Attached: 6F23B2A6-063A-4AFB-9337-F6D6EF89EAC1.jpg (1000x1249, 151.18K)
You’ve gotta be shitting me
Thomas Cox
Chase Morales
Explain it to brainlet
Justin Walker
Bentley Cox
OP is faggot
Alexander Reed
wow scary jpeg nice one op
Ryder Diaz
Benjamin Roberts
the blast just got ten times bigger.. no more safe zones.
Parker Scott
My guess is if Yellowstone does ever blow (do it faggot) the United states will be like the volcano levels of donkey Kong country 2
Nolan Robinson
giant volcano that will obliterate the us and fuck the planet
it's overdue to erupt and basically a ticking time bomb that could blow any minute
Zachary Brown
Yellowstone isn't venting gas so it won't erupt.
Nicholas Morgan
> news from 2015 to shit up the catalogue.
Juan Taylor
tuck and roll
Chase Garcia
at least itll counteract global warming with the nice long winter we will get
Thomas Richardson
Apocalyptic if true maxing all my credit cards out now how much time do we have left user?
Mason Jones
It’s the Lake of Fire or Hell.
Levi Campbell
> ICraveScience
Jace Murphy
Meh, would just cause a big lava flow.
Jeremiah Sanders
wow they must have dig real deep to get those pictures!
NASA is really astonishing
Nathan Torres
Imagine Russians throwing a Hydrobomb on that and forever ridding the earth of ZoGmuttia haha
Nolan Collins
What's with these "maybe will erupt in the next 100 000 years" yellowstone threads? The real ongoing happening of the half century too heavy for our Burrican friends?
William Green
Alexander Morales
2 weeks user, always 2 weeks.
Aaron Gray
>no more safe zones
that sorta depends on what your comfiest apocalypse is.
Daniel Campbell
This is precisely why you don't attack Russia. They have nukes aimed at exactly that caldera, to trigger Yellowstone as a Sampson option, blowing the entire north American landscape to smithereens.
Brandon Gomez
in a park that's out west underground
more hot lava we've recently found
if this thing were to blow
there'd be nowhere to go
accept it, we're fucked all around
Dylan Johnson
It's not real and just more labcoat nonsense with no actual proof backing it. Supervolcanoes are obvious volcanoes, such as Krakatoa, not yellowstone a supposed volcano which has never and will never explode in recorded history.
It's a psyop to get people scared of moving to a safer non ethnic state with a low crime rate, particularly white people since its only white people who typically know about or care about this conspiracy.
Jayden Bell
hope it blows and wipe out flyover forever
Carter Hughes
this shit will never blow
Aaron Mitchell
Holy Crap!
Jonathan Morris
2020 is truly the year of non stop happening
Luis Long
Somewhere between an hour and a hundred thousand years.
Ryder Richardson
real talk, can’t we just drop a few tsar bomba size atom bombs to neutralize this threat? it would create a massive crater that would cool down the lava inside
Thomas Allen
why don't we create a small fission just to relieve some of the pressure?
Thomas Bailey
>implying this wouldn't result in the death of the entire world
Charles Thompson
this. just more fear mongering kike media
Caleb Roberts
not if we strike ourselves first
Hunter Johnson
thank god. RESET INCOMING.
This game sucks with all the jew npcs taking over after failure to eliminate on level 2
Anthony Nguyen
Optimism bias will kill us all. But sure, yeah, cope.
Aiden Nguyen
We are safe here
Kayden Wright
Liam Rivera
until there is significant uplift in the caldera it is not happening
Austin James
hes right doomsday cultist. I know you want real life fallout, but it will not happen ever until GOD rains his wrath on the earth
Josiah Nelson
>yellowstone fags are back
Hudson Kelly
Casper and Cheyenne are full of niggers now, and not just Air Force niggers. Smaller towns like Sheridan and Gillette are getting nigged too. It's time for WYO to die, desu
Nathan Gutierrez
the whore of babylon
Elijah Parker
>real life fallout
you don't know what yellowstone can even do lmao
Logan Cox
Bottom right of the OP image
James Morgan
OPs intention = pic related
In fact this is known since a decade or two.
Luis Reyes
Lol this
Sebastian King
>it's overdue to erupt and basically a ticking time bomb that could blow any minute
Then why don't we treat it like a zit and just drain the pus until its empty?
Gabriel Gutierrez
How is there that much magma below the surface only a couple miles? The surface should be on fire. Starting to not believe this (((scientist))) bullshit about the Earth
Blake Nguyen
do it do it do it do it do it
Hudson Brooks
So the gas is building up underground. You're a brainlet.
Gavin Wright
yeah yeah. lets hear some history recording about its power... oh wait... the scientists are just making shit up so they can get a grant to go study the effects of volcanism on the speckled american grasshopper
Grayson Ramirez
Not exploding in past recorded history doesn't mean it will never explode, retard. Human recorded history is only a few thousand years back. That is not much time for a supervolcano. Look at what Mt.Vesuvius did to Pompeii, and that wasn't a supervolcano. Now that we have volcanology and seismology, we can predict within a relatively close margin when and if a volcano will erupt, we know that Yellowstone is overdue for an eruption.
Cameron Price
>muh supervolcano
it's literally just the flu
Isaiah Hall
>Not exploding in past recorded history doesn't mean it will never explode, retard. Human recorded history is only a few thousand years back.
And that's all we can verify outside of things that have been made by intelligent life before recorded history, and even then we can only speculate about lost civilizations.
Stop the labcoat worship, it's not science.
Nathaniel Stewart
They're funnier than the Qoomers at least.
Kevin Williams
Nevermind the how. Drain it where? It’s fucking magma. It’s the shit that builds entire continents. Where do you propose we put it all?
Ryan Gutierrez
that dude is a brainlet for other reasons, but the difference between this and nuclear fallout is moot. It will be a fuckton of volcanic ash instead of nuclear dust that makes the surface uninhabitable for generations. The difference between the one magma chamber and adding this is just most of the USA being uninhabitable to this making all of North America and a fair amount of South America uninhabitable, plus however much ocean life it kills.
It would be interesting to see how structures would hold up to the weight of that ash. I actually imagine there would be fewer cities left standing than a nuclear event, because the weight would stress the superstructures.
William Fisher
I think he means lava would cover the entire planet, user
Mason Young
Christopher Harris
> The surface should be on fire
an entire geographic region that regularly spouts boiling-hot water not enough to convince you?
Lincoln Bell
Nice CGI.
Asher Wilson
If you plan on doing any raping before you die, you'd best get to it.
Kevin Martin
nuke it
Daniel Campbell
It won't go as long as there is no massive bulging and lift up of the ground.
Noah Bennett
Earth zit go big boom
Parker Sullivan
Which geographic region?
Ayden Perez
Why don't we just drill into it at multiple points to relieve the pressure?
Henry Jones
>be planet Earth
>10 billion people
>COVID-19 still repeats every year
-Ebola breaks out somewhere in Africa, globalism infects whole world now with 2 diseases without cure
>Yellowstone volcano erupts
Literal end, post-apocalyptic future begins.
Nathaniel Long
You'll shoot yourself before the first day is over.
Evan Lewis
make some islands, trump can sell them off to rich russians
Carter Peterson
>Break last remaining crust holding the volcano from exploding
Gabriel White
drop a nuke on it see what happens.
Angel Powell
You do realize that eruptions leave evidence after they're done, right? There are also direct factors that dictate whether a volcano will erupt in the future or not.
Charles Evans
Sky elevator tube. Make a new moon.
William Hughes
>still believing in the magma core theory
Kevin Sanchez
This. Or slowly load the magma into magma proof containers and launch it into space. Then disassemble Yellowstone as quickly as possible after it's completely empty.
Tyler Sullivan
Brap will come out after thousand years of closure, literal Satan's anus.
Luke Brown
that's why hospitals are empty and governments are stocking up on respirators...
Ayden Thompson
Are you like... one of those very stupid retards?
Easton Reed
I would take a raking for you
Benjamin Robinson
Benjamin Kelly
i want this to blast at the moment of the geomagnetic reversal
Christopher James
It means 100+ years until we hit peak magma.
Angel Morgan
We can't drill past the crust brainlet and the bore hole wouldn't be close to large enough
Jace Morales
Lincoln Torres
Soon go- I mean user, might as well max out a few more
Landon Baker
>create a panic so as to avoid creating a panic
Lay off whatever, user.
Jacob Perry
Built for BBC
Leo Scott
Which would still fuck us over. And that's not counting if it cracks under the lake. If the lake emptied into the cauldera most of the US would be wiped and the rest of the world would suffer years with a growing season.
Christian Robinson
Based and logicpilled. The majority of this board is fucking retarded.
Carson Edwards
>create a panic to secure resources
seems more likely to me.
Cooper Diaz
ywn die in fapping position and be made a joke of by future humans why even live?
James Cook
Brainlet here, why can’t we just drill some holes and let the magma ooze out in a more controlled manner instead of it exploding thousands of feet into the air raining death and destruction on the entire world?
Matthew Kelly
This fucking thing is precisely why we need to loosen ties with America as much as we can. I don't want to depend on burgerclap economy when their stupid country explodes right under their feet.
Mason Sanchez
It will kill half the world pal if it goes, at least burgers will fry pretty quick while the rest of us smoother in ash and CO2
Hunter Taylor
It's under 10 miles of rock.
Jonathan Thompson
>preserved your dong for all eternity like a pharaoh
Magma might even add few centimeters more.
Tyler Ross
Are you completely fucking retarded?
Grayson Edwards
A magma chamber just flew over my house!
Jaxson Foster
Then the pressure wouldnt stop, its like poking the crust on an overstuffed hotpocket, once it punctures, it just keeps oozing molten sauce and cheese at a faster and faster rate, until unlike the hotpocket, it explodes all at once. All that stands between us now is the crust. A very thin crust.
Aaron Gutierrez
hmm, which would be worse when it comes to causing panic:
>flu-like virus that kills boomers and fat fucks
>the world is going to fucking end because of a super volcano.
Carson Barnes
Why not just let things be as normal and gather what you need in peace because you don't have to compete with everyone else? user, if you want to maximize your gains with anything, you don't want to alert everyone to your targets.
Andrew Foster
Theres a $2.5B project to inject water in to it to try and cool the lave/magma. NASA though.....
Noah Nguyen
Andrew Rivera
It's buried too deep to drill and even if it wasn't doing this would trigger an eruption. Think of it like popping a balloon. You can't just poke some little holes in it and only let out a bit of air.
Grayson Gomez
recorded history is insignificant in the grand scheme of things