Why does life before 2001 seem like a distant fairytale?
Why does life before 2001 seem like a distant fairytale?
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because you were about 4 years old
it was all just a computer generated simulation
>is 3 years old
IDK, big spiritual shift, it seemed like everything was purer more innicent and full of light.
I dont think its only because i was a child.
I saw my hometown of Paris and the mind of people change so fast
>Before 2001
>Posts a picture of something released in late 2001
shit taste OP
What do these constant nostalgia threads have to do with politics?
Pic related is the perfect depiction of what happened to our timeline
I remember 98 and 2001 being a cultural waste land
maybe its because I was in an area where being a "charver" was considered a trend this was before the chav became mainstream
I don't want to go back
It was cold and bleak and it set the area back 15 years
To me it seems like it's kind of the same, but with mobile phones, better computer games...
>because I was in an area where being a "charver" was considered a trend
From what I remember American culture between the late 90s until ~2006 was entirely about being a wigger asshole
you member....I member
Haha i was your friend on msn, we ayed games on jippee together
>tfw you missed every social media platform cause you're a stubborn retarded sperg
fuck man, I took the wrong turn early.
because I wasnt born yet
Nah it wasn that great anyway, thats why i use it to trigger nostalgia, its bc everyone forgets about it.
It's been going on for a very long time, but these last 20 years feels like it's gotten a lot worse. Well before my time, the Simon and Garfunkle song - Sounds of Silence were written in 1965. Here they observe how people have changed and gotten colder. They don't talk as much and are more isolated. The lyrics are still just as valid today.
who was using DOS in 2001?
it still is tho?
95-98 were peak goals everything was perfect
Good times man, good times.
This shit was even worse than Windows ME
How did we manage to get out of the loop?
You'll understand when you're older.
Because it’s when I lost my virginity to a girl who I met in an aol chat room on a dirt trail with no blanket.
I'm hardly up on whats popular. But it seems like the zoomys are much more culturally balkanized compared to back then.
Pre-normie tech. Everything online has become sanitized and corporatized
>windows xp
>before 2001
Many of us are expecting to die soon
ah good ole msn, now that was a messenger
It was normal for normies. Since normies norm and whatevers normal is best.
It sucked for incels who want to be social. Can't anonymously meet people like on the internet, you had to go out, talk to stacy and get her number.
It was hell for true incels. What you going to do all day? Read a book?
Windows 98 was the best, especially if you had the Second Edition.
Now understand life between 2020 will feel like this soon.
Coronavirus is going to shred your souls.
No bullshit. We will actually look back fondly on a time when tranny Netflix shows, crazy feminists, and a few refugees were the world's biggest problems.
2007 is the year the internet died.
>Boomers : I want muh sixties and seventies back!
>Gen X : I want the eighties back!
>Gen Y : I want the nineties and early 2000s back!
Humans have no free will.
*sends infinite bats*
Late 90s interbutts were the best, real Wild West hours back then. Hard to describe for someone who wasn’t there. Tor is about as close as anything comes now.
Early 00s were still good tho up until 08
It was easier to be anonymous on the internet in 2001 you dumb leaf
because that was all 20+ years ago
Apple ruined everything
Found the 30 something. Fuck off old fart.
It wasn't social media. Thats a modern product. It was instant messaging that people who weren't autists used to send messages. Social media is guaranteed autistville.
>it seemed like everything was purer more innicent and full of light
This is just because your dopamine receptors hadn't been fried by video games and porn yet.
in 2001
AMD Duron 700 Mhz
384 Mhz sd Ram
Gforce 2mx
Games came out:
Alien vs predator 2
Max Payne
Return to castle Wolfenstein
C&C Yuris revenge
Most people had a computer by 2001
>t. post 2000 zoomer
That may be true, but you have to admit life has been hyperactively subverted in epidemic quantities since 01
It was 2001 and again in 2012.
It will happen again in 2020 and by 2029 or 2030 the changes post-2020 will reach maturation and life will never be the same.
Not really. Back then everyone was Fred Durst clones. Kids nowadays are lil peep clones or some shit (which is somehow even worse).
I was too young to remember but all the older people I know tell me you can feel how everything changed that year, everyone thought the country had peaked then and things were only going to get better
lol blame e-machine and Dell almost 3/4 of the country had a PC before the Iphone was released
>tfw 22 year old zoomer/millenial hybrid that got to experience millennial culture before the massive shift happened
>never belonged anywhere or connected with people in middle school or high school
>can make great conversation with older people but we are at two completely points in our lives so a real friendship isn't really possible
>don't like younger generation culture and don't really like spending time with younger people whose brains have been fried by all the shit in the media
I've never felt like I wasn't living in a computer simulation. I feel like I'm just passing between worlds into the next one.
Yes, but things weren't actually better.
Almost nobody even KNEW about Jewish control, or questioned official Holocaust narratives and numbers.
>avatarfagging as a little cartoon girl
Man wasn't great, but ICQ was. You could search female profiles, in any country you wanted, based on interests, hobbies, age, etc. Goodluck finding that same feature in any messenging system today, including ICQ itself.
Yeah. He mad interesting songs and fake commercials about Cheese Pizza....very interesting...
And really the whole thing about crashing child stars and suicide makes no sense with muh no more star fame. But it makes complete sense if they were raped and tortured by filthy kikes like Weinstein and Epstein.
>It's just a cellphone bro, computers are for nerds!
That makes literately no sense when 70% of household had a PC before the Iphone was released. So 70 percent of the country are nerds?