The saga of Harry the Cụcked continues

The saga of Harry the Cụcked continues

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The fact that the president of america has to tell a low level royal that they won't be protected by a foreign governments security services tells you how much power the royal lizards have

Based Cheetos man, pay up royal scum.

all royalty should be hanged

He has a foot fetish and this sloot is ok with it..

Didn't they say that they would never move to the US as long as Trump is in office?

bros... i'm starting to think this marriage won't last...

They were told the samething in Canada and as a result just left for los angels lol no one wants them.

I cant wait for them to burn through their wealth, slowly sinking lower and lower, having to take some B-Celebrity jobs until finally Big brother or something similar awaits them.

Why would he even ask such a stupid question unless she made him?

Didnt anyone teach this kid how abuse works?
Hes a fucking royal. What the fuck were the royal tutors doing?

meghan and harry are both complete faggotniggers and i hope they perish
>i kan kell ur presidant wit muh steck legally
fuck the "queen", cuckqueen more like it, that nigger bitch actively replaced her people and thinks her little shitty ass title is deserving of any respect, what utter bullocks. I hope that whole family perishes and they all suffer and get skinned alive for the inhumane crime of systemic demographic genocide of their fellow British citizens.
that whole "royal" family is cancer
i hope they all die, bunch of worthless farts who hate their own people

>her being a rude retarded bitch alienated the queen
>there's a 100/100 chance she'll also be the one to divorce him and get ahold of his millions in leftover prince money
>Harry will be cucked to death

All she had to do was eat the finger sandwiches and shut up lol.

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harry is already grovelling for voice acting gigs for meghan so id say theyve hit rock bottom

Why the fuck would anyone move to California? They could have gone anywhere and they pick the worst place possible.


Harry has become intoxicted by the hole

The finger sandwiches are made with the fingers of children user.

as a brit i am glad as we had more than adequate loyalists here more than eager to give their lives for a bullet.
but i guess brits are not allowed anymore huh harry

>be royal
>be rich
Why can’t American tax dollars cover my security fees?

> they moved to the US

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I’ve said it a hundred times in these threads and I’ll say it again:

Prince Harry was blackmailed.

Do you really think Prince Harry was unaware that marrying a black woman tarnished the reputation of the royal family? Why would he do it willingly if he knew the repercussions it would have? Either he’s incredibly stupid or his decision was involuntary.

This leads to one other crucial piece of evidence which strongly suggests that Harry’s choice of marriage partner was involuntary.

He was forced to renounce his royal title. On the surface this seems plausible, but think about it for a second. Would he willingly give up his royal title? Do you honestly think his own relatives (his own flesh and blood) would force him out of the family? Or, do you think it’s more likely his hand was forced by some other all-powerful entity or group?

Which brings us to the next big question - who blackmailed Prince Harry to marry a negress, what could be the motive, and how was it achieved?

Anyone who’s familiar with Jewish history knows one of the central stories of their religion is the story of Jacob and Esau. Put simply, the main enemy of the Jews since the burning of the first jewish temple were identified as descendants of Esau, the Edomites. For those who want a more comprehensive explanation of who the Edomites are I recommend checking out Adam Green on YouTube (just type “Adam Green Edomites” in the search bar).

>Former royal gets told he's on his own
Marvel at the power!

Why in the flying fuck would there even be the possibility that we would pay for their security

I despise these mongrels







they probably want to work in the entertainment industry and be on tv like the attention whores they are


then pay his security fee without complaining you yank fuck

what are you talking about, spastic British man?

Nobody cares about these nobodies, and they believe they need security. Fucking pampered children.


bitch made commoner XD

Why Prince Harry Is ‘Not a Fan’ of President Donald Trump

i'm talking about the obvious fucking cost of another country unreasonably accepting a mf'ing royal in their midst.
dipshit this is unreasonable bollocks happening right now and you can't see it wtf?

shut the fuck up retard

where you at i'll happily fight you and win

This is all true, and the reason is because he's not Charles' son.

Prince Harry the Cuck.

It has a nice ring to it

Here is an excerpt from Esau’s Tears by jewish author Albert Lindemann:

>The notion of a somehow unbridgeable gap between Esau and Jacob, Gentile and Jew, remains central to traditional Jewish perspectives (“Esau always hates Jacob,” “The Messiah will not come until the tears of Esau have been exhausted.”). A comparable sense of the insurmountable obstacles to harmony finds expression among Jews who are less strongly tied to tradition (Raphael Patai: “The hands [are] still Esau’s, and even while trying to help they inflict pain.”5). Jews, whether religious or secular, have long retained negative, apprehensive feelings about Esau, the non-Jew — if not actual aversion or contempt then the kind of pity that one feels for an uncomprehending, potentially dangerous animal. Esau is hirsute, coarse, and brutal; he is the hunter, warrior, the untamed “natural man,” while Jacob is smooth-skinned, delicate, and contemplative, if also wily and capable of ruthless deception in advancing his interests. He is also the “incorrigible overachiever” and forever getting into trouble because of that trait.6 The title “Till Esau’s Tears Are Dried” alludes to these traditional perspectives, with the implication that antiSemitism will not disappear easily; the two identities are too different, and Esau will always feel aggrieved about Jacob’s ingrained characteristics”.

So basically this excerpt explains why jews hate Prince Harry. Because they see him as an embodiment of Esau and the Edomites, sworn enemies of the Jews since the destruction of the Jewish temple.

The media even reported that the matchmaker who set up Prince Harry with Meghan was jewish:

Considering what we know about jews and what’s written on their own books, does it really seem so far fetched?

Wtf Americans told me they don't have commie blocks

Muppets like you are probably the reason he wants to leave Britain.

hes common. no one is special anymore

>random biblical crap with no relevance to anything contemporary

>So basically this excerpt explains why jews hate Prince Harry. Because they see him as an embodiment of Esau and the Edomites, sworn enemies of the Jews since the destruction of the Jewish temple.

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what is this retard doing?

Americans don't like Royal cunts

Why does Trump hate the Royal family so much? Is he jelly and threatened??

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The queen hates nignogs tho.

Why do we keep calling him "Prince" Harry? Isn't he just Harry Windsor now?

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why's that you absolute retard

Because he’s completely sold out to the Jews and married into a Jewish family. He’s a racial cuckold

>bro it was 1998 but i'm still fucking mad

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They can stay in my basement and I will provide them security. Gonna setup a dank onlyfans account and manage them.

"Rain, snow, or 'rona... I'm gonna be on the cona."
~your whore mother
*have ur whore mother pay. thanks broke bloke.

Pretty sure he's not part of the royal family anymore.

Why don't they just go back to England?
>ohhh rightttttt.... mommy gave the oildriller das boot

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do you think he regrets it all

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Everyone knows he is a bi guy. Probably prefers men like the rumor say. Just a blackmail/convenience marriage. Probably went horribly wrong for him and turned full blackmail so he is her bitch now

pay his fucking security fee or fuck off cunt.
you won't pay it 'cus your united states is currently on a self-smelling fart spree

He wishes he was Irish m8.

They can play themselves on FOX cartoons for the next fifty years. I hear Seth MacFarlane pays well.

I think they realised that means they would have to wait until 2024

why? i wonder.
because we didn't want IRA help during the troubles you absolute unfair melt?
get yourself there asap
not a bad place to be for your shite there

They're already well-hung...

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U sound guilty Af, like U want them dead. Calling the cops They broke his penis through obstacle theatre

>bro let's bomb a random pub cus of the troubles then convince pol it's based

I hate these cunts

no you fucking irish wannabe cunt kys
>fucking ameriyanks are cringe

You need to chill, there's no such thing as royalty in the 21st century. Go brush your teeth.

When you are a prince you are told that you are superior to everyone else.
35 years of that being enforced makes you think everyone will do exactly as you say because you're a prince.
He knows nothing else other than Yes Harry.

>bro let's send guns to the IRA then tell brit posters we're based
no you don't you absolute cunts at politics

Cut the dosage and see a dentist. Bye hoe

fuck royalty
he should put in for an alien weapon permit, or just have his wife carry.

What are you going on about? Don't be so easily wound up.

Why the fuck would anyone think we would pay for some b-list celeb's security?

ameriwanker just go away we've had way past enough by now ty

if i was you i'd be demanding the throttling of all catholic cunts on a public stage

Stupid cunt was desperate to marry someone, he was hitting on Margot Robbie before her. She’s successfully leveraged him into a Disney job

At the end of the theatre the imagination will present the Europe vagina with shit smeared and herpe and the mixed girl with roses

He's a bastard cuckspawn, not a royal.

this whole tweet/article/thread is so stupid
they never asked for help
>President Trump tweeted Sunday that the U.S. government will not pay for Prince Harry and Meghan's security if the royal couple move to Los Angeles as reported.
>A spokeswoman for the royal couple said the family had not asked for any help.
>“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have no plans to ask the U.S. government for security resources. Privately funded security arrangements have been made,” the spokeswoman said.

1) jews are obsessed with biblical crap to the point where they base their entire lives around it. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s crap. What matters is what THEY believe.
2) it does have a bearing on contemporary works since jews believe white Europeans are a rebellious strain of the edomite bloodline. They want to destroy the “rebellious” strain and assimilate the rest of the white race. In other words, to purge the edomite ringleaders/potential threats.

Here are the facts:
-Trump is the most pro-Zionist President ever
-His son in law Jared Kushner is part of the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic movement
-Ivanka has converted to Orthodox Judaism
-Trump’s grandson was circumcised in a traditional Jewish ceremony
-Bill Gates’ daughter is married to a Saudi Arabian Muslim.
-Jews/Turks/Saudis who control the Middle East are working together to merge the Western Hemisphere with the east. How do they intend to achieve this? Through forced vaccinations and draconian population controls. Trump and Gates are forming political family alliances with our new Semitic masters in exchange for helping the transition take place. What do they get out of it? wealth and power.
-The coronavirus isn’t real. This can be proven by simply pointing out that blood donations in hospitals are still ongoing despite the risk of transmission and there has been no attempt by hospitals to filter out infected blood samples. This proves either that the medical authorities are criminally negligent or the virus is a hoax.
-There are no separate Jewish factions vying for control. Everything is centralised. Hence the pyramid on our one dollar bills. The Rothschilds sit at the top of the pyramid followed by the council of 13 followed by the council of 300. Although many powerful Jews have differences of opinion they all answer to a higher authority.
-The last 70 years have been an ongoing effort to deracinate white people so jews can take over.



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look at that get up, this fucker is like dudley
moore in arthur but he gave up the money like
a red haired fucktard.

>Let's marry a divorcee actress whose Hollywood parents divorced when she was six years old
>What could go wrong
How long do you wager until she's on divorce #2?

A royal single mom. There's a thought.

Pff. The queen probably asked Trump to make sure Harry's shit is pushed in.

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>if i was you i'd be demanding the throttling of all catholic cunts on a public stage

You do realise I'm Catholic you psycho.

>Pff. The queen probably asked Trump to make sure Harry's shit is pushed in.
Does this mean that the Queen is confirmed as having Trump locked down as a pussy licker on command?

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Have you seen her disgusting feet?

It says in the (((Zohar))) that the messiah will not arrive until the tears of Esau stop flowing. Esau was a hunter with red hair who was the favourite of his father Isaac. But according to jewish eschatology his brother (Jewish patriarch Jacob) stole his birthright through trickery. Esau reclaimed his birthright then went on to join forces with the Romans and completely BTFO the jews and tore them a new asshole and destroyed their temple. (((They))) have sworn a vengeance ever since. If you don’t believe me, read a copy of Esau’s tears by jewish author Albert Lindemann. This also explains why gingers are continuously getting black washed in the media.

Jews view redheads as symbolic of Esau, Edom, and Edomites (and their descendants). This is why you’re seeing the blackmail of Prince Harry, his negrification, and forced renunciation of his titles. Jews fear the retribution of Esau.

Once he redhead bloodline is extinguished, jews intend to merge the Jewish bloodline with the pure white bloodline, creating a new Aryan-jewish hybrid ruling caste (see: DJT, ivanka, Jared and his grandchildren).

Fuck bongland, fuck their faggy redheaded cuck and his nigger wife