Photos show NYC parks still bustling during the global corvid-19 pandemic.
NY state has 52,000 infected. Someone dies of the coronavirus every 17 minutes. What can Mayor De Blasio do...?
Photos show NYC parks still bustling during the global corvid-19 pandemic.
NY state has 52,000 infected. Someone dies of the coronavirus every 17 minutes. What can Mayor De Blasio do...?
being within 6 feet of somebody doesn't mean instant coronavirus and trying to make people think otherwise is insane
Noooooo....stop destroying the narrative! Stop holding hands! Stop being friends! Hide in your houses!
>Someone dies of the coronavirus every 17 minutes.
Are you fucking nuts, at least a million people are dying every, single fucking minute and will continue to die for the next ten yrars. I know because the media told me.
the only option is for a complete, total shutdown of anything that isn't a grocery store. unfortunately, people in new york apparently can't figure out that thinking you are free to do whatever you want hurts others.
Shelter in place civilian!
If you have freedom so much, so don't you just leave America?
Wait until the drones hit NYC and police start fining people hundreds of dollars if they're caught outside like here. I give it within the week
>the absolute state of East coast cities
Look at this skinny faggot meditating. The San Fransisco disease has done more damage than Corona ever will.
This couldnt happen to a nicer city.
"I'm a cvck so everyone is a cvck"
nique ta mère salope
Seriously though, if 10% of city populations are ravaged by disease come November, what are the odds Trump wins another election?
you're joking, right?
>using drones to fine people instead of shooting them
C'mon now, how else will we save people from the coronachan?
stop being such a frog. there is no lockdown. there are tons of exceptions for procuring supplies and exercising and visiting family. none of these people are im violation of any law or even an illegal govt order.
this is a test to see how many faggots will comply and how many faggots will side with the government over their own people.
Imagine paying 3k a month to live in a closet so you can meditate in a park. I support rhode island and their noble cause.
us new yorkers are tougher than most
well make it through this and come out stronger
meditation should be practiced in seclusion. that faggot is trolling for cocks
Sunbathing in Domino Park, March 27th, 2020 next to the social distancing sign.
There's only one way this ends
I figured that would would happen. (((Somebody))) freaked out unusually hard over the latest virus and the Plebs played ball for a while. But after a few weeks, they started to notice that nobody around them was getting deathly sick. So they figured it was safe to go outside.
on astroturf
Nice to see they're not falling for it. New Yorkers are still fags though.
Woman in hospital with coronavirus in 'horrific pain that brought me to my knees'
do they hose down the fake grass every night?
Those people are properly distanced though.
Dat nipple.
That's not even real grass, is it?
it's been raining for like three days senpai
I must to admit, this place looks nice
you kidding right?
if it was real grass it would be burned by all the piss a long time ago
People from the same household don't need to social distance, you dumb nigger
Leather pants chick has the right idea. Latex is better, though, and should be mandatory for all young women to protect from COVID.
Mayor Bill de Blasio: City has one week’s worth of medical supplies.
If faggots are gonna ignore rules then just let me go back to fucking work already. This isn't even a half-measure this is an eigth-measure at best fucking incompetent gubmint.
You realize, OP, that Americans die more from auto accidents and drug overdoses more than the COVID-19 in the past few months?
Just the past week here in LA county numerous teen drivers have wrapped their parent's Infiniti G37 around tree's and the 19-22 year old fuccboi's in their Hyundai Veloster (lol it is always this car or a WRX non-STI with STI badges) have caused numerous wrecks in Orange County & Riverside county.
Statistically out here in Southern California and other places the young crowds are killing themselves by car crashes than COVID-19. Hence my insurance rates still get fucked by these generation zoomer retards. I am glad I am working from home remotely.
This is perfectly fine, you fucking kunt. They are safely distant from each others
NY has more covid19 cases than France, Iran, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, South Korea, Turkey, etc, etc, etc
When is NY going to impeach Cuomo?
Fuck new york
GRE. Women should dress appropriately for corona.
XLIF indicates that was taken 2 weeks ago faggot
Get caught outside no TrumpBux?
6 feet...
> Get caught outside no TrumpBux?
That will work
The people who are close together likely are living together, in the same household, you insufferable faggot
No. The rough brick-street culture of the east coast has been ruined by neo-lib cucks. The difference between these fruitcakes and 10th generation new yorkers is staggering
But watch both Cuomo and deblasio run to the cameras and blame Potus. They're both incompetent liars.
Based New Yorkers aren't letting terrorists rule over them.
good. fuck authoritarianism.
grass is a little green for this time of year.
T.New Yorker
>us new yorkers are tougher than most
us new yorkers are coughers than most
To the middle of the country, you're both equally insufferable. Stop moving here please.
Why are Jew Yorkers so arrogant?
I live in Chicago and people are cooperating with social distancing so it’s not just a city people thing.
this. hasn't been warm enough for shorts by the water, either
thats field turf. Thats legitimately plastic grass and ground up tires.
A space like that has too much traffic and not enough staff to allow for fences to be opened and closed at set times - or a proper lawn maintenance regime. Most staff in parks do trash management
ive been going to a park more often recently, finally have some time to do a little disc golf. cant stop me from throwin some discs until martial law
kek. virus is weakshit and gay. fuck the governor.
no they aren't satan. Social distancing is something that works only if you limit contact with others and only go out for essential items like groceries.
If you're going to the park or hanging out with your friends but you think you're safe cause you're standing 6 feet apart you are wrong and exposing yourself and others unduly
go to bed sergei
every 17 minutes in the city alone
not globally
god i hate this culture
Yeah, I've only been to NYC a handful of times, and each time I've been struck by the callousness and rigidity of it all.
I could never get over the comfort people had with their lack of privacy. Stayed in manhattan once, brooklyn a couple more times, and each time I was struck by just how little I could do without putting myself on display for the world to see. It's very restricting.