HBO's Westworld was not Created by Jews

What does /pol think of the HBO series Westworld? I'm stuck in quarantine, looking for worthwhile entertainment and don't trust normie or media reviews.

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season 1 was good
season 2 was shit
season 3 will be super shit.

watch season 1

They're all robots. Don't get caught up on the color of their skinsuits.

Might as well be. That show is Jewish as fuck and full of degenerecy.

>prominent hollyjew production
>not created by jews
lmao shut the fuck up normalfag

it's kino
watch everything

>worthwhile entertainment
you won't find it from hbo.

>Might as well be. That show is Jewish as fuck and full of degenerecy.

You mean the same degeneracy that probably everyone on this board would participate in were Westworld actually a real thing?

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user, just play Fallout New Vegas, that's what I've been doing for the last 2 weeks.

OP is an idiot who doesn't understand how anything works. American mainstream entertainment with exceptions = Jews. The issue isn't Jewishness per se but the ideology. Anyone can concert to and carry water for this ideology. Counterexample: Dennis Prager is 100% Jewish to include religiosity and he's not a part of this ideology.

Post ur new Vegas screenshots, the super gay ones


i liked season 1 and didn't watch season 2 because i was tired of robot cowboys. season 3 seems ok because its robot takeover

Maybe it should have been made by Jews
Jews made Mad Men and The Wire and Deadwood and those are actually good shows

K, give me some 5 to 10 minutes

>Jew Jew Abrams is connected to it
Yeah, no.

It has to be made by jews. HBO is 100% jewish. It’s a jewish company

The show was created by Christopher Nolan's brother and his wife (both goys).


> Paying to watch fornication brainwash

Watch Transparent. It is literally Yas Forums the show.

Ive been doing my architecture project and playing animal crossing

>Prof on zoom: user you really need to step up the productivity here
>Me on toilet: hey prof shut up with that and get a load of this BRAAAAAAAAAPPL oh man you gotta see this prof *picks up phone and reverses cam*

Exactly! This is the realization I came to recently. It's all about CHOICE! That's essentially what culture is anyways....the collective CHOICES made by a group of people over time. There can be the most blonde-haired, blue-eyed paragon of whiteness in existence, but if that individual chooses to support communism, Islam, or Judiasm, then they are automatically my enemy. Likewise, someone may be born with some small percentage (or hell, even a large percentage) of non-white or even Jewish blood, but if they choose to uphold Western values and culture, Christian morals, and be a decent human being, then I'm willing to accept them. DNA doesn't matter nearly as much as CHOICES do. At the end of the day, I believe that we aren't going to be judged based on how good of a member of a specific group we were.....each of us will stand (or fall) on our own based on the CHOICES we made as INDIVIDUALS.

>not jews


Boycott all jewish industries

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watch the terror based af

First Season is pretty good but don't bother with anything after that.

The new dark crystal was okay, rather based actually.

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this. the quality went way fucking down in season 2, that season was boring as shit


>happy guy goes into fake cowboy world for fun
>stays for a long time
>disgusted at what humanity does to the robots for "fun"
Pretty based

They didnt create shit. It was a book or a movie first.

pretty much this. season 1 is good but season 2 involves too many scenarios where the robots should be completely wiped out but only survive due to the humans being retards

Season 1 is absolute pure kino and can stand alone as its own self-contained story. I highly recommend it.

Season 2 is a nosedive. It tries too hard to be '2 deep 4 u' and just ends up being a confused dumb mess. That said, ep 8 is fantastic.

Season 3 is not complete yet. The only thing I can say so far is that it's not season 2 - take that as either an insult or compliment, it's all a matter of perspective.

Garbage, especially season 2

Read books

Well look at our history. We’ve allowed parasites like Jews and negroes to continue to exist. Clearly we’re descended from idiots.

Download : the expanse and some stargate

I don't think they'd actually planned to be picked up for a second season, that's why the story quality dropped so much. They saw season 3 coming at least so they planned a little better.

New season has anti nazi propaganda in it.
Might be a bait and switch. oldest jew trick in the jew book

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It's full of ugly niggers. If you can tolerate this, then I agree season 1 was good.

The first few seasons of The Expanse were better, the niggers feel less out of place in sci fi they're just brown aliens instead of green ones. It only gets ridiculous when the badass Martian Marine is a fat mystery meat woman. The latest season was unwatchable shit tho.

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This is taking longer than expected, my pc looks like it's about to start a nuclear meltdown but don't worry, i'm going to get those gay screenshots one way or another.

>not created by Jews

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its occult, jews are heathen scum so they just externalize these patterns for you to absorb and mimic
Its a good watch for someone who knows what to look for and why and how they do these vile abominations.

The moment we get any competent popular sci fi the jews swarm all over them.

Take ur Time. I like your screenshots. DO you havet a bf btw?

the expanse is pretty good. I never liked that the 'texan' was basically iraqi though i did like the actor. can't stand the chick in your pic.

The whole show is basically the writers trying extremely hard to confuse you and keep you guessing, just to pull out another epic twist. it's Lost tier, there is no story or plot, just "what epic twist will come next??"

Does the idea of an empowered sheboon messiah fucking whitey up appeal to you? Do you like big black dicks, and copious shots of naked niggers? Do you hate white men? You'll love Westworld.

Most people do not know what the show really is about. The creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy practice occult wisdom. The show deals with the occult and the teachings about enlightenment and duality. It's full of symbolism.
Requires blood sacrifice.

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>Lost tier
Lost was great for the first few seasons

Unironically a turkish tv show in Netflix, if get past the bs the show is pretty good and shows good values in it like self-sacrifice for the greater good,Nation, Family etc... It bafles me that we are watching degenerate gay jewish shit while the turks are shown how to love their nation and sacrifice themselfs to protect it, give a shot.

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spbp. Season 1 was actually quite good. After that everything went to shit. Season 2 is complete cringe and basically unwatchable (way worse than the final season of GoT). Some of the worst acting I've ever seen.

Read the Darth Bane trilogy you fucking NPC

The name of the show is WOLF.

Im on S1E5 and it's pretty based. I couldn't control myself and watched a few minutes of S3E1, and it seemed to have jumped the shark by that point.

The blonde chick is SMOKING HOT.

>t. someone who never watches TV but got HBO for quarantine

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this series is an allegory for reincarnation and gnosticism

Ahhh I can't screenshot New vegas, no idea why, will put screenshot from my last eu4 game.
>do you have a bf
I'm... i'm straight... but don't have a gf.

I agree, I loved it. but then they kept piling on the twists until there was no logical way to tie up all loose ends

Watch Futureworld.

Based and Rutgerpilled.

This, also watch person of interest, Nolan really did a good job on that compared to westworld.

The director dude let his wife take over in S2. I wish I had a vagina. Easy mode.

"Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse"
The mods fucked me, i'm so sorry user, I have failed you

Aww so ur not the other Uruguay user

i fuck a russian escort once that look like evan rachel wood
too bad she doesn't let me raw her

Its okay. Kinda wished u were the other Uruguay user. The One who post the Lil mermaid pics

Yeah, that guy might get fucked, he lives in the capital where corona is most prevalent, tho he was posting here on Yas Forums just a few hours ago.

Evan Rachel Wood got her start in Hollywood at 14 or 15 playing a thirteen year-old thot.

I ran into the intro of the expanse and I decided I will watch it. I was worried since the first protomolecule scene but since then I accepted that the story contains these shitty elements. If I make peace with the fantasy/mystery/non-scifi stuff, then I guess I don't have much agains the latest season.

Interestingly I think the shittiest actor in the whole thing is the guy playing Holden, who is basically the main guy. I find this funny and irritating at the same time.

lel it's all about muh STRONK INDPENDENT WYMYN and oppressed minorities

For me it’s Dolores

a world like westworld...Raping and killing would be define. We all need that.

This explains everything about Season 2. Everything went full sjw and script-by-committee-of-roasties-who-think-people-talk-like-twitter-irl in season 2.

He is kinda cute though. In a goofy spergy way