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racism is cope.

>TV told me racism is evil
kys moron

fuck chinks, niggers, kikes, and jannies
also fuck pastaniggers

should you be dying of corona or some shit

We’re whatever you want us to be baby

>He hasn't realised Yas Forums is satire

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Yes I am racist, just ask my black friend

are you saying it is not a joke ?

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I wish.

TBF, I hate members of my own race, most.

>wanting to exterminate people just for the color of their skin
>not evil
you literally deserve to be in jail. If I ever met you IRL, I'd certainly give you a piece of my mind. If not a knuckle sandwich, you fr**king racist piece of cr*p

dats waycist

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Chaotic good.

you must be a beaner

Racism is a natural human response to foreign peoples/culture being forced upon you

this is no joke.
we are actually racist, but only on this board, because it‘s political incorrect and allowed.
however, in the real world, we have no balls and don‘t commit crimes and aren‘t racist, because the gubernmint could take aways our tendies

I'm not racist to Italians

Literally you

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I wasn't actually racist until I saw what the shitheads did in Rotherham.

Funny how the only people genocided are the whites so for them to go genocidal is quite a long path but its gonna happen.

>he doesn't live around other races

I envy you

I'm good with just relocating different races to different countries
Niggers to Africa, spics to Central and South America, Asians to Asia and Canada, ect.

If you aren't racist, you are being taken advantage of.

>Funny how the only people genocided are the whites
Yeah... no. I guess you forgot about a little event in history called "The Holocaust"? They didn't teach you about that one in Latvia? (had to check what that flag even was).

Wat level of tard would think it was a joke in the first place? Morons here aren't smart enough to be that complex.

Nobody on this board is racist
We're logical thinkers

>wanting to exterminate people just for the color of their skin
I never said but you did. I just want to live as far away as possible from people who are different than me, not only at the skin level but also culturally. FUCK YOU.

Get out of Canada, you parasite.

>>he doesn't live around other races

Shut up noodle nigger

Wait you guys are actually a joke? I thought I was a racist.

Im racist because im being forced to live and interact with other races by jews and liberals. You made me this way, its your fault.


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I don't have a problem with racism because there's a lot of truth in it but this board is a hellhole full of low IQ monkeys that keep repeating jew and nigger like a broken record.

Who said anything about extermination? Racism is just acknowledging that statistically validated stereotypes exist for a reason.

If your mind immediately goes to genocide, then maybe you're the problem.

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You want a down to earth god honest answer?
i'm not going to go out of my way killing niggers but if i see a group of them on one of the street i'll walk on the other side because they are savage monkeys.
And if you say you wouldn't do the same then at least you wont be racist when you get beat and raped to death by Tyrone and his nigger friends.

>gets raped by muslims
>still isn't racist
I think someone needs more diversity

Racists are just honest.
Everyone that asserts people are the same is lying to themselves.


No no. We are ironicly racists. It just old joke here. Noone remember how it started actually. Dont worry.

>Yas Forums is satire

we transcend race in a way you still think of as racist


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>This coming from a Leaf
Guys... I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaally growing tired of all of this. Every day is the same.

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Broke: The holocaust happened

Woke: the holocaust didn't happen

Ascended: the holocaust happened. And we will finish it

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Mfw the Holocaust never happened, but it should have.

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Han Sani Tai Zer is a good friend of mine
I’m not racist just realist
Reality is racist
Fuck this nigger Jew clown world

>And we will finish it
Give the nuclear launch code and we'll be ready

there are stupid people everywhere you go online or irl, but most of us have discussed the subject to death so rather than beat the dead horse some more, or post our entire "red pills>jews and nigs" folders we just simply say jew and nigger like a broken record

Good now fuck off back to whichever fucking subreddit you come from nigger terrone

It was at first
You'll come around though
We all did

Both are true.
Deal with it, faggot.

*sigh* this fuck'n guy

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Guys i dont wanna cause panic but im starting to think that

Theres a FRENCH in this thread

Quit telling them our secrets

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Racism implies active hate. I don't actually hate any other races as a whole(cultures on the other hand are very easy to hate), I simply want to live a homogeneous white nation.

You don't have to hate someone or something to not want to live with it.

>he forgot spics

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>wanting to put your own first is the same as wanting to kill other people because I said so
>therefore, putting yourself and your family first is wrong because niggers want to put themselves first.
The above is literally what you believe. The only way you could believe something that retarded is if you are stupid or brainwashed.

Nice try. I have roots in Canada since the 1850s.

Racism, by definition, means you think people with different skin colour from yourself are inferior. It is reprehensible and inexcusable.

Care to provide evidence that you'll be attacked if you walk by someone of a certain race? Of course not, there isn't any. Crime is a poverty issue - you are just as likely to experience something like that when walking by poor white people.

That is despicable. Those who glorify the holocaust are willingly supporting an idea that has long since been discarded into the dustbin of history. Why do you want to dig up and defend literal garbage?

Replaced the drink with monster and give him some boomer glasses.

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The word racism can encompass anything, so it is useless. In the end it is just a justification for destroying reputations and censoring the most diverse opinions. Even Richard Dawkings was kicked out of Twitter, and the explanation is that believing in the theory of evolution can fall under "racism".

In every joke

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Hello chang

Racism is a jewish term used to demonize people who protect their people when jews move in. Similar to how jews use the word 'demon' to other the gods of native people and justify violently converting them to cuckstianity.
Respond to . If you can.

im only ironically racist for banter, op.

We joke about *how* racist we are, we don't joke about being racist in the first place. Like, we all know that blacks are pretty dumb and commit crimes at a way higher rate than us but most of us don't actually want to genocide them deep down even if joke about it. It's important to vent extremism in the form of jokes so we can get it out of our system and realize what we actually feel, which is usually a lot more moderate but still very far from politically correct.

eh try not to take pol too seriously, a lot of the ones advocating for violence are lonely edgelords who are just happy for violence because they have nothing else going on. Plenty of racist here but not all of them advocate for violence.

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