LAPD oppression in black neighborhoods!
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Niggers afraid to chimp out. They can chimp out if one of their own is killed, but if a niglet's b-day party is stopped, why no chimping out?
revenge of the roof top Koreans, now we got uniforms niggers.
Are all the comments in the video from people here trolling, or are the rest of the negroes really calling out the rest of their kinfolk?
la gonna riot for sure
>all the comments in the video
that was a fuck ton of cops. probably anticipated a cat 4.
This is exactly the sort of shit I have been waiting to see
you must have an account
Look at these jocks with their fucking billy clubs. Fuckin state thugs.
It's honestly about time that the police took control of America's toddlers.
>yes sir I will lick your boot
america is lost
These type of incidents are only going to grow in number. Then when half of the hood is diseased they will blame the government for not helping them.
Absolutely hilarious, coronachan is going to absolutely buttfuck the black population and I couldn't be happier. Why break it up, let em spread it to each other
Why bother trying to save the niggers. Let them contaminate each other and suffer the consequences
>Ayo whyte peple be racist for breaking up our child birthday party gathering
>Coronachan absolutely fucking destroys the black population
>Ayo whyte pepl be racist for not helping us
Always the victim, they learned well from the kikes
They think they are immune. It's a white disease in their eyes.
>birthday party for a 1 year old
The parents just want free shit and an excuse to get drunk with friends
(Roams in large groups in public)
>Go home, practice social distancing!
>Coronavirus sweeps through the hood
We might have been looking at this whole virus thing from the wrong side. If black people are too stupid to listen it could very well wipe out the majority of them and that's a major plus. Imagine what we could do with all the money we'd save.
>Likely give it to Israel
still though
Hint. They were lying. It was a block party.
That's not oppression
Stop congregating you fucking retards
>OP literally made this thread to make money off people using his link
Why would you throw a big party for a 1 yo? They won't remember shit.
Parents just wanted free shit and you can tell there wasn't any kids there, this was literally a wild nigger party like they always have. Niggers are absolutely fucking retarded.
They deserve to die from this
so, let me get this straight; they come to stop a birthday for not respecting social distancing while... not respecting social distancing and wearing no masks?
Both sides are full of retards.
Berfday part ta
Rules apply to everyone niggers
How surprising. Niggers refuse to obey the law, as usual.
>Das rayciss
Why are there so few Black cops in the LAPD?
The problem with this, is that they will spread the virus all over the hood, then flood every hospital and state agency looking for treatment and gibs. All because of their fucking stupidity.
Let's see how long it takes for a chimpout. Any bets? I reckon another week.
Sweet, can't wait for the chimpening, all the tv shows are re-runs now anyway.
The blacks will start the riots senpaitachi
For once we need to join them in the chimp out
We must chimp out with are colored brethren. This time they are right.
I was thinking 2 to 5. The trump checks will calm things a bit but how is anyone gonna buy food?
Grocery store is fucking empty.
Fuck cops there just as bad as niggers
Cops will be some of the first to go. 0 ppe on any of these blue niggers
Real chance of one on wed. We’ll see though.
Just look at one of the cities with the highest number of cases, Albany Georgia. Something like 75% black. Too dumb to realize what they’re doing to themselves.
Do you have a specific objection to anything these cops did here or is this a general fuck da police?
No funding.
If stupid assholes didn't gather in packs the police would have never been there.
that shit start to looks like the chekists from the communist take over
ya that's true fucking goyim refusing to listen to his masters
they all deserve to die
Patriotic korean using a South Korean assault rifle.
>If black people are too stupid to listen it could very well wipe out the majority of them and that's a major plus.
You're retarded if you don't think they'll just bump the white people off of ventilators to make room for the Tyrones. It's replacement in a white genocide. White people either start fighting to survive or die. The best thing that could happen right now is societal collapse so white people don't feel held down by the courts and can clean up their neighborhoods.
Literally the only people I know suffering during this outbreak are blacks. They just get so much sicker, it's crazy. And they don't follow rules so their kids get it. Ridiculous. I have it now and I'm a tiny bit tired and congested, god I love being white.
Los Angeles is fucked. Tons of money and resources are going to be wasted on retarded people who dont understand what viruses are.
white men fuck children
Go back to worldstar, Tyrone.
This AR hurts my sensibilities so much.
based based based
Yea, why are there? Because they don't want them. They want blacks to be wagies and criminals. 50 establishment pet faggot criminal cops with clubs to break up a 1 year old's birthday and not a single one black. And black pet faggots don't count.
>Translation: Niggers were shooting off guns and threatening to kill their neighbors while having a traditional nigger fried chicken cookout. When the police showed up to deal with the criminal niggers firing guns and threatening people the resident obese welfare mammy told the jew media (after much coaching from Mr Shekel-berg the independent journalist "dat dey wuz havin a birday pauhty for muh welfare che.....I meann keeids n sheeit and dem racys ass crackas comin by to be keepnz us black folks down".
>It's honestly about time that the police took control of America's toddlers.
This is why I shoot niggers in CCTV blackspots.
Everyone but the father was arrested because the father left before the police arrived.
Nigger dads run immediately anyway, surprised he was still there, must have been some free shit.
I want a family now so I can teach them how to shoot things
>MFW born infertile
pre celebration for trumpbux
Show flag
clog up our hospitals and take ICU space from our parents.
I really hate white people so much. Why can't they just leave us alone(not harm us)?
fucking chimps
wait is that actually a daewoo
Go back to africa and you can be around your kind.
*racist white people
Why don't you send me back, white child? You racists are so tough on the internet but cowards on the streets/in-person. I'd break you in half white devil.