Tfw you will never be a real American
>Tfw you will never go hunting for Grizzly bears and Elk with your AR-15
>Tfw you will never go fishing for Alligator Gar with your buddies
>Tfw you will never vote for the GOP, drive a pick-up truck, and listen to Alex Jones and Ted Nugent, like a true patriot of the Republic.
>Tfw you will never fly the flag of the red, white, and blue on your private property
>Tfw you will never blame liberals and CNN and Fake News
>Tfw you will never live in true red-blooded states like Wyoming, Montana, Texas, and Arkansas.
>Tfw you will never be a good Christian and marry your high school sweetheart with your pastor's blessing
>Tfw you will never thank the Marines for their service
>Tfw you will never spend an entire night with your good buddy traveling to White Castle in a different state after a famous Hollywood actor steals your vehicle.
>Tfw you will never experience Yuropoor jealousy over your guns and freedumbs
>Tfw you will never fight against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to protect the constitution and the legacy of the founding fathers.
>Tfw you will never live in the greatest country in the world.
Tfw you will never be a real American
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The land is beautiful no doubt. Traveling across america without military check points between states is a freedom that may not exist in coming years.
The America you described is dead, absolutely dead and you are witnessing it yet are in denial. Now is the time to fight with the resistance so you can bring back what you described.
You don't hunt grizzly and elk with an AR-15, 30.06 minimum.
He’s a Muhammad give him a break
>hunting grizzly bears with an AR-15
I know poms don't know shit about guns but come on mate you could make an effort. This is embarrassing.
Nothing in the world can stop an AR-15.
What about another AR-15?
An immovable object meets an unstoppable force.
america is a failed european experiment
sample population of rats of a mixed origin
Americans can't even save themselves, 140k cases and rising.
100 bucks says America will pull out of Asia, Europe and the Middle East within the year.
Lying communist gub grabber
Well first off thank you for being a burgerboo, I always appreciate America fanboys, but you should really focus on being the best Bong you can be and unfucking your own country.
Although you're English, so if you immigrate here within a generation or 2 your kids will be indistinguishable from actual founding stock Americans. White immigrants are OK.
You are a chink.
You can have all those freedoms plus some if you get your people to support the only thing that can save them: the right to keep and bear arms.
A necessary framework for potential actions taken in Minecraft.
American here, hello
Why tf do you even WANT to be an American? I've lived here all of my life, and I've committed to move out to another country as soon as I finish high school or college.
I'm deciding if the country I should live in will be either Japan or Lebanon.
Anyways, I hate this country. Most of the people here live uncultured and consumerist lives, and the people here sure are stupid.
I go to a high school with people who think Europe and Africa are countries.
Anyways m8, you should be glad that you don't live in this shit country. My biggest issue with this place is how uncultured and stupid the people are, also the food here is fucking unhealthy. Our politics is a back and forth between two major elite st parties, and everyone is fine with it.
>bear arms
Based and Republic pilled.
You sound suspiciously like a gun-grabbing commie that hates freedom and the spirit of 1776. John Wayne would never say the things you've just said.
Watch this:
Ar 15 is poor choice for hunting bear and elk. You want 7mm
Watch this.
Assuming you're not a troll, why Lebanon? Why not focus on unfucking your own people and culture instead of being a migrant?
I've done all of these things minus the bear hunt. Also, an AR-15 will not stop a bear unless its a koala, faggot.
Which famous actor stole your vehicle on your journey to White Castle?
A grizzly boi can
thank you for your service
I am not a troll, the reason why I'm considering Lebanon is because I am Lebanese (Lebanese Russian 50/50 mix to be exact), and I have family there.
Then you should go there. That's where your roots are, that's where you belong. Also no offense but you never were an American. Best of luck in your new homeland, my man.
There isn't a White Castle within 800 miles of my house. I have always wanted to try those little burgers tho. I'll stop in next time I'm in Nashville.
Thank you for your kind words, but why you say ''I was never an American'? My nationality IS American, do I have to see myself as America in order to be one?
>>Tfw you will never be a good Christian and marry your high school sweetheart with your pastor's blessing
Ok there schlomo.
by that logic there are no americans.
I dunno, I was being arrogant for a second. I'm in character, you know? How long has your family lived here? I don't consider post 1965-immigrants to be truly American in the same way that people whose ancestors fought in the revolution and settled the frontier are. I mean you do have a point, this country is filled with retards, fat fucks, and consoomers. What part of the US did you live in and how much did you travel?
what if i told you that the UK as well as every other nation on earth will have chances to reset in the future due to collapse? If it happens in your lifetime then fight to be like us.
Bros, I just want to go fishing and hunting in Wyoming and bring back my catch to eat. Is that too much to ask?
You can buy microwave ones at the grocery store. White Castle is overrated. Just tastes like little packets of grease.
Real men eat Wendy's.
fudd boomer detected
You can get an ar15 in .458 socom
I'd say it's time for science, but I double either of you can get your hands on an AR-15.
you should have a really sad face, cause even americans wont get this things
DACA? More like... BAKA!
You are going to want an ar-10 for elk and grizz.
I’m comfortable with that.
>hunting grizzly bear and elk with an AR15
Nature always finds a way.
How about a grenade launcher?
Dude on YouTube took down a blackbear with a .625 blowgun
This if you wanna be american so bad at least go and visit them once and see how it is there its not like the how the movies and media portray it as that is for sure. Get ready to be shocked.
I remind myself frequently how grateful I am that I live in this country. Everything is so readily available, I can buy a house someday, and I can move to a variety of different places while staying in the country.
>brainwashed by media to think that AR-15s are some violent, high caliber weapon capable of slaughtering bears and other huge beasts
Hahahaha the absolute state of gunless retards
>Tfw you will never go hunting for Grizzly bears and Elk with your AR-15
5.56 on a grizzly? I don't think so Nigel.
Shots fucking fired lol
It’s still there, but only in remote corners. It’s weird, the empty and wide open spaces used to be so big. Everything feels so small now.
Used to be that you’ll drive through tiny ag depots that were barely towns in West Texas that are now all modernized and urbanizing rapidly, they even have rush hour in the northwestern panhandle. Shitty barbed wires fence staked out in the 20s and left for decades is now replaced with legitimate fencing that runs for miles and miles. The small places are filling up, there are still some small places out there but I don’t give them more than 5-10 years
Underage b&
Technically. Honestly I just keep getting mad at all these anchor baby cholo faggots who identify more with their home countries and bitch about white privilege, that shit made me a WN with WASP elitist tendencies. I dunno, I'm just being reactive. You should try seeing some other parts of the country, might change your mind might not. Honestly even amongst huwhites, the US isn't really a country as as much as it is 10-15 cultures that share a sociopolitical system.
Christians have pastors, wtf are you talking aboot maple man.
No. The logic is that anyone who came here since WW2 did so because they wanted the nice stuff we had, not because they believe in things like liberty and the Constitution. The mentality of a frontier-era immigrant was totally different. They came here to work hard and build civilization out of wilderness. Back then hard work meant you lived at the edge of civilization, built your own house out of wood you cut down yourself, and spent all day clearing land with hand tools and fighting off wild animals and savage Indians. Today immigrants think hard work means you sit behind a convenience store counter with air conditioning.
Maybe you're a coward? I would take down a grizzly with an AR-15.
Which is a short range round fucktwat. An AR is not a long range gun in any circumstance. 200 yards is not long. 300 yards is not long. Your pattern at 400 yards with an AR is not the size of a coke can.
TFW you post all this Yank patriotism from a UK IP.
I live in France and habve literally done most of those things. The village I live in is armed to the teeth.
We have distinct hunting and fishing seasons. During hunting season the sound of high caliber rifles and shotguns echoes round the valleys.
I've been to America several times and all I've seen is degeneracy, fat people and stupid people. The rave I went to in Texas though was pretty great though. My American GF was going nuts because I was having a friendly chat with a State Trooper while being high AF on a cocktail of illegal drugs. He was a nice guy. Shame he couldn't join us.
Most valid answer. Earn the freedom, otherwise you don't own it.
come here brah