I got yelled at for wearing N95 masks

This happened today

Is this what jesus felt like carrying the cross?

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Americans deserve everything coming to them. I have zero sympathy.

>everything coming
two more weeks trust the plan

Better getting strange looks from people than being dead. Here only 90 people have it in the entire fucking country and everybody wears masks. Don't be a burgertard.

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>american flag
>hating on america
go home, china.

He's not wrong. You'd have far fewer cases today if people had worn masks in high risk areas. You could have far fewer tomorrow if you started wearing them today.

They're just jealous they didnt buy masks in the beginning. Fuck them.

The masks work. Otherwise corona virus units wouldnt wear them.

> they can’t protect you
> medical workers need them

Masks are literally the reason korea and Japan aren’t locking down their cities. They know that masks work.

>He's not wrong
that we deserve everything coming to us?
like the victory over china we'll have in ww3?
ok, i agree.

fuck em, wear a Plague Doctor mask

Calm your autism and reread the first post but slower this time

>Masks don't work
>you need to donate them all to your local hospital
Do n95's operate on some kind of magic principal where they only work if you have a medical degree?

Just say "Ok, NPC" and move on.

The masks do help. Why the fuck else would doctors wear them if they didn't? Stupid NPCs.

People are so fucking dumb.

First they don't believe in masks.

They fail to keep enough for their health care workers.

Now they want to guilt trip and take masks away from people who prepped.

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>Mask won't help you stay safe
>Medical worker need masks to help them stay safe

Why does the TV keep telling the NPCs this? And, why do they go along with this logic?

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that media disinfo. It's a hoax.

It's so white people stay inside while we are replaced with migrants and refugees.

Canada hasn't closed the border to anyone actually.
It's media BS.

Solving 50 captchas everytime I say it's a hoax......

imagine thinking i replied to op.

Jesus..stop posting lad.
Youre embarassing yourself.

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you post frogs.
you're not even a man.

masks DO protect you

medical professionals need them FIRST

This psy-op is now about shifting blame from the government / international response and onto people failing to follow vague and haphazard guidelines.

Get ready for the zoomers to blame the millennials for this one.

I thought I told you to keep your nose clean and stop posting this. Don't make me disappear you. You don't know who you're fucking with.

137,000 cases
"It spread so quickly"
Real time quote

Wore full respirator face mask today shopping had some boomers and shit skins snicker but also had some compliments. U must be small and weak if someone talked shit to u. No one dared. Who cares what people think if they talk to u stare then in there eye balls and don’t even bother replying

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Is this two weeks thing a meme? You faggots have been been saying this for months.

Hmm interesting leaf I have no captchas anymore that I’ve been like omg we all gonna die.
But we all saw the videos in January when not even the news was reporting it. I also know someone who died from double pneumonia and kidneys failed he wasn’t tested but they did isolate him acted as if he had it... I believe it to be real. But I also believe they aren’t letting opportunity go to waste... we all know it’s the Jews tho

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>The masks do help.
Partly. You also need eye protection

Youre nott even a human.
Probably a failure arounf 25 who lives with mommy and daddy who will hopefully die of corona lulz.

Draw your gun if that happens. I do.
They shut up.

i'm deeper than the state, bud.
just how it is on Yas Forums now.
85% of posts are from military intelligence.

Have you verified that your mask seals correctly when worn?

They are right you know, by wearing the mask you are scaring them, however if you do get sick then they won't have any negative consequences

masks do work, the countries which used them the most had the lowest numbers.


gives me some hope

Please don't post your manifesto here after you shoot up a chinatown.

Fuck the rest, Darwin is always right, ignore them and let 'em die

this doesnt happen. its just you faggots imagining it.

Take off your mask.

Tell them you have AIDS and are having problems with the gaping wound in your gums because of the antiviral medication and a reaction with the anesthetic they used, and don't want to risk contaminating anyone by spitting stuff out which may contain blood.

At that point, cough on them.

It's definitely exaggerated bullcrap. For what purpose.... I'm not sure yet.

and every two weeks we've seen exponential growth. literal brainlet

They are right - you are a manlet and a self important pussy. You make me sick faggot.

No ive actually unironicaly had to show my gun to stop people from trying to remove my mask or hit me.

in my country is the same, probably worse. Since we can't leave the house to take the stroll and we have a bunch of retards in the balconies snitching and screaming at everyone they see in the street shouting "you are going to kill us all!!!"

The average American is a fucking retard what are you on about? Go shit in a walmart you fuck.

And then everyone clapped

I wear a 3m respirator to the grocery store, the only reaction I get is mask envy from poor fags in scarves and ragged surgical masks hanging off their face.

Take off the mask and cough as hard as you can. That’ll get them to stop pestering you over being healthy and stay the fuck away regardless

I believe him because people try to take my respirator or hit me.

>shouting "you are going to kill us all!!!"
That's stupid but harmless. Telling people not to wear masks because of government misinformation is beyond stupid.

CSIS here, can confirm.

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What kind of trauma plate do you guys use in your 3a vests? I want to upgrade from a shock pad to a trauma plate. Any recs?

Damnit, Kimmel. You know you're not supposed to have pics like that on your workstation. Stop screwing around and get back to work. Delete that shit before the super finds out.

The incentives make no sense lol. Canada was importing people en masse wether people were inside or not. This move also makes no sense because the gibs economy is going to collapse if this goes on much longer and then it will be all for naught.

The moment this shit got rolling in china it should of been mandatory for grocery stores and fast food to wear masks. Countries with better hygiene and mask culture like japan and SK are doing way better despite being very crowded and people needing to use public transit. Meanwhile in America our government says to stop buying masks because they dont work so we can give them to healthcare workers because they really need masks that dont work.

Next time someone says wearing a mask scares them just tell them they should be scared. Humans have fear to help us survive it makes us more careful so its a good thing. Normies cant handle their Disneyland fantasy safe world is burning down. Yet they fail to realize they were never safe not even once since the day they were born.

Yeah man, anyone pointing out that burgers is retarded is a Chink. That's totally how that works lmao

I've been wearing the mask for 3 weeks while shopping. The first week I had some snickers but direct eye contact just made them look kinda scared. This weekend nobody even looked twice. I was the only one wearing one that i saw.

t. 5'10" 225 pounds of fat that looks vaguely like muscle if you squint hard enough

The same happened to me this week on the parking of a supermarket. It was some dumb 40 something single mom. I was autistically wearing a half-mask respirator. Removed my mask and carefully spat on her face.
She angrily panicked but I ran away like a retard.

kek, coming from any other country i would doubt the veracity.

>carefully spat on her
this is the most french thing i've ever heard

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Just tell them you're immunocompromised and make them feel like shit.

Based. Nonmaskfags aren't even human.

Tell them to fuck off
And get an anti spitting hat.

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>i can do no wrong


All you had to do is say
I may be sick, this is for your protection

You're a bluepilled NPC if you are modifying your behavior because of the Coronavirus scam.

Just a friendly reminder that wearing masks is the only way to stop this thing. The government is just telling people not to wear masks because they have absolutely fucked up and didn't get enough masks for healthcare workers.

Even if you are wearing a non-N95 mask it is better than nothing. N95 masks are better at keeping YOU from getting the disease but other masks prevent YOU from spreading the disease.

The US government is lying to everyone because they are vastly underprepared for this shit.