English is so widespread and superior. But if you're going to do it might as well be for literature and not just shooting the shit with some random bloke on the other side of the world.

Depends Haryana, Uttarakhand, and Rajasthan are integral to the nation's tourism and tech industry, but the eastern Hindi speakers are equivalent to the niggers of India socially. On an appearance basis it would be South Indians.

India isn't fully United until Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Burma, and the Maldives join India and Pakistan burns to the ground.

Again within the next 300 years, English will be the primary languages spoken within developed countries. So yes, thanks for further cementing my point.

what about bangladesh

Tell that to Croatia. Or Ukraine. Hell, tell that to Poland.
Nationalism is grand and all, but a bunch of small ones over a land with limited resources is a recipe for pointless "survival of the fittest" wars.
They're the BASE of a state, not the centre.

user I have a plan. We need to wage a gruesome war against Shittistan where our North Indian Hindu and Sikh BVLLS conquer the subverted kikes of Shittistan. We will kill their men then breed with their women, and any man remaining muzzie will be sent to a re-ed camp. Basically what China is doing but on a larger scale to regain control of our people who were corrupted a few centuries ago.

cultural differences are real you retard, pull germany and russias cocks out your ass. You really want to live in homogenized globo homo stan?

United by Muslim invasion in both cases

They certainly are, and they're as REAL in nation States as they are in something bigger.
How far down that slope do you want to go, user? Back to the days when every village was practically it's own kingdom?

YOU need to pull the false dichotomy propaganda out of YOUR eyes, user. The concept of Empires and Commonwealths have existed for thousands of years before the concept of a one-world government.

>dude globalism is bad because it will destroy our local culture, language, and way of life in favor of one beige homogenized global state
>so to stop globalism, let's throw away our local culture , language, and way of life in favor of being one beige homogenized national state

Haryana is an exception thanks to its proximity to Delhi and Punjab.
Pahadi states and regions always outperform the non pahadi counterparts in every sector so this isn't a surprise.
Lmao what. That state gets most of the tourist population and despite being shilled by the center as a tourism destination it still pull its own weight.

>On an appearance basis it would be South Indians.
India is pretty much a brown country just with different shades you can we wuz as much as you like but it isn't going to change the facts.
As far as i see it this is the final cope that street shitting cow worshiping people from the BIMARU region.

>but the eastern Hindi speakers are equivalent to the niggers of India socially
All non pahadi Hindi speakers are leeches and are at the bottom of every single state based development index

How'd I forget the Bengali people? They must come too, Also the occupied Chinese region of Kashmir.

hitler was taking over europe and making it into a nation

>If India can do this
They didn't though the Mughals did, and the British modernised it.
The Indians are pagan austists.

>let's throw away our local culture , language, and way of life
Oh look. It's another American who can't read.

But user it's true. The features are generally same but South Indians have wide noses, nappy hair, and etc. Not saying they're unsuccessful but not even saying this as a cope, every South Indian I know is leagues darker than me and they are usually the one's to remark after they find out I am Indian. This doesn't make me better or worse, it's just fact. Btw the Aryan Migration theory is a myth imo. There obviously was a group of people from Central Asia but India is a melting pot of all races and has been for millennia.

Only civilised Indians are the Anglo -indians

What the fuck do you think the European Union is?

Fuck the Jolly Roger.
>Ameribros rise up
>1776 will commence again

The existence of the UK pretty much debunks this argument. Multiple nations, multiple different cultures in each nation, and the UK has thrived for hundreds of years. Why could the same not exist on a larger, European scale?

Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Granted, this is a very small sample of countries compared to how many countries speak french and spanish. Also, majority of people in these countries will speak fluent english.

Does that explain why Ireland hates London like the devil and supported Hitler during World War II?

As every country should.

Ireland is an independent country and when they were part of the UK were essentially a colony, no wonder they wanted to leave.

Keep dreaming poonjeet

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Right. You're brown not white.
No matter how hard you try to cope you're never going to be white.
I too am light brown but its still brown nonetheless. Besides the main problem India is solving the problem of its burdening states. Only developed nations can afford to care about superficial problems.