So lemme get this straight:

So lemme get this straight:
70 IQ South Africa can have a high speed rail, but we can't?

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Honest, question. Why do you want it?

We have to pay for the one in South Africa first dipshit


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Fuck off shill we need to support Israel to piss off the libs and make muslims mad. That is where the money goes. Rather have it go to Israel than libs who want to ride trains in cities

>nice shit hole country you have there
>it would be a shame if I raped it of all natural resources
>and build you a chink train to play with.

Do you want to be crammed into a metal box with 50 people right now?

Truth be told I probably wouldn't use it for pleasure travel but when I need to fly out of my closest major airport (San Francisco) which is a six hour drive for me, it would save me a lot of trouble having to make that drive and also having to pay to park my car at the airport.

>Fuck off shill we need to support Israel to piss off the libs and make muslims mad.

fucking cowards and traitors who dont pay respect to the american flag >>:-(((

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Trains are for niggers.

This. Some towns deliberately close down their metro stations when too many niggers start taking the train.

Like high-speed rail would ever go to Modoc county.

I see your point but I live in Jackson County Oregon and we have train tracks here.

Sout Africa is the size of Texas and Oklahoma combined, retard. To have a system of high speed rail throughout the continental US would cost trillions on trillions of dollars, especially considering high speed rail cars can't run on regular train tracks. So then you're talking about the cost of replacing regular rail with high speed, and that's even more trillions of dollars. Finally you're talking about the cost of having all our rail lines out of service for a few years while it's being constructed, the cost to American commerce and industry would be devastating, even more trillions. When you consider the fact that the vast majority of Americans have access to cars/cities with a population of over 50,000 have regional or large international airports servicing them, it's completely unnecessary to have high speed rail in the US.

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States don't have enough taxpayer money I imagine, and there's already airlines that provide similar service.

the chinese built the train

Trains would make sense within a single state or multiple small states; perhaps in New England plus New York. Like, how would you go from Boston to New York if you needed to?

>Like, how would you go from Boston to New York if you needed to?
a car

>South Africa
That's where all the whites in Africa are

Public transportation is for cucks

Isn't there an international airport in Medford?

Youre saying it would cost to replace the current rails but thats incorrect. Because our current rails aren't set up as passenger lines. So in reality we would need to build entirely new lines, and possibly just build them side by side with the existing rails which would mean having to reconfigure the layout of roads and shit too.

Also why would we want to ship niggers at high speeds across the US anyways?

Use your head dumbfuck. They're not gonna have a train going out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Rail transportation is only ever for going from one large city to another. Things like high speed rail make more sense in smaller countries (like south Africa) where you get more bang for your buck in terms of the % of the country covered, but in America we're too damn big geographically that's why we don't have it. You wouldn't get the return on investment with travelers. They're not putting a station 6 hours away from San Francisco if that's your closest metropolitan area.

do you really want to move brown people around, faster?

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>mass transit
It's like you want to die.

we have that train it is called the accela. People just fly because it is less of a pain.


Take a look at the japanese Shinkansen. That's high speed rail.
Take a look at the french TGV. That's high speed rail.
Take a look at the chinese HSR. That's high speed rail.

This absolute mongrel of a train wouldn't even qualify for low-tier suburban transport in France.

Sage and bait. Fuck the USA and its niggerish population.

the chinese built that train you faggot it is as good as the current Chinese HSR. But pro-tip avoid the escalators.

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We don't need a transcontinental trail, just major ones within our states. Reducing the need for cars just to go city to city or at least major metros would make a world of difference.

All high speed rail lines lose money except for Paris-Nice and Tokyo-Osaka.

Do you think a high speed rail line connecting every city is feasible? America's too big and it's faster to fly.

Well, a high-speed train could bring you there 1.5-2 times faster and with more comfort in the sense that you don't have to do anything, you just sit and ride.

The Chinese built it for them.

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>perhaps in New England plus New York. Like, how would you go from Boston to New York if you needed to?

they already have that, dipshit.

Strange because a train would take like 2 hours which is less than you'd spend just in the airport. Unless the train has shit schedule or course then yes.

It already exists shitlord

>Things like high speed rail make more sense in smaller countries (like south Africa) where you get more bang for your buck in terms of the % of the country covered
This is stupid.

>San Francisco
the absolute state of Caliniggers

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Yes but "Medford International Airport" is misleading. A few of their planes might go to Canada or Mexico but they don't even allow full-on 747 type planes to land.
If I was headed to somewhere in Europe I'd have to take a connecting flight to SFO which would be more expensive than both driving or taking a train.

Nigger Egyptians had flying pyramids. Why can’t we? I’ll even put rims and purple paint on mine.

>Because our current rails aren't set up as passenger lines

i didn't even know there was a difference between them. unless you mean signalling and such.

It's worse than this nigga train.

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I'm just breaking your balls, Pierre.
Europeans don't seem to drive as much as we do.

This country is a shithole.

Fuck off fake Montana

> On the 231 mi (372 km) section from Boston's South Station to New York's Penn Station, the fastest scheduled time is 3 hours and 30 minutes, or an average speed of 66 mph (106 km/h).
This is not enough high-speed. Good average speed should be like 200km/h. Then the question is what's the schedule.

Because it’s FUCKING COOL, what more reason do I need?

Always the same dumbass replies from Americans

Engineered and built by white South Africans because its safer than having retarded niggers driving. Theres your answer.

China can do it, just shows the US is dying

Fuck high speed rail. We need to keep the niggers in the cities.

only niggers ride trains

Cityfag posts are always so cringe.

Why do you want the government to spend 300 million building a high speed train when it could be spent on other things? Argue instead of being a condescending asshole. Fucking asshole americans I hate you all.

China build them a train because they are raping their country for minerals. Do I really need to spoon feed you fucking commie retard?

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>it could be spent on other things


usa doesnt dig minerals?

Honest, question... Why don't we have it? Amtrak Acela does not count either due to route tracks not capable of supporting 160 mph and using "tilting" trains.

Funny how countries we laugh at tend to have more updated and modern infrastructure like HSR than us.

Ok, I looked it up. So it takes fucking 4 hours and there are like 4 trains per day. If this is a normal schedule and not some coronavirus emergency one, this is a very bad train.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-30 Amtrak - Train Schedules - Select Route.png (1377x457, 33.15K)

If it wasn't for towelheads who did 911, I think flights wouldn't suck so hard that trains had a train to become a better choice even here in Europe

Some state is letting japs build it for them but only for them, don't remember which one.

>liked and upvoted

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Only niggers want mass transit. Nigger.

kikes did 911. nobody except kikes is low enough to take out trains.
kikes love trains. act accordingly.

people have already explained it numerous times. the US is entirely too fucking large and WAY too spread out to have high speed rail going from one end to the other without it costing MASSIVE amounts of money. planes and cars are much cheaper. simple as.

>closest major airport (San Francisco) which is a six hour drive for me
You're full of shit. A 6hr radius around SF is basically everywhere from Oregon, to Nevada, to LA.
You have numerous other options you can take.


The north east regional is not the accella express. Accella express takes 3 hours and runs about a dozen times a day.

Don't forget 25 kV feeder stations, substations, and neutral catenary section that requires the federal government to realize our power grid is an ancient piece of shit needing TRILLIONS in overhaul to support cities, high speed rail, and the nation.

Look at French TGV cab video. Look at how many substations there on your average route from Bordeaux to Paris. That shit was done in the 90's while we can barely build sections here in California.