Comment section on the new idubbbz video defending his girlfriend doing porn is an absolute shitshow.
Get in here boys.
Comment section on the new idubbbz video defending his girlfriend doing porn is an absolute shitshow.
Get in here boys.
Get a fucking life faggot
My life is currently on hold due to COVID-19. Let the trolling flow.
Hes based. I would be cool with it too. Seeing those beta orbiters paying loads of money for few pics while i get to fuck her for free and also steal some of that beta money
>Get in here boys.
Guys the king is back. Leafy is fucking coming back.
Cute dog
>people wasting time by screeching at each other over 2 sad faggots on the internets
I like Idubbbz, I wish he was with a girl who respected him enough not to sell the intimacy of their relationship. That aside, apparently she's also just a trash person. No matter how "cool with it" you are, no one would prefer their gf whoring herself online over not doing that
as a coomer ayy lmao
I honestly don’t care about that. Anisa is a failed streamer and her history reveals that she is a failure of a human being. This is the only thing that she will have some success in but that is for short term. She better be smart and save the money because this won’t last long term as a career. Also she’s half Lebanese and Irish.
leafy will come back now that he can hide his chin in corona mask
wtf subbing to leafy RIGHT NOW
Links to her porn?
>Bro its two consenting adults, what does it matter what they do?
What chin?
Is the dog just repeating what he says in greentext without replying to him?
What's the name of the gf?
I only saw your comment in passing not even in this thread. Thank you for your wisdom. Many a night I have come to the same conclusion.
Anisa Jomha. She’s half Lebanese half Irish.
> Well paid beta male and an immigrant low-profile gold digger, the show
Now go to /b with this shit you fag
Anisa Johma
Even the fucking dog is doing the soi face
ewww haha
oh my fucking god I did not notice that
>>Bro its two consenting adults, what does it matter what they do?
I'd unironically support this stance if he didn't have 7.9 mil followers ranging from the age of 12-18+;male, and female. Basically someone who is high-profile just broadcasted to the world; "it's okay to let other men get off to your gf,it's okay for your gf to let men get off to her, it's okay to prostitute your loved ones, AND buy more than one wiiswitch for a very reddit photo, so your gf can splurge her whore money, and go right back to prostituting
seriously bitches don't get a boob job unless they plan on many guys seeing their titties, and here we are.
Maddox Lost
Right? Wtf does "get a life" mean when the entire world is shut down?
Bunch of fucking queers. Who gives a fuck about this shit?
She is a major cumrag whore . What did you expect ? Icukzzztv will NEVER come back from this .
>E-celeb shit
Fuck off back to plebbit, leaf.
That's a horrendous body. Zero tone. Fridge bod.
All the comments should have been an endless stream of SIMP spam, and then be done with it. Imagine trying to give a rational moral argument in this day and age. Just roll her gf porn.
I've seen better titjobs on
Holy fuck, she looks so average. Imagine paying money for those tits.
This, unless he was getting a cut of the profits then at least he can say he's her manager/pimp or something.
Cant wait to see leafy rip this faggot simp icuckzzztv apart . Icukzzztv video response was cringey and af he is legit coping . Dumb braindead rat .
He is having negative comments deleted. I commented yesterday with 100+ upvotes but the comment is gone.
This absolute mediocrity basically confirms she's just using him as a signal booster
>people are actually defending this in the comments
What has this shit world come to
People pay for this? She’s like a 2/10.
Learn a new skill. Read a book. Improve yourself in any way.
Un-faggot yourself
>A literal who?
Yikes, he'a with a whore.
Damn is the power of pussy really that devastating for a man??
Icuckzzztv is coping and has accepted his simp cuckery faggot existence . His arguments were terrible as well just muh.....*autism degeneracy
-3 imo
didn't he literally ridicule thots, simps and cucks in his videos?
I hate fake tits. At least wear a sexy outfit if you're going to charge people
Lol thats the funny part. He is now a offical icuck . What a pathetic miserable sad white knighting little cunt .
Big words from a faggot that's also on here.
You might as well try to stop kids from cooming in the comment section of pornhub.
onions boi - SSJ1
cuck - SSJ2
simp - SSJ3
i can't wait for the sex tape
>his girlfriend
who phones whom responding to whomnst?
>tons of make up
>lazy roastie body
>terrible tittyjob
Only redeeming quality she has is her bunda.
Does this dude's girlfriend fuck other dudes on camera or did she used too? Because if she just gets naked and masturbates I'd be cool with that too. She could make more money from betas and simps for us.
You are beta male cucks, your opinions are worthless.
I checked the video and it kinda looks like the dislikes are being removed as well? Is YouTube in on this? Wtf, maybe they are blackmailing him??
Don't know but her ex was a chad compared to that twig
Holy fucking shit he better make a vid reacting to her OnlyFans
Why does this look like a bad nude fake, fuck, i've seen better fakes than that, face tan and body tone totally off
Ether way it’s degenerate.
thinking taking pictures in swim suits and underwear is porn. go back faggot
Stop fucking posting here you whore roastie.
These ads for this whore need to be cleaned.
Icuckzzztv loves to eat other mens jizz . So that wont be problem for the icuckzzztv.
Look at all those fucking moles
having an onlyfans makes you a whore
So? If you aren't comfortable with your girl dating a chad before then you are just being a pussy. It all depends on her intention. If she was "dating" a bunch of dudes just to get fucked then she's worthless but if she was dating to find love then she's probably a good woman.
Wow very based
>cherry picking the lowest tier retards on twitter to frame an argument against himself that he can easily destroy
I hate how younger generations need to be made caught up to the oldest tricks in the book in every generation.
Will idubbbz have the same fate as Anthony Bourdain?
I have always considered him a an amusing clown. This new saga just makes him more clownish to me.
This whole thing is an attempt to dispel the ‘simp’ meme and convince young men that it is virtuous to simp for stinky 3D e thots.
can any zoomer here red pill me on this guy I am a 30 year old boomer this is the first time I ever heard about him.
It's not the's the self worth he is getting from being with her.
Don't think this is Yas Forums related. "Dating" a real pornstar that lets men bang her while being filmed is different than taking pictures of anal bead bullshit and making side money off of it. If she just post nudes and works with dildos I think that's /defendable/. Shameful and stupid, yes - that kind of shit is done by trashy whores that absolutely nobody cares about. Used to like idubbz but now he has the creepy uncle mustache/glasses/hat.
Degenerate for sure but, masturbating is not degenerate depending on how you let it effect your lifestyle. If you rub one out eventually like once a month you're not bad, but if you are disgusting porn addict with no self control then you are a degenerate. Her fans are absolutely more degenerate than her because they pay for it and are probably porn addicts. If they had will there would be no market for her to be a camgirl.
This is Yas Forums? Talking about some random internet celebrities that make degenerate content? What happened?
Simping is only for 2D
simp cope
That dude is a suicide waiting to happen, and the fact that his fans don't want to help him when he's clearly in an abusive relationship is sad.
Former King of Yas Forums-esque YouTube edgelords right alongside Filthy Frank. Watch his content cop vids on leafy and keemstar for a better idea and some of his unboxing vids.
post more?
>dating to find love
Your joking right? Social standing and wealth is what matters the most
>brown eyes
>brown hair
>meh face
She's like a 5.5 at best... that's next level pathetic if you pay for her nudes, let alone date her.
I agree completely. Masturbating and being nude isn't degenerate if you don't let it negatively effect your life. Casual sex is degenerate. If she is just filming herself doing the former than whatever its not the classiest but not nearly as bad as fucking other dudes on camera.
people are paying for this
t. idubbz
What else is new. Tell me about people dying stupidly, now this'll pique my interest.
>fake tits
If you subscribe, does she put her top back on?
Literally who?
>i-it's n-not porn.
top kek. holy shit you're pathetic.
I luv u Bhutan
Except each individual does this to the communities they live in. By lea ing them to whatever, you allow it to get this bad.
Who is fucking paying for this shit?
This is what separates an incel from a realist. Women are capable of love too. Sure they look for those things as well as looks when choosing a mate just how men also select for mates. Women are only degenerate nowadays because men are. They only participate in casual sex because men do and they have lost control over women and even themselves.
Monogamy is all or nothing, anything else is degenerate.
They'll be coming soon, user.
Just check idubbz Twitter replies
thought this was blaire white at first lmao
>muh eCelebs!!!!! how dare you!!!!!!!
She looks like a lewd version of Mr Potato Head
these simps:
toppest of kek. They're absolutely devastated.
>Women are capable of love too. Sure they look for those things as well as looks when choosing a mate just how men also select for mates.
Applied for 3rd world
>Women are only degenerate nowadays because men are. They only participate in casual sex because men do and they have lost control over women and even themselves.
Applied to 1st world
I wonder if icuckz is taking these pics
where do you think you are nigger
Who even is this? Some fucking JewTuber? Who cares?
Find someway to convince yourself that your having sex while masturbating.
Instant virgin cure.
That sòÿjak cracks me up