Irony is a poison to moral society

Irony or "tongue and cheek" humour is a social disease that is spread by the Jews. Truly based people are not ironic and struggle with ironic humour.

Irony is essentially deceptive and is a way of isolating decent, straight, goodnatured people. If you look at the boards, the more irony you find on one the more degenerate it is. One of the best things about Yas Forums is that when someone tries to be ironic they are often ignored or the users simply don't get it, which is because people on here are more honest and logical.

Jewish humour is often filled with deceptive irony. Truly honest, straightforward humour is largely non-existent now. They are no Benny Hill's or Frank Fay's, and there are no goodnatured sitcoms like I Love Lucy or Leave it to Beaver. Comedy has been entirely taken over by Jewish Bolsheviks. It is made to appeal to artsy, cultural Marxist, liberal types, rather than intelligent, upright, and respectable people.

Attached: leave_it_to_beaver.jpg (865x496, 79.38K)

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it's just a flu bro

It is very juden.

I have been mocked through-out my life for failing to "understand" sarcasm, irony, or tongue-in-cheek humour. Now I realise that the reason I don't understand it is because I'm more logical and based than NPCs and that they are actually under the spell of ((((them)))).

I think that irony can work in small doses, when it is clear what the speakers intention is, but the way it's used today is just fucking shitty.
It obfuscates the users intent, weaving a web of possible meanings that allow the speaker to change their mind after they find out what the general opinion of the room is.
Even when used without foul intentions it can even confuse the speaker and prevent them from forming coherent thoughts, beliefs, or opinions.
I agree that it has become damaging.

jews dont do irony, they do snark

Yall just too autistic to figure out sarcasm and irony lmao

Come on down to earth dbag

sperg levels of cope

I absolutely agree. Personally I would never use irony to deceive people or show them up. When I come on Yas Forums I really enjoy being as honest and straight as possible.

I'm sure there are times when you have been deceived by irony too.

I think you’re describing cynical satire rather than irony. Irony has a pretty well established place in Western story telling going way back to the ancient Greeks at least.

>user creates a whole social critique because he is too autistic to understand basic humor
Asperger levels are absurd ITT.

When I first saw the title of your post, I thought you were retarded, but then I remembered that the truth is a greater source of comedic value than irony in the long run.

Forget humor, when people are ironic in arguments/debates, it's the absolute worst.

Imagine not being able to defend your points, so you have to make a hyperbole out of your points or the opponent's points, and laugh at them, to avoid serious discussion...

You just described autism, often caused by mutations.

that's literally a sign of autism

Do you think anyone who doesn't understand a joke is autistic?

Some say the Battle of Britain was won based on superior British humour and the complete lack of Nazi humour

Attached: 5D72470F-D6F8-47D7-82F1-9ADD6A79DC38.jpg (1024x932, 110.83K)

It’s literally one of the clinical hallmarks

>Irony or "tongue and cheek" humour is a social disease that is spread by the Jews. Truly based people are not ironic and struggle with ironic humour.
Now think about the bible. Eden was paradise, or was it a plantation. Adam and Eve were slaves. Bible how to control slave populations.

>irony can work in small doses
it only works with likeminded people, close friends, or those on your level!

Clinically, it is. Look up symptoms of autism, failure to understand subtleties and irony are very strong indicators of autism.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

ok goyim

That's actually quite interesting. But how do you know if something is ironic or not? Surely on the internet it's harder to tell if something is ironic. Do you think people who can't tell if a post on Yas Forums is ironic are autistic?

>t. autist hans

sarcasm is not the same thing as irony you fucking retard

What kind of subtleties are we talking about here?

god damn everything is the jews with you people.

Yes, they are a problem

But when ((everything)) is the jews then you sound like those subhuman pissbabies and muh oppression

It's a way of using irony.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 11.41.50.png (2230x932, 492.91K)

Qwixx is a great Family game
So the pic the public number (white dice) is a 3. Everyone can play the 3. The roller gets to play the private number as well. His options are:
1. Play the public 3 on red and the private 2 on yellow.
2. Play the public 3 on red and the private 4 on red. (red 2 + white 2)
3. Play the private 2 on yellow (yellow 1 + white 1)
4. Play the public 3 on red and private 3 on yellow.

dumb options:
5. play public on blue or green and private 4 or 3 on green or blue.
6. Take a forfeit.

The game ends whenever 2 colors get locked (5 x's on red and red 12 locked worth 2 x's) or a player takes 4 forfeits.

Play on Tabletop simulator discord

Attached: game night 3.png (2516x2372, 2.12M)

Irony is all about social cues and interaction. Someone who has trouble with that tend to have a hard time understanding irony.

Mind you, I too have a certain degree of autism and I, too, sometimes fail to pick up certain jokes and irony. It is not shameful to admit this. But acting superior for having the symptom of a literal mental condition is cringeworthy.

So for example if someone was parodying a particular group of people they might accentuate certain aspects of their behaviour that they are often mocked for?

See, jewnited states has NEVER been white. Brown isn't white. Niggers.

>The more irony you find in one the more degenerate it is.
I don’t think this is the case but I’ll keep it mind and watch it from now on.
My problem with irony on Yas Forums and Yas Forums in general is that no one is saying what they actually mean and thus no real conversation is had. Anons can make a point and when called out on their bullshit will immediately default to “it’s just a joke bro.” Others are larping and getting off on you responding to their nonsense. It all just makes discussion impossible but I was told this is exclusively a problem on the popular boards.

OP stupid as fuck, time to stop posting forever

this board is priceless to humanity

the irony in this post is mind blowing

It's the exact opposite. Irony is a survival mechanism required to stay alive in today's cultural environment. Imagine being completely non-ironic in the modern world, you'd either become a complete leftist faggot, go insane, or be ostracized from any position of meaningful power. Unless you live innawoods you have to be ironic.

Irony, sarcasm, usury. These are Jewish diseases.

That's ironic. And a little snarky.

irony / sarcasm is shit.

>Be the boss at my workplace.
>Tell one of my workers they are doing a really good job.
>Worker couldn't tell if I was being ironic or not.

Majority of today's "Western" values and every single aspect of Western society are derived from decades of Jewish subversion, so naturally, "everything" has it's roots in the JQ. Unavoidable at this point. The poison is in literally everything.

That's because your a faggot, burn your memeflag and kys.
>they're not laughing now
>not understanding the ultimate irony

Imagine saying this shit about a post which is obviously supposed to be a parody of Yas Forums users. The fact no one has got this just tells you how fucking accurate it is. Look at OP's responses, he's playing you morons.

Mind you, not as bad as the fucker unironically agreeing with the OP.

Nice leaf post

sarcasm fags get the rope day 2

Do you think anyone who can't understand deceptive humour, such as irony or sarcasm, should kill themselves?

Why? Aren't they just more honest? Aren't you an honest, logical person?

i'm so scared
please, don't rope me bruh

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>I don't understand it is because I'm more logical and based than NPCs and that they are actually under the spell of ((((them)))).

You're just autistic.

i play guitar
is that why i get irony half of the time?
because im a member of the artsy types
=jew controlled
or what

>Tongue and cheek humor bubs

nigger, you're offended by irony. Irony is the "supreme" White Race being voluntarily enslaved by kikes for 500 years.

>Irony or "tongue and cheek"

Nigger what? You're calling fucking sarcasm Irony? That's an Alanis Morisette level of understanding Irony right there...

>I don't understand it is because I'm more logical and based than NPCs and that they are actually under the spell of ((((them)))).

>You're just autistic.
This right here. Hard facts.

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I think this mem that Germans are humourless is Jewish propaganda. They probably just have a different style of humour than Jews or a more sophisticated humour than some other unter menchen peoples.

Sarcasm isn't ironic at all.

>a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

At least in American English, this is what Irony means. The other one is just sarcasm. It's not ironic because you expect people to be sarcastic.

what's it like having severe aspergers and being unable to detect things like sarcasm and irony? have you tried kratom? it temporarily cures autism entirely

I got you fren.
Elvis found the cure for Autism
Watch and be healed

This place is ironically filled with autists who dont understand this place is satire though?.?.?

>I have been mocked through-out my life for failing to "understand" sarcasm, irony, or tongue-in-cheek humour
Dude, thats literally one of the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia
T. medfag