Portuguese, do you consider yourself as mediterranean?

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But you’re not mediterranean but atlantic

The only true meds are south Italians, Greeks and coastal north africans

What about southern Frenchmen and coast of middle East?

>muh geography
We use it as a racial term. You’d rather use the word for an abbo born in Sicily?


Madeira and Mallorca is german now. Deal with it.

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Our culture, food and way of life it's a typical variant of what we call Mediterranean people, Greece, Italy and Spain.
France can have their southern coast Med but they are not.
Geographically we are more "Atlantic"

these people aren't even the same race.

What is mediterranean? by climate? food? phenotype? yes we are.
white atlanto meds essencially, just like you and our climate too

based mutt retard knowing nothing about race or ethnicity

Galician here. What the fuck are we?

Well galicians and portuguese are the same people. I mean castillians are our blood brothers, and then the rest of the other europeans too-
by climate galicia an n portugal are pretty much the same.

based irmao

Are north africans considered meds? If yes, then so are the moortuguese

silence, indio de mierda

You may not know this but by the end of the xix century 1/4 of the lisbon population were galicians. Even this pscho retard killer was galician: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogo_Alves



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silence monkey

I did not know that, thanks user

Spanish and portus are basically the same folk. It is a nonsense we form two different countries.

>coastal north africans

Uninvited invaders who remain there because of Mediterranean good will.

Day by day I'm coming closer to realizing that you're white niggers.

Why do you have such different language then? I for instance dont consider myself the same as norwegian or dane. They are slightly mustier and less elongated faces

Please gibs Iberian Atlano Med girl.

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>different language
There are already up to 4 different languages in Spain. And except basque all of them are very similar.

You guys look so much like us, I felt really at home in Portugal. You guys are Atlantic as fuck

Sure, it is different, but less so than you might believe. Also, while, as you said, ethnic differences can be appreciated between the nordic countries, between us and Portugal, not so much

The languages envolved in a different way, let's say..due reconquista.

Attached: lsi1002020-as0s0d002pp0a01_languages_iberia_recon.gif (480x435, 228.5K)

I had no idea Catalonia was that big wtf. I thought it was around Barcelona only

Catalonia isn't that big, the map isn't really accurate as it mixes catalonian with mallorquin and valencian

Catalonia is just the northeastern corner.

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Unironically portugal is my favorite country. Hope to move there at some point. Unironically Portuguese is the best sounding Euro language

It’s funny because most people in eurocuck countries would consider a nigger born in Italy/Spain/Greece/Sweden etc more Italian/Spanish/Greek/Swedish etc than an American who would be half one of those ethnic groups

That’s because you’re a nigger user

>source: ass

no. drop the paranoia.

Those are mentally ill / brainwashed by the jew.

I guess we will need to do another reconquista bro, this time to expell all south americans (brazilians etc) and blackies that have flood our countries.


I second this

I don't even consider myself European.

Regroup in Asturias or in some Serra and do it again.

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That's because you are not immigrant.

I've been told by multiple Brits that their assorted shades of second generation immigrants are more British than I am, despite my ancestry being wholly from the British Isles. I presume the accent matters more than anything else to them.
It's helped me realize that blood and soil is a meme. Normies only care about soil. Blood is limited to first cousins at most.

I would literally drop what I was doing and come running.

Santiago y cierra!

What did he mean by this?



that's a bit more of understandable (from their optics). maybe that's the case with germans too, I dont know, but it definitely is not the case with italians, spaniards or portugueses

yesss...and singing the old songs of glory

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Those people have been brainwashed. The good news is that their will is so weak that a mild crisis and a fascist with an attractive disposition would flip them in like a week.

Blanca Suárez for anyone wondering her name.


What happens in La rioja? they are so smoooll, they are cute and fine?

why would they be mediterranean if they don't have shores on the mediterranean sea!?!???


Spain is mostly gracile med

Our king (D.Dinis, iirc) straight up changed the language to accentuate differences between castilian and Portuguese, in order to elicit more patriotic feelings from the nation.

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this better be trolling.

Excellent red wine (probably the best in Spain, and that's something) and very good food. Otherwise they usually go under the radar.

well how come you are a nigger if you don't live in Africa

Can you even communicate with each other? Or would a translator be needed?

I dunno if they're mediterranean, but they for sure are not white

Attached: portugal2.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

I can understand Portuguese they have different pronounce but same words it's like swedish and Danish or Norwegian

i love you, spain.

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How come you're an ape but not in a zoo?

Easily, imo. As long as both parties talk slower than normal and try to find synonyms when the other person looks confused.


Espanhóis que não responderem a esta mensagem, a vossa mãe vai morrer esta noite.

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an emu wrote this.

Jeez look at that thing!

You are Portuguese Clay. Seriously i couldent care 2shits if Portugal was anexed to Spain. The people are very well look, lot of blood mix and are 20x better economicaly with far better wages, lower taxes and cheaper stuff overall. Everyone from my family since my Grand Grand parents are Portuguese removing one that was Spanish aka Galician. In the end we are all blood Brothers and sooner i would defend a felow Spanish native then a Nigger with Portuguese nacionality.

We love you too, no matter what D&C niggers and shills say. You are our brothers.

Leave my mum alone

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They're shapeshifters like Jews, they're white when you say iberians aren't white, they're meds when asked, they're brown among whites so they can cry about racism and gibs, and Brazil speaks for itself.

gracile med faces are spread all over the peninsula i believe, not really a pattern

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t. literal criatura

whiter than you, tyrone.

Yeah, my emu's type for me when I'm off designing your cage.
