What's his endgame?

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A plastic bag over his head while his wife shits on his chest.

probably sucking dick on the streets of san diego tbqh

dying in the ovens


ChingChong Spy


kekd harder than I should have

same as with all asian males (incels)

spamming BBC online and not getting any pussy

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Shilling for China. Likely a CCP plant

he buys baby parts

paid shill or mental problems causing him to be obsessed with making tweet replies as a full time job. Doctoral student becomes "full time twitter replier". Can't make this shit up.

Why can't they just be normal.

To move to England and become guU.K.

Eugene Gu....
Eugene Gook

I hope he gets the wuflu

Truly /ourguy/

Triggering the kikes. He seems to have Yas Forums seething 24 hours a day.


To become a even bigger delusional weirdo

My dude, Eugene Gu can't even step 5 inches away from President Trump. He is literally obsessed with Donald Trump. Everytime Trump tweets, Eugene Gu is there.

I'm just wondering what this guy's life will be after Trump.

He lost his licence so he is a paid twatter now

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This right here, he has a long history of questionable actions, just imagine what he has gotten away with. It's some unhinged nut on twitter suffering from massive TDS.

CCP damage control.

to grow a penis more than 3 inches long

Goddamn, what a creepy fucker

FBI should arrest him.

Yes but at least he's one man stalking the president. There's at least a hundred Yas Forumstards obsessing over this Twitter nobody. You guys are the real losers.

he;s trying to dislodge/prostitute white american women so he can copulate with them...its a sneaky coward tactic....where he and his fellow chinks cuckold american men fueled by canada and arab oil molecules(due to diana and dodi still being alive)

Presented without comment

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lmao is this real?

Is water wet?


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Killing himself hopefully

Archive his tweets. Yas Forums can probably get his degree revoked because not only his tweets that contain the term, telemedicine, but his tweets where he is offering med advice, despite the fact he never finished residency, could get him in legal trouble

His goal is to piss so many people off they just drag him out of his house and beat him until he pisses all over himself...

He will get banned for botting like those twin krass brothers

>what's his endgame?

There's nothing more vile or repulsive than an Asian with an inferiority complex and a racist chip on their shoulder against white people.

A lot of exposed china shills in media, including orgs like the WHO. Asian American d are the worst, though. Pretending Japan does not hate China for example

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Someone should make a fake account and ask him for some simple medical advice.

"Doctor Gu, I think you're a hero to us POC and you're standing up for the small guy by talking shit that big meanie Donald Grumph"

>the above part is important--Asians have MASSIVE egos. You need to stroke it a bit. He'll be too busy masturbating to that line to notice the following:

"Anywho, I got this rash on my arm, can you take a look at it and tell me your professional opinion?"

Fucking annoying bastard

Massive disinformation campaign against Eugene. When a highly self esteemed Dr. gets crapped on for calling out Trump it most certainly get the noggin joggin.

Hopefully a federal prison for impersonating a doctor

Eugene Guuk

Eventually annoying Yas Forums enough that they do him like they did William LeGate.

It is illegal for him to practice medicene
He can't even write a prescription to a local pharmacist

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

he is just a contrarian like most retards


To flex his small pp yellow fragility forever

Salami Nipples is active on Twitter again but doesn't appear to want to out bot the gook doctor on Trump's Twitter

well said

Is he still a doctor, or did he lose his medical license too?

I ignore anybody arrogant enough to put md in their Twitter handle. Technically pharmacists or anybody else with a med license could do it, too, but what happened to having a life outside of work. I don't see plumbers, electricians, telling everybody they are plumbers on Twitter


He still has his college degree but never finished a residency program so illegal for him to practice medicene

To be a chink

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He's not a real doctor because nobody will ever let him finish his residency that he was fired from.

The only good high profile Asians are those who are not American citizens and live in allied nations like Japan.

He will disappear soon, like those two brothers.. I've forgot their names.. Brian and... whatever.

Der Chink

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He will be in news one day for offering illegal Botox injections. A lot of ex doctors get jailed in Botox injections scams. Common problem in Miami

If Twitter actually does not have a double standard....


You all should generate proofs of him dispensing medical advices. The the feds will do the rest.

imagine being a high status doctor and still having to do all that

He wants your gene goo.

Don't know why EU loves China when all china does is create china towns, which is not considered multiculturalism since they basically create a small country inside a nation, filled with only chinese


Not being a real doctor apparently.

I've with you bro. seems Yas Forums gone full retard.

He was more like med student in residency and was barely in his 2nd year of residency before being kicked out

He will block you on Twitter if you repost tweets of his where he calls it Wuhan virus and his "just a flu bro" posts

Being a fag on Twitter

>Eugene Flu
No shit. You got him confused with a other virus.


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I think his endgame is getting the government to drop all residency requirements so he can be a doctor again.

Funny from someone who opted out to treat patients covered by Medicaid (or Medicare, I don't remember).

Forgot: this is not a medical advice tho.