How We Deal With the Tranny Problem?

Trannies have infiltrated reddit and normie social media. How do we stop this plague from spreading?

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I have no problem with cute trannies, in fact they are kind of hot.

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Boycott any media with trannies in it.

I was watching that show DEVS until I realized the Zoomer boy on it was supposed to be a FTM tranny.

Fuck off faggot

Have the passable mtfs suck us off?

Why so aggressive? perhaps you need a quick jerk to relieve stress.

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fuck it, let the trannies keep showing the women how fucking worthless they are that men dressed up as clowns are held up in higher pedestal than natural women. they wanted this with feminism now let them get fucked.

it's only a problem for people who spend all day whining on the internet. they are non-issue for people with lives who actually go outside, aka where they are almost never seen outside of college campuses

get out

>Suicide rate at nearly 50 percent

I think it's taking care of itself

normies are fucking sick of trannies though. the politically correct reddit and twitter crowds aren't representative of normal people's opinions. your average normalfag wouldn't fuck a chick with a dick, especially not one that looks like a man (see: 95% of transsexuals).

also women hate transsexuals. not just terfs at this point. trannies get all the societal benefits of women and real women can't compete against men in their own spaces.

Throwing them off buildings usually works

41% of the time it works every tmr.

Right on desu

Uncanny valley much?

Push back will happen the more people are exposed to the children indoctrination program they have going. Most people around me don't care until you bring up what they do with puberty blockers and similar stuff. I think that will be the catalyst

try redpilling them. I was redpilled and now I browse Yas Forums and am disgusted by lgbt. but I’m also a trap

this one takes the bbc watch out

wait till it turns thirty and itll sort itself out

tell them to repent

Already over 30

You dont.
Young boys até already becoming trannies.
Sono they will replace womyn.

I once dated a girl that looked like a tranny, reverse traps are better than you would imagine

Fuck off faggot

The problem is not Trannys, they arent anything real. The problem is the subversion of the truths around them.

Things like good don't exist because they been distorted by the people in power and carried out by the youth. The youth is stupid and easily manipulated.

We have to show them how evil their ideas are as concept.

#1 destroy the idea of subjectivity and bring back absolute truths.
#2 Christianity, that's a big powerful weapon against this problem we need to shove it in their face and not flinch an inch. That reflection of good vs evil will be accepted natively by the human.
#3 Show them their perversion, show them what they do to kids and bring it to the mainstream media.

It's not hard, we are the Light now.

I'm slowly turning some of the liberals in my family/ ones I know completely against them. Once they here about the stupid shit some of them do like fake periods or the flat out mentally ill shit they want like kids taking hormones most peoples opinion shifts really fast.

What is the problem???, you don't complain when we accept and accommodate, Mongoloids,Retards,Schizos,Cripples,Blinds,deals
Trannies are one more

This is a Tranny hating tranny from kiwi farms who picks other trans illness fakers on reddit. My wife pointed this out to me. This is not OK.

Yeah we do. Not acceptable.

So I've seen. Even better is when they do it themselves.

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Death. If you see a tranny, and there isn't a cop around, just rid the earth of it

This is for real yall

I disagree about bringing religion to strongly into it as that turns many people off the message because it's viewed as just being an over zealous bigot, people don't have to have God to fundamentally be against hurting kids and the mentally unsound, just informing people about the devious ways this shit is pushed and if more people knew the suicide rate it would really change some minds around.

Just cut their hormones supply.
They will either eat the bullet or seek help in religion and eventually getting fixed.

Make it know that they are mentally I'll and their behavior is abnormal and self destructive. Treat them as the mentally I'll petulant children they are

This bitch is truly gross. I have looked at her accounts and she hates on other trannies while taking down good Christian women.

Based, we need to make futas real. The uggos that you can tell are fucked up men in drag from a distance should die though.

>How do we stop this plague from spreading?
Put mirrors everywhere, make access to rope and stool easier and the problem will solve itself.

Exactly. And this bitch is cruel to cute trans girls.

The problem takes care of itself.

Spread it to niggers and watch them all die of AIDS.

>Christianity, that's a big powerful weapon against this problem

True, but the problem is that (((they))) have been demonizing christianity for decades through the media and that effort is bearing more and more fruit with every generation. See how many zoomers are vehemently anti-christian and proclaim themselves atheists while praising Islam and other religions.


Ram cock up their ass to show them how much I hate em

Shiiit. No wonder 55% suicide when they look like that

Hot lead as said in every thread
>flag checks out

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Gas chambers.

We should deal with the tranny problem the same way we deal with the thot problem --- deep dicking.

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Being trans is nice, I'd rather be seen as a laughing stock then as a man

just avoid fags and make them feel uncomfortable when the chance arrives

Nuke california

incels / bottom 80% marry them
i would if i found the right one


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IM A HOT TRANNY AND I ONLY FEEL RIGHT WITH MYSELF WHEN IM MAKING A GUY HAPPY. i just want to be protected and made into a housewife :(


same doe

im not:( i unironically will video chat with random guys online and make them cum if i like them. its the best feeling when their eyes objectify me like a piece of meat. i love showing them my nudes and seeing how happy they get :) i like taking their cum. too bad if they realize then i turn into trash to them...

You disgust me. Kill yourself, faggot.

Unironically ban porn and make reddit illegal

It isn't phobia. It's disgust. Nobody fears Trannies.


It’s because of white people

Discredit them using their own against themselves.

Then why are most Trannies asian, hispanic, or black?

>How do we stop this plague from spreading?
You don't stop it from spreading, this plague conveniently stops leftists from reproducing.

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I admit that I fear the destruction of my family. There should be a word for that. Also, "transphobia" should be lumped under Anti-Degeneracy.

Can you cook and clean ?


Cool, but this faggot will age like hot turd in the sun once he hits age 40. MILFs are hot, trannies aren't.

He'll look like this:

Put all LGBT faggots on the sexual offenders registry
OK groomer

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Just encourage them to transition surgically before they're allowed to do any name change etc.. That would bring the 40% suicide rate closer to 90%, which would more or less solve the problem - either by killing them all or as prevention from others being as retarded as they are.

Meu deus.
O demônio...

forcibly seize media and forbid faggotry and jewry. once they lose their shoehorn nature can finally take it's course, since most people don't like them by default.