The most based leader in the world right now. Not going to let his country fall for the scamdemic.
The most based leader in the world right now. Not going to let his country fall for the scamdemic
>Lolbertarian flag
He is trying to protect us from China. They are buying a lot of companies around the world
Let's see that flag monkey
>Brazilians are immune to coronavirus because we swim in sewage
Genuine question, what did he mean by this?
I got a Brazilian friend. Help me to convince him that Bolsonaro is legit and has the good in mind.
What things has he done or what Criminal things has he stopped in Brazil.
Tell me his top achievements so I can convince him.
explain more.
Nah I'm a Usonian. But looking like Brazil will be better off than the US in 5-10 years. This country is going shit-facist police state mixed with communist policies and a dollar collapse soon.
he is done,the gig is over,Brazilian Army is already talking with the Vice President, too many Officers are getting Corona Chan, Coup imminent
another chad I see welcome aboard greatest ally
kys homo
I mean Brazilians ate so trashy he'll be happy they die. And considering global panic their economy will go stonks
Can we even defend ourselves? Not without dismanteling globalism I think.
Won't end up in impeachment in my opinion. But he will be politically isolated. His allies and fervorous supporters are counting on a comeback through the introduction of hydroxychloroquine. They are also desperately sharing things that make it seem like Bolsonaro still has unlimited political influence, but he is isolated himself even within the federal executive. Hopefully he tones down the populism and begins strategizing properly.
The good thing about this pandemic is that the people who voted for narcissist populist will likely die en masse because of the ineptitude of their president. Let this cattle die.
If you don't sell it, they can't buy you stupid mongrel. Guess who is letting them buy it.
Nationalize China Companies around the world to pay for coronavirus!
Nice try Mohamed's father in law.
"Unlimited Political Influence".... that evaporates like rain in a warm day, this is South America ,
We don't need to be white to be better, retards
NuNazi are retarded faggots, losers and the bottom feeders of society. KYS.
BR > U
China is buying all big business in my state
>We don't need to be white to be better, retards
Yes, leftists state governors are licking the boots of china.
It'll be interesting to see how his resolution plays out. This pandemic shit is getting tiresome and I'm starting to feel like a fool.
>Yes, leftists state governors are licking the boots of china.
>bolsocattle is mad
we will learn to speak ching chong very soon
todo mundo sabe que vc é br.
I'm not white, I'm a hue
Kys loser faggot
> Only politician who was not involved in corruption during the PT era.
> Media hates him.
> People loves him.
> Tell the truth, not bullshit politically correct.
I can tell you a lot more.
Brazil has a lot of little european cities that have less niggers than your cities
>Hopefully he tones down the populism
The fuck I'm reading.
> oktoberfest
> no niggers
are you serious?
Or he is a dumb nigger or a zionist, get over it, we dont have good leaders.
Ele votou pró juiz de garantias, gado.
Fuck Nando Moura!
> juiz de garantias é uma coisa ruim
>They are buying a lot of companies around the world
It's better to nationalize some other countries' corporations than than to nationalize your own. kek
Literally what he said.
All administrations including his keep misusing money to do things like promote degeneracy or raise their own salaries so Brazil lacks sewerage infrastructure and many cities dump their waste directly into rivers, which people then swim on.
Of course people don't jump in literal shit water, but water can stop smelling like shit well before it is safe for human swimming.
An example of common sense.
He is a low/mid IQ guy with big balls and good intentions. He is not much of a politician in the sense of having a sharp tongue or skills with words, but he is trying to fix our nation, and being opposed by leftists, globalist media and corrupt bureaucrats in every turn.
tbf he was still the least bad option. That's liberal democracy for you.
nice reading comprehension
>you know what brazil needs? more obstacles to criminal trials and more judges with the highest salaries in the world
>big balls
Not even Dilma let the courts walk all over her like this.
Fuck's sake, Dilma actually asked the commandant of the army to halt impeachment proceedings by force. Granted he said no, but she had more balls than Zionaro.
>being opposed by leftists, globalist media and corrupt bureaucrats
He is trying to not slowing economy by sacrificing part of population very good leader indeed...
at this rate brazil will be more white than muslim france
he looks like he lives on the souls of chldren
Based. Is there room for a redpilled Anglo man?
No, anglos are not white. Fuck off.
>it's all our fault, the chinese dindu nuffin
Can you stop trying to wave that white flag on my face? Not interested.
The chinks are buying up everyone in South America and instead of unifying we are fighting between us and let others dominate us.
Where the fuck is his chin?
Absolutely based and redpilled god emperor Bolsonaro.
We're being squished between the burgers and the chinks, man.
Brazil sided with the americans during the cold war and we got fucked up because of it. The cuck military dictatorship of Brazil sucked american dick and destroyed our railroads because the americans wanted to make trucks for us.
>based and redpilled
yeah, totally.
At least we can do paternity tests. Being a cvck in France is law.
>MBL/NOVO Gado Moura fan
Bolsonaro today walking in the market taking pictures with supporters.
Destroying the narrative.
Ultra based.
>Brazilian Army
Oh, so the (((CIA))), gotcha.
Looks like paradise.
He's white
Trying to move to Brazil. Where is best place for a beach house?
Definitely Rio de Janeiro, bro
He's going to doom your country you stupid fucks. If Brazil goes down the world is fucked. You are the only hope.
Really? Yeah was thinking Rio or somewhere in the North East like Bahia or Rio Grande do Norte.
seu retardado de merda, nao tem dinheiro nem pra pagar os juizes que ja existem, e voce quer aumentar o quadro. animal do cacete. ai depois vai na rua reclamar que paga imposto demais
ou entao voce vai dizer pra colocar os juizes que ja tao la pra fazer o servico, a bosta da justica ja nao funciona do jeito que eh no interior, no norte e num monte de canto. ai voce vai piorar a situacao sobrecarregando ainda mais os juizes que ja nao fazem o trabalho deles hoje ne?