White identity Rising: HOW TO STOP IT?

In 2020 there is NO place for Whiteness.

As a nation America must shed whiteness so we can all live. If you don't agree, shove it.

"White identity" makes zero sense. It's time for a unified humanity with NO tribes. Borders are fake bullshit.

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kill yourself kike filth


This is a mixed girl. Mixed is better. Pure White is a joke.

Grow up racists.

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This clown again. The circus must be in town.

I'm ownin you nazis.

>In 2020 there is NO place for Whiteness.
A good place to start would be to stop proving them correct.

He’s clearly an alt tighter playing the part of a helpless desperate lefttard

no hes a self admitted kike and has been making these threads for years

Are you a monarchist or what

If I was a kike, and my plan was to kike the board the one thing I wouldn’t admit to is being a Jew. That makes manipulating people’s minds a lot harder when they know your plan and what you want

go back to lurking

The kikes are hivemind like bees now are they? Or was that one kike on her own perhaps making a bad error for the portion of kikes that have her plan in mind

why do you keep bumping this thread?
and you are referring to spectre? What I linked has alot more jews than just her.

You’re no better than commies. There’s no chance for libertarians in a multicultural hellscape.

Hey mate, say hi to your sister for me

no asshole


I can’t watch any of the videos you’re linking me. Blindery things won’t open. Only the Jews on the farthest right want a white genocide and take all of that seriously. It’s about the percentage of white people that are on the far right. If it was more than a fringe that left wing Jew faggots would be whistle blowing. Jews are fine, except for the elites and ones that aren’t

If you want to give up the ethnocentrism nature gifted you so you and your kin could survive ... That's fine with me.

My proud white brother s and our families will take your land when you go extinct.


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>Only the Jews on the farthest right want a white genocide and take all of that seriously.
that is a complete lie, the genocide of the white race is a religious tenant in Judaism.
>left vs right
more kike garbage.
why do you keep bumping this thread? your partners with op?

Yeah, that PC white guilt bullshit is over post Covid19. It had a good run but sadly the show must end.

Normies are pissed. White pride is rising. Get use to it.

Pretty sure all the origin story of Yas Forums is white so you don't go somewhere create you gay shit in your gay idiom in your non-existence national PC language, in your non-existent culture.
You are literally trash AIDS, OP.

dude kys

so? man kys nazi

Not a chance, man. This is an amazing time to be alive.


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Your pain fills me with hope - lifts my spirit - puts a smile on my face. Feed me more.

why homo

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Lol why are you using a tripcode? Are you a fag?


Ok so even if you are a baitposter, I'll bite. I love my whiteness, and I'm about to marry a white woman who is equally as racist as me. How does that make you feel? Because we plan on having at least 3 kids.

Also tell me your political stance, based on your memeflag and tripcode. I request you tell me exactly what political positions you hold.

>I love my whiteness

Are you a jewish supremacist like me? I find it fascinating the way they dominate the media. I tell everyone how good they are at it its very inspiring.


Right now - there are millions upon millions of white people stewing in their anger, undistracted by the circuses, worried about their bread, pacing in their houses... And thinking...oh, man are they thinking. About what?? ALL the bullshit they've put up with to appease the PC kike agenda - even if they don't know it's a kike agenda.

And the longer they stew, the more they remember how we got to where we are, the angrier they get.

The beast has awoken from its slumber

Enjoy your demise :)

"MUH WHITE IDENITY" is not an argument

you should just stfu, coexist and mix


grow up pol

Not true.
The president of cnn, a Jew named Zucker.
The president of NBC, Noah Oppenheim,
Cbs pres is susan zrinsky.
Richard Collier is fox.

Simply an amazing people. I hope my people will someday be as successful as theirs, but for now i must concede inferiority. Almost makes one jealous

Ignore this attention whore - he's a mentally unwell mischling with an identity crisis who hates the idea of white people having a true identity.
The concern trolling over racism is just a smokescreen for his insecurities

Look at that, Yas Forums. That's fear. Can you smell it? Smells good. Invigorating.

Great Thread. I'm ridin' with biden to prevent evil white supremacy.

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>No such thing as a white country.

You're correct. Jews have ua bwat there too. For israel is a Jewish nation, a nation that takes pride in its racial roots.

They even convince americans to die in their wars against their neighbors. Its brilliant when you think about it. Just lwt the Christian nations kill the Muslim nations. 2 birds with one stone. Very clever.

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Digits say otherwise, phaggot.

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you sound jelly as hell loser

I went to a school where more than the half of my class wasn't white and I can tell you that the whites had better grades and were better students than the other blacks and muslims, asians were the less present but were the best in most domain except in sports.
People around the world have different cutlture and rules. Trying to fit people who have no respect for women in a society where they're respected (maybe a bit to much) will only cause troubles.
In comparison with other cultures, western europeans have more respect for human life than most others, value science and technological progress and do stupid things like eating strange animals and spreading disease or taking poo and piss bath.

White people and some asians > mudslims and niggers

Biden isn't all bad

I am radical centrist.

Biden and Trump are both ANTI EXTREMIST centrist. So both OK.

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Your sister gave me AIDS, you might want to get checked.

I own you white idenitards 24/7.

Suck it faggot.

she has herpes


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But now i'm chinese

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Because she spent to much time with Muhamad and Mamadou.

>White identity Rising
oh...in memes.
have fun.

>>White people and some asians > mudslims and niggers
she is racist it's why I hate her

she will only date white trash redneck losers she thinks are "alpha"

in the braindead minds of butthurt idiots who feel upset about diversity.

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Why do you hate Biden?


He is a successful openminded human being

He doesn't even know where he is half the time. It was funny at first but now it's just sad

He's a good person loser he's just tired


I'm curious why do you make such prominent note of that date?
Is it related to the American Revolution which was a Revolution made by racist white identitarians

Those men were helping to break down more idenity moron

it was advanced in 1776

Start a

>”It’s NOT okay to be White!”

Poster campaign