
If white people evolved to become smarter because of cold climate, why are Canadian eskimos not the most high iq race?

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Why are eskimos not the master racxe?

Considering all of the newfags we have here, this thread is actually a good one. The consensus of academics is that geography and climate are those things which solely dictate how humans turn out, and they link it to ideas evolutionary ideas. There are many, many, many holes in their theory, and it is also requires a backward and wrong understanding of history.

Goldilocks zone of climates

Late migration of virgin weaklings fleeing Asian continent chads

Thanks man, so you think the "whites are smarter than blacks because they evolved in colder climates" meme repeated on Yas Forums is bogus? What is you theory?

Because they Asians that got lost and never figured out how to plant crops. Eskimos just live by murdering whatever friendly creatures wander near them.

What does this mean?

Eskimos are newcomers. Europeans were in NA and Greenland before them.

Why did that not work for white people? Do you think the eskimos are related to the tatarian empire in any way?


Lack of food.

They came from Asia after Leiv Eriksson and company went to Canada and from there migrated east to Greenland living there amongst the Norse until the colony mysteriously failed and they were the only ones still alive on the island.

So they are recent migrants in their areas.

You need just the right amount of hardship. Goldilocks as someone said. If your surroundings are so inhospitable that you can't do literally anything to change them and no amount of intelligence changes that, high intelligence simply won't end up as too significant of a trait.

Inuit have high visuospatial IQs and the largest cranial capacities in the world, but have low verbal IQs. The reason why Europeans and East Asians have higher verbal IQs than them is because of Clark-Unz selection.

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They dont even have white skins. I guess they moved from south and niggered down the population.

eskimos are newfags compared to europeans

They just fished all year round and never had to think about tomorrow

>Canadian eskimos not the most high iq race
They stay in the arctic. No niggers, spics or jews.
They pretty much have their own ethnostate.

Who says they're not geniuses?

But europeans are more recent immigrants to north america than them, right?

This is a retarded argument. Even though the Inuit recently displaced the Norse and Dorset culture, they lived in Alaska/Siberia before moving to their current location. Their ancestors had been living in a cold climate for a long time, so them being recent newcomers to Canada/Greenland is a moot point.

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They don't have agriculture.

Finally! A person with common sense. Eskimos look like they could be fucking Indian almost. What are they exactly, are they some indio population that went north a few 1,000 years ago? I don’t know. But OP surely is a black nigger

They live and look like primal african tribes

Looks interesting, can you give me a tl,dr

It could be food for one thing. Eskimos are said to be one of the human beings more resistant to most types of human diseases and pathologies.
Another thing could be visual stimulation. Some scientists have found that living in places like Antarctica for several months can cause permanent changes in the brain because all you see is white plains of snow.

Depends on your definition. There were Europeans in Canada before they came. That colony didn't last long, though

The reason why they don't have lighter skin is because they get a lot of vitamin D from eating fish. Being melanated wasn't selected against as strongly as it was in Europe.

You don't believe the christopher colombus discovering america meme? please explain

Solutrean Hypothesis although it needs a lot of work and new research

>Wars, famines, and diseases consistently kill off a sizeable portion of the population
>In societies with a high degree of social stratification, namely those in Europe and Asia, lower class people were disproportionately affected, and upper class people tended to have more surviving children
>People with higher IQs, and with skills such as literacy and knowing how to manage money had an easier time becoming upper class, and dumber people tended to become lower class
>Descendants of upper class people with higher IQs gradually replaced the dumber lower class, meaning there was selection pressure for higher IQ, and most Whites and Asians alive today are descended from the upper class or the Middle Ages

*of the Middle Ages

>tundra is just a desert you need a coat for
The seasons of Europe means agricultural development ie planning ahead. Hunter gathering works well in desert, tundra and rainforest. No excuse for plains Indians though

Is this bait? I'm talking about Leiv Eriksson and his short-lived colony in Canada

Because of the Temperate Climate, not the arctic. Though I suppose you could probably find an Eskimo or two with a brain, why would you bother them? They found a way to live as they wish in a very hostile environment. Let them be.

>Why did that not work for white people?
Europe and northeast Asia is a mix of a mild planting season and winters where you basically can't grant anything. Eskimos and Tungusic peoples live in areas where there is an extremely limited timeframe and environment for planting. Either way, it's a decent explanation but shouldn't be repeated as gospel.

Camouflage. Brilliant.
They may look primitive in some regards, like still utilizing sled dogs (which they have for several thousand years) instead of modern conveyances. It was explained to me like this:
If shit goes bad, you can't eat a snowmobile.

gene pool in north america wasn't large enough so they stagnated.

Romans didn't figure out how to rotate an arch 360 degrees and make a dome (strongest shape for volume) until about 100 AD.
Have you ever seen an igloo? These fuckers had that shit down.

Point to an igloo older than 100 AD leaf

The problem with this model is that we see largely the opposite today. The wealthiest classes have the lowest fertitility and are under replacement from the more impoverished. Our divides in wealth are also larger than they ever have been previous within a national context.

Lack of red meat. Red meat diet encourages evolutionary brain development

they started to spread I think it was about 1k or so from alaska, they originate on the russian side.

in na and even greenland you had the dorset culture prior to them coming. This culture had already left when people from here and the islands started to come in the 900ds, all they found was ancient traces of other peoples there which they assumed were the ones they first encounter a lot further south in canada & eastern us.

in greenland they would come to the northern most part first and then the eastern part where it's documented encounters with them. An example is a bishop wrecking his ship there, he gets help to fix his boat and sail to iceland. Here they call them finns actually and not skrælings. This is the late 1100ds I think.

As the finns you know and samis, they were given the name that they lived of what they found, meaning huntergatherers.

they would come to the western settlments that's where the capitol nuuk is today and live there. It seems however the norse colonies were already dying out at this point, people simply moved away due to how the gov of the time ran shit and the cat church aswell.

King declrared that he had the monopoly on all trade there in 1347, tons of people convicted of illegal trade. Then he fails to upheld they shipping on top of it all. IE you have a guy convitcted of buying inheritance there, he has all his property seized and threatened that this was treason(off with your head).

yeah it was this stupid, greedy and bad. Just about all properties are listed as either owned by churches and a few the King....

The greenland trade was lucrative, hence the greed from the gov
oh well slided

its not the cold on its own, its the variants in climates.
eskimos never have to plan for the summer much like niggers never had to plan for winter, their environments are the same all year round, their food is always from the same source.

He's an Eskimo.

they were too stupid to move south off the iceblock. nature didn't have much to work with.

btw theres some absolute fucking brainlets on this board these days, holy shit

>why are Canadian eskimos not the most high iq race?
Kant explains it well: if the climate is too hospitable (i.e. Africa), the abundance occludes the evolution of intelligence necessary to deal with problems and plan for the future. But if the climate is too inhospitable, the sheer struggle to survive takes precidence over all else and prevents the formation of a civilization. Basically you need a happy medium between perpetual feast and constantly being on the edge of famine.
Igloos don't exactly leave ruins for archaeologists to study squarehead retard.

No but the site where they stood often has buried artifacts.

>implying you are not seeing UFOS and giants

That was the joke, halfbrain.

They're 100% recyclable.

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Northern europeans for much of history were lower intelligence than southerners and maybe even arabs. Alt hype has great videos covering it what exactly changed but in large part the church basically exterminated retards for centuries and a few other factors all led to raised IQ and the superior human posting here before you.

Evolution does not necessarily find the same solution for the same problem.

Ah, so amazing hunters, but less so on social conditioning, when you live in whats effectively a frozen desert you don't make friends you look out for #1. The're the fucking polar bears of humanity.

Nah. Even I'm surprised at the stuff I'm just pulling out of my ass at this point. Truth is, if you live someplace with four seasons, you need to adapt and develop varying skill sets to survive. Niggers and eskimos didn't have to figure a lot of shit out. They were the original "YOU HAD ONE JOB".

Because in Europe you had to plan ahead and store crops and preserve food for winter. Eskimos just eat meat and don't grow food.

You sound like those redneck Canadian serial killers. Sounds like eskimos don't want to fuck you. Are you even white, or are you want of the many PoCs living in Canada? Why are you so bitter?

>Northern europeans for much of history were lower intelligence than southerners and maybe even arabs
lower in achievement, not in innate intelligence, the roman empire was full of generals and writers from the north who migrated south into the empire from germany and even scotland.
the secondary factor in natural selection (after the historical evolutionary environment) is competition, for almost all of time the northern parts of europe were uncontested as there was no valuable clay there, with their bravest and toughest leaving to claim land south/west for hundreds of years.
this competition for land extends into competition in every field of influence rather than just warfare. a peoples culture, thinking, writing, the sciences, religions etc will always flourish in environments where theres competition.
look at the far east, another people who evolved the innate intelligence to survive a 4 season climate, the japanese were not 'stupid' before the american steamships arrived because they sent pikemen down to the harbour to meet them, it was because they never had any competition on their island and never had to innovate or challenge themselves. within a generation they were building their own battleships.
you need to look at development in a 2 fold fashion, the first is the long evolutionary challenges required to instill anxiety, the ability to plan ahead, imagination, the ability to pass on knowledge etc and the shorter term influence of competition.

it was the removal of competition in the west through urbanisation and the industrial revolution, culminating in the post WW2 era where literally every sick and thick cunt could afford a huge family, that has lead us to being complete brainlet cowards today, the boomers are the result of peak decadence.

>an angry eskimo appears

>so you inherited property on greenland?
>that is treason off with your head

>we have heard you sold grain to a greenlander
>you are expelled from the kingdom and all property now belong to the king

some hundred years later, people ask why the place was deserted

actually first there it doesn't tell if he have bought out siblings or if related at all. it just says he has bought inhereted goods. but this is how fucked up it actually was.... talk about running a country to shit... somethings never change I guess

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I don't have a problem with the inuit. I respect their hunting and survival skills. Up until 80 years ago, most of them didn't know we existed. We were a myth that some told stories about but few had seen. They never asked for fuck all either, until somebody gave them TVs and internet. Nobody took their land (who wants it?) so we never had to build them reserves. Even today they're not demanding like the tree and prarie niggers.

Plus it's about energy density. The north is fucking extreme, it's like another planet. The idea of agriculture is ludicrous on that soil, so it can't get much past hunter/gatherer. I have no doubt they'd have come up with some crazy shit cooped up in the igloo in months of darkness, if there weren't pressing survival concerns non-stop.
When you think about it it's amazing they survived as long as they did.