/sg/ Syria General - Jamahiriya Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
>Yemen Mar 21

Devs Mar 21
>Putin discusses by phone with Assad the situation in Sy in light of the Russian-Turkish agreements on Idlib
>SAA suspends conscription as part of measures to prevent coronavirus epidemic
>Turkish army runs a patrol from the village of Tarnaba, near Saraqib, to the village of Masibin, east of Jericho, in Idlib countryside
>Turkish MoD: The planned deployment and organization activities of our forces are continuing in the de-escalation zone in Idlib, and the news circulated about the withdrawal of our units does not reflect the truth
>Russian military kicks off naval exercises off Syrian coast
>Security forces foil attempt to smuggle IS wives, children from al-hawl camp
>Protesters destroy turkish army barracks on M4 highway
>US State Department: The United States is disappointed with the Iraqi government's performance in protecting international coalition forces
>The International Coalition announces the start of the withdrawal of forces assigned to train the Iraqi army because of the spread of the Coronavirus
>Heavy clashes in southern Tripoli as LNA is attempting to advance at Ain Zara
>Saudi-led coalition forces struck Khab and Shaaf areas 19 time&Majzar 2 times
>Ceasefire violations were reported in al-Hudaydah


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These threads are gay and irrelevant

burger mad

Health to Wafa!

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How is Sayif doing?

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Blessed Wafa. How is she doing? I heard they brought her to a hospital in Russia.

you uneducated incel NEET has no say in this
making a game takes time, and that's the purpose of early access: an unfinished buggy game

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Back to Yas Forums with you

Last topic update

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>uses a word he just learned twice
>thinks he's smart
Mutt confirmed

Why am I not surprised your fetal alcohol syndrome mongoloid looking ass is posting her

>when capitalism goes too far

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what a garbage comeback lol
Your sub 80 inbred iq is showing mukhmett

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Thanks bro

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>Your sub 80 inbred iq is showing mukhmett

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You mean like you? What's the difference then. What are the latest happenings in Sooria anyway? Is Erdogan attacking?

Getting better inshallah, I haven't heard anyone talk about her either after she was taken to St. Petersburg. I suppose she needs time to recover.

>9 weeks since her injury
Time is moving so slow...

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Uuhhhnnn such edge
This hurts more than my daddy forgetting my birthday

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Lose weight

The Turkish army is getting cucked by fucking civilians lmao

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Too stupid to and lazy to even come up with an original thought. Shocking
They only reason your flags Mexican is because your beaner ass is too lazy to walk away from a glowing screen let alone hop the border

Lose chromosomes

What's a qubeisya?

Dan Cohen
Mar 27
>The US government had a deal with corporations to produce 20,000 ventilators – which wouldn’t even be enough for New York – but pulled back after seeing it would cost $1 billion. That’s .00002% of the $4.5 trillion corporate bailout Trump is about to sign.

US bloat is making them extremely inefficient.

I don't want to become you with your 37 chromosomes

Lily Lynch
>There are politicians in DC arguing that Serbia should be put under sanctions right now. Truly sickening stuff.


Wow! US is getting real aggressive lately with all their shit in Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and now deflecting their failures even with us. If it was not tragic it would be comedic.

Brendan James
>American narcissism runs so deep that in a public health crisis in which the personal sacrifice is staying put, people are writing essays about how they're "brave" for not "abandoning" their local Starbucks and Andrew Cuomo. And btw they were at a party with Tracy Letts once


No your rather stay retarded sucking lakkupipes so the state can keep giving you gibs
It's almost 1 in finland get some sleep and a job

>Lt. Gen. White’s memo, which was leaked to the Times, warned that the proposed campaign in Iraq against Iranian-allied militias would “require that thousands more American troops be sent to Iraq and divert resources from what has been the primary American military mission there: training Iraqi troops to combat the Islamic state.”

>The Pompeo/Netanyahu/Saudi target is the Kataib Hezbollah militia, which has attacked U.S. forces in Iraq, including after the Trump administration assassinated the senior Iranian general, Qassim Soleimani, in January. Pompeo et al dismiss Kataib Hezbollah as Iran’s “proxies,” although genuine experts argue that the group emerged because of the reality in Iraq, including the U.S. occupation, now entering its 17th year, and can act on its own.

>Pentagon Order to Plan for Escalation in Iraq Meets Warning From Top Commander
>A secret Pentagon directive orders planning to try to destroy a militia group backed by Iran, but America’s top general in Iraq cautions of the risks.

>German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead


A german state finance minister literally killed himself because he could not see the economic solution to the crisis that corona brought.

It looks like it's gonna be that bad.

Seethe more, bitch

PS: thanks for the bumps

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What a fag
why are germutts such weaklings

>amerimutt thinking anyone would actually like to go to his shithole

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They take inspiration from their leader

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>Richard Nelson Frye defines Greater Iran as including "much of the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, with cultural influences extending to China and western India."

>According to Frye, "Iran means all lands and peoples where Iranian languages were and are spoken, and where in the past, multi-faceted Iranian cultures existed."

>Only in modern times did western colonial intervention and ethnicity tend to become a dividing force between the provinces of Greater Iran.

>As Patrick Clawson states, "ethnic nationalism is largely a nineteenth century phenomenon, even if it is fashionable to retroactively extend it."

>"Greater Iran" however has been more of a cultural super-state, rather than a political one to begin with.

>"Many Iranians consider their natural sphere of influence to extend beyond Iran's present borders.

>Portuguese forces seized islands and ports in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire wrested from Tehran's control what is today Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and part of Georgia.

>Iranian elementary school texts teach about the Iranian roots not only of cities like Baku, but also cities further north like Derbent in southern Russia.

>The Shah lost much of his claim to western Afghanistan following the Anglo-Iranian war of 1856-1857.

>"Iran today is just a rump of what it once was. At its height, Iranian rulers controlled Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, much of Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Many Iranians today consider these areas part of a greater Iranian sphere of influence." -Patrick Clawson

You fucking devil zionist imperialist pigs. You will NEVER divide IRAN and will NEVER make us forget about our roots.

TFUUUUUU on your mothers pussy for giving birth to such devils.

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Collapsing empire resorting to aggression because nobody cares what they say anymore.

How are they this unprepared for the nu neet society?

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Corona has brought back and taught the superiority of the sakoku policy

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I love this movie

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Serves them right for abandoning the DDR

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US Pipeline Operators Urge Oil Producers to Slash Output as Storage Reaches Max Capacity

>Last week, the US Department of Energy announced plans to purchase 77 million barrels of oil on the domestic market to shore up the country's strategic reserve amid the increasing coronavirus outbreak.

>US pipeline operators are asking producers to cut oil production amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has led to drastic cuts in global crude output, Bloomberg reports.

> The news agency quoted Plains All American Pipeline LP, one of the country's largest shippers of crude, as saying in a letter earlier this week that the company is “sending this proactive request to our suppliers to ask that you take steps to reduce oil production in response to the pandemic”.

>According to Bloomberg, the request is “the clearest sign yet that a growing glut of crude is overwhelming storage capacity”.


>absolute state of US oil industry

What for?

Gn /sg/

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Reminder that Kurds are descendants of the Gutians:

"The Guti was described as part of the horde that toppled the kingdom of Akkad (or Agade).[1] It was a conglomeration of tribes that descended from the Zagros Mountains, possibly drawn to the plains for its prosperity.[1]

The ancient Mesopotamians treated them as subnormal beings for their unwillingness to conform to customs and laws of civilization. Chronicles written around the end of the third millennium, for instance, described the Gutians as barbarians, having the intelligence of dogs and the appearance of monkeys while speaking a language similar to a confused babble.[2]"

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>The historical Guti have been regarded by many scholars as having contributed to the ethnogenesis of the Kurds.

>However, Kurds are an Iranian people,

>and the first known Indo-Iranians in the region were the Mitanni, who established a kingdom in northern Syria five centuries after the fall of Gutium.

>The Mitanni are believed to have spoken an Indo-Aryan language,[35] or perhaps a pre-split Indo-Iranian language.

> The current view is that the separation of Iranian peoples from Indo-Aryans occurred between 1800 and 1600 BCE

>which makes it nearly impossible for the Gutians to have been linguistically or culturally Kurdish

Don't try to bullshit around here when Kurdshill is roaming the block, punk.

I will btfo you with facts and science like you have never seen before.

Try me.

Guys , rate my map pls. Its in a scenario post-Greco-Turkish war. The sides I believe would be Russia-Syria-Greece-Bulgaria-Serbia-Romania vs Turkey -Albania-Kosovo-""""North Macedonia"""""-ukrainie.
Problem is I dont know what the Kurds will take. Any tips?

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r/sgay so gay
time for the thread to die and to leave its place to less retarded threads

>laws of civilization
LMAO what laws and civilization?

The semitic mesopotamian city states were savage barbarians that spent all their resources on military to enslave and slaughter their neighbours.

Civilizations reached the mid east when Iranians united and ruled the region. Starting with the Medes, who saved everyone from the Assyrian and Akkadian barbaric rules. Lel.

Learn history or don't come here preaching, boy.

These are the real ancestors of the kurds.

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>Pan-Iranism is an ideology that advocates solidarity and reunification of Iranian peoples living in the Iranian plateau and other regions that have significant Iranian cultural influence, including the Persians, Azeris, Lurs, Gilaks, Mazanderanis, Kurds, Zazas, Talysh, Tajiks of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Ossetians, Baloch of Pakistan, etc.

>The first theoretician was Dr Mahmoud Afshar Yazdi.

>Iranian political scientist Dr. Mahmoud Afshar developed the Pan-Iranist ideology in the early 1920s in opposition to Pan-Turkism and Pan-Arabism, which were seen as potential threats to the territorial integrity of Iran

>On the eve of World War I, pan-Turkists focused on the Turkic-speaking lands of Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia.

>The ultimate purpose was to persuade these populations to secede from the larger political entities to which they belonged and join the new pan-Turkic homeland

> It was the latter appeal to Iranian Azerbaijanis, which, contrary to Pan-Turkist intentions, caused a small group of Azerbaijani intellectuals to become the strongest advocates of the territorial integrity of Iran.

>After the constitutional revolution in Iran, a romantic nationalism was adopted by Azerbaijani Democrats as a reaction to the pan-Turkist irredentist policies threatening Iran’s territorial integrity.[11] It was during this period that Iranism and linguistic homogenization policies were proposed as a defensive nature against all others.

> Contrary to what one might expect, foremost among innovating this defensive nationalism were Iranian Azerbaijanis.


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>Iran-e Bozorg was a periodical published in the city of Rasht by the Armenian political activist Gregory Yeghikian (Armenian: ?????? ???????).

>It advocated the unification of Iranian peoples (e.g., Afghans, Kurds, etc.) included the Armenians.

> Yaqikian believed that, with education and the rising of the levels of people’s awareness, such a goal was feasible through peaceful means.

> It also published articles in support of the Kurds who had risen in rebellion in Turkey, which caused the protest of the Turkish counsel in Rasht and led to the banning of the paper by the order of the minister of court.

>Yaqikian tried, without success, to have the ban removed and eventually moved to Tehran, where he published the paper Iran-e Konuni.


Balochs are Iranics and they are part of Greater Iran.

>the Kurds will take. Any tips?

The Kurds should unite with Iran. Period.

>The historical Guti have been regarded by many scholars as having contributed to the ethnogenesis of the Kurds.
>it is possible that they still contributed to an extent, if at the very least genetically.

So Kurds have a Gutian genetic admixture in them in addition to whatever Mede and Mannean DNA as well.

Truly the ultimate Persmutts

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And? Now the Gutians are Iranics? Are you jealous or something?

They chose to be Iranics over being semite subhumans. Why does it bother you? You didn't get picked, now fuck off.

Those areas belong to Greater Iran.

what does /sg/ think about it?
i think they want to strengthen the ISF.
>adjustments to the force

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A US vs Iran war is on the horizon, and it will take place in Iraq.

If it wasn't for the corona then we would be talking about a conflict very soon.

We have to wait and see.

Notice how US forces withdrawing from bases near Iranian forces?

They will be regrouping in Kurdistan to launch attacks on Iranian backed militias.

The US even withdrew their embassy staff in Baghdad. Something big will happen soon.

And that proves that Kurds much like their ancestors are barbaric subhumans that noone wants to be around and have no place anywhere in Mesopotamia.

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Hopefully Corna kills all the old jews in Israel

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