Name some silver linings from this Coronavirus pandemic.I'll start:

Name some silver linings from this Coronavirus pandemic.I'll start:
>Illegal immigration is down significantly

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Other urls found in this thread:

built for an 10th grade curriculum

Bros, what's this dance style called?

Not so fast, goy

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Normalfags seething
Music to my ears

At the rate the US is being infected, it looks like Mexico will finally be paying for the wall after all.

ah, so THIS is the power of the famous 4D chess

Fewer boomers will be collecting retirement gibs

I'm going to make plebe gains

>normies finally awakening to the fact that China is, and always has been, a shithole

Leftist professors are scared that if they put their courses online for their students, that the public will see them and know what it is they have been teaching.
Athletics budgets at all universities and colleges are taking a huge hit. They won't be able to support non-revenue sports anymore. Most of the schools whose revenue sports break even or make a small profit will no longer be able to carry the burden of women's sports.
The NBA is losing huge amounts of money and will no longer be able to afford to subsidize the WNBA. Also their sucking up to China last year looks terrible for them now. The NBA might have to declare bankruptcy.
Remote learning doesn't work for everyone but will work for a large enough students that many will chose to never go back to a physical classroom. This will make it much less expensive for alternative degree programs to arise, helping to break the monopoly the left has on the education system.

Subtle, I like it

It's called "I'm thot and I can't dance but it don't matter cuz coomers gonna coom".

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Desperate attention seeking fuck girl

whomst are you quoting?

your mother

There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older and obese Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians and media that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best efforts to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are
Open borders just became a really bad idea
Renewed respect for the second amendment
Working from home saves money, gas and time while simultaneously decreasing traffic, pollution and childcare expenses
People begin to question the need for international travel and the health risks it brings
The advantage of being able to homeschool your own children is recognized
You now have time to spring clean your house and sterilize it at the same time
Recognizing the importance of hygiene and hand washing in everyday encounters to prevent disease
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself

What is your silver lining?
Stay safe, count your blessings and be American and look out for your neighbors.

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People are home with their kids
women are at home
niggerball and most sports are cancelled
many degenerate companies will go out of business
tradesmen will keep geting paid while useless jobs are out of work
pubilic school and universities are closed
no more traffic
less people in the parks and in the spaces i enjoy
brainlet lefties are crying in fear boarded up at home dying of stress

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growth of anti EU feelings among Italians

Pic related

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how do i find underage thots on tiktok?

step 1 install tiktok
step 2 open tiktok

Is she having a seizure, or is this some kind of autistic ritual that she does every time she walks through a door?

Proves office obsolete. Been teleworking three weeks.

I'll be able to buy $1200 of discounted btc

less people in general

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White population in america is shrinking due to boomers dying, most of whom are white :)

ready for BWC

immigrants are being laid off and can't make their mortgage or car payments so they might have to go home

Dead Boomers

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nice summary

great summary

subscribe to one you like, then you'll get recommended similar ones

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give me two names then

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awkward 13 year old

built for BBC

Also, I have seen women be much nice. They realize they need men, especially ones with resources. This single cunts that "Strong, independent", are all the sudden little helpless kittens when a pandemic or economic crisis roles around.

I still ignore the thots.

Mmm that mouth. So warm and wet. Those beautiful young eyes looking up at you as she absorbs your soul through your cock. The tickles and teases you feel while she works you. Finally feeling the point of no return, you pull your spit-dripping cock from her mouth and erupt the vile and corrupt seed that has been churning in your achy prostate onto her face. The thick hot seamen completely destroying her innocence an an instant as the wave of satisfaction and bliss grazes over you like a cool breeze.

Really how so? Why are they pissed at the EU? I figured China?

No more s*y faces.

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thats all thats on there. Too bad no nudz

All of these


i-is that a butt? i-i-im gonna COOOOOM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

really? never used it

you have some skills

This virus is a literal godsend to us. It's not the apocalypse some of the panicfags are saying. But it is indeed a massive blowback to SJW/Cuck/PC culture.

I like your take on Marxist professors having their lectures made public.

The largest factor though is the anti chink sentiment. The cucks can't keep all the anger and rage against the Chinese down, Twitter, Youtube and Reddit are panicking because they can't silence the people forever.

China needs to get it's kumuppance after this is over.

Don’t have to visit my parents anymore.

Annoying retard girlfriend doesn’t want to travel all the time anymore.

Banks will crash and house prices will go with it

Way, WAY less boomers.

fuck you made me saved this pic

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I am in line waiting for a position in public universities, but that it is very slow since the old professors (some older than 80yo still working) never give up, soooo it seems that in the coming months the waiting time in the line is going to get a lot shorter.

my morning commute to work has been smooth-sailing with practically no other cars on the highway

I want to rape her haha
(with consent of course)

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Built for BBQ.

just got it but all i see are normalfags with their gfs and bfs

two thirds of Yas Forums are unaffected by the forced quarantine

tiktok is owned by the Chinese government btw

you just got CHONGED

It's not rape if you yell "surprise"

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>Working from home is fun.
>You can take naps
>You can get all of your work done early and then just chill
>No time spent in traffic.
>Save money on gas
>Save money on eating out
>Eat healthier
>No social interaction and office politics
>People reflect more about their lives
>People realize they are mortal
>People realize how much they need social interaction
>You can work out more

People are waking up to CHINK culture and CHINK government.
CHINKS are worse than the Jews.

>anyone I disagree with is a shill
>the truth is irrelevant

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My credit union is waiving early withdrawal penalties on CDs.

Actual Chads are fucking their wives while pathetic polyfags are at best stuck with a single partner they actually aren't satisfied with.

Everyone gets to suffer how I do.

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Not only that, but look at the numbers..."We're going to win so much, you're going to beg me to stop winning." The man is a prophet.

On top of that, it drives people to actually research the latest rumors, conspiracy theories and fakenews. Just last week during our weekly zoom meetings, I have normie coworkers discussing how China's corona stats were utter bullshit based on the massive drop in their mobile phone usage stats and questioning the quality of the masks they've been giving away to western countries (if they were so confident about their masks and had so many to spare, why the hell did they set up a shell company in Australia that bought up all the local stock and shipped them back to China?). Some of them were even subtly revealing power levels. Everyone is getting woke in a good way.

Based wholesomeposter leaf

Proper sex roles are re-emerging. I've seen very little grrrrrlll power for "women's history month".

Her ass is the worst thing about her.

this virus has more upsides than downsides. its the best thing that happened in years.


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Women are back in the kitchen.

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I want her pussy inside my dick
If you know what I mean

>traffic down immensely
>gas at $1.65 at Sam's Club
>all the normies finally feeling my suffering of social isolation
>finally get to work from home as IT
>boomer management getting exposed as completely worthless as my team and our entire business unit's productivity skyrockets now that we don't have to deal with their bullshit meetings
>no seriously I've managed to stage two entire product features in the last week and deployed one to production already
>girls that dumped me or denied going on dates with me contacting me out of the blue
>made $8700 on oil short position
>picking up crypto at major discount

Corona is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

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Lots of people are dying

Mummy, nigger shes 14

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>lots of dead americans

No she isn't

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how big is her dick?

I think it will cause a push towards remote work that should have happened a long time ago. Millions of people driving to and from work every day to do nothing but use a computer is blatantly retarded.

As long as I or very important family doesn't die I'm looking forward to this new world after corona and enjoying her presence right now.

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You'd like that to be true wouldn't you

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a lot more in FL soon

you know i do

Actually non virus related deaths are down between 7,000 - 10,000 because retards are stuck indoors.

But wait isn't she a coalburner

EU is dead.
Globalization is dead.
The federal government may well lose quite a bit of power.
The US dollar may be dead.
It kills old people, faggots and other genetic rejects
It kills those who are a gross burden to the welfare state
80% of casualties are going to come from Hilldawg country, in the US.
Similar numbers undoubtedly seen in Europe for whatever faggot politicians they have.

The only silver lining I've found at this time is recognizing the people that 100% buy into what the media has to say. I still have to work. My life hasn't changed much. Except for the nutjobs running around pretending the sky is falling. And these will be the people I avoid moving forward.

All according to plan


I guess we both can question the morality of your words, but i would rather question what kind of father would take such a picture of his kid.