AMA I’m a communist

One big question for everyone here:
Why do you all think communism is so bad? Give me reasons.

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Your disgusting meme shows you’re just a disingenuous jew. Fuck off.

I don't know, perhaps the stellar failure rate?

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Better dead than red.

>Dresden Meme

Gayness checks out.

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If communism is so great how come they had to build a wall to keep people in?

Ah yes, making russia a superpower is a failure


Why do you keep trying to shill a failed ideology? it just doesn't work, at all. Communists are habitual liars in order to not look bad in front of their rivals. Communists can't even make good on their promises to give out free stuff to people. All communist states devolve into dictatorships.

Who gives a fuck? They made germany a nd russia woeld powers

>doesnt work
>makes russia a superpower

What gives the government the right to redistribute?

How does consent work?

How much force is required?

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Communism liberated men

y'all gay little right wingers can't even come up with a good shutdown for the OP.

autistic kid tier replies only thread

Exactly. Communism made an agrarian fuedalist country a superpower

Alright. Op is probably a tard, but I’m in for one.

Don’t disappoint me.

After the vanguard party overthrows an existing government either by election or force, what’s to keep it from. Just permanently seizing power like a dictatorship and never fulfilling its promise to the rest of the proletariat, and murder Ing anyone who disagrees, like they did to several hundred of my relatives?

A superpower that people wanted to leave, think about that.

Goim, please! Pay no attention to the Great Purge or Mao's Great Leap Forward.

>murdering anyone
Not murder, but definently stripping power is better

Communism turned an agrarian shitholes (china, russia) into major powers and superpowers


Do you support China?

That is china you retard

You did not answer any of the questions.

Of course

I dont answer republicans

>Mass killings of the nation's enemies is bad!
>Now, let's talk about the Jewish Question and what to do with the minorities in American when we take power.

Fuck off retard. Im arguing here


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Im talking about ussr not germany you absolute aussie fag

Who said anything about republicans?

>Nuke depository with schizoid KGB agent at its half-aborted, aids-infected helm

Is China in the wrong for silencing a whistleblower who declared the virus ahead of time?

Youre a republican retard, like all people with a lower iq than 95

It is fundamentally dysgenic. Dysgenic policies are a crime against nature and the future

Facts don't care about your feelings.

>china protects nation
>bad somehow

Because you are a faggot. now KYS

Retard. They elected your stipid president


I have concerns about resource distribution efficiency and single-party state corruption. However that said communism makes a lot more sense than most of the other 'revolutionary' systems pushed on this site. Hell, the USSR only fell because the United States pumped billions into sabotaging it.

>russia was not a superpower just previous a monarchy.

Nice b8

Want to know how I know you are still in high school? Friendly reminder you have to be 18 years of age to post here.

Op fails at reading comprehension to the point where he’s not worth shutting down. He’s a failure about the same level of the trap remix of the international.

That was shallower than a hot topic Che t shirt. I asked “how do you deal with a vanguard party out of control”. Don’t bother with a follow up. And good luck with all your future endeavors.

how embarassing

>republicans mad

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>2nd largest economy
>not superpower

this is now a butt thread

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Retard. Im 21

lmao post body twink, I bet you do not even lift.

You have issues with mentalitt and miralism

Cringe republican

All the reasons have been submitted by thinkers past. You have ignored them all, leaving only one question left: can I opt out?

>What gives the government the right to redistribute?
Stop moralizing.
>How does consent work?
Stop moralizing.
>How much force is required?
It depends.

Nice meme : )

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Opt out of what?
Im fucking your mother you cant opt out of that u boomer

Sure, I'll feed into it.

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Not surprised

And you got scammed by Bernie again
face it, communists have lost so hard you became a bunch of cucks that get scammed on the regular.


How do you protect your nation by silencing a whistleblower instead of listening to him?

It’s gay and Jewish.


Government and morals go hand in hand bugman. Post flag.



gonna cry?

>gonna cry
Aww britshit shitting his 80 iq shit again

How much force would be applied to force people to opt in?

Where does consent come into play?

t. moralfag

West Taiwan is communist, you thick spit commie