FACT: Simon was probably just killed by one person. Why would the entire Jewish community work together just to kill a 3 year old kid? Killing a child is just a one-person job.
Also, the "confessions" for the killing of Simon were extracted using torture. The Jews of Trent were tortured to make them confess to the killing. If they actually did the killing, why was torture needed? In any case, the Jews were not given a proper trial. Any man who has been falsely accused of rape knows that proper trials are necessary for a free society.
I feel sympathy for the Jews of Trent because, in the modern world, males are the new Jews.
Also, the female Jews of Trent were ultimately let of the hook.'
I will repeat myself: The Christians of Trent were the same as modern radical feminists.
The Truth About Simon of Trent
a fucking leaf
range ban all of you faggots
his body was found in a Rabbis basement
>In b4 "You are a Jew with Jewish privilege."
That sounds like "You are a male with male privilege."
Like I said, men are the new Jews.
"We need to ban all men! All men are neckbeards! REEEEEE!"
That's how you sound.
>Also, the "confessions" for the killing of Simon were extracted using torture. The Jews of Trent were tortured to make them confess to the killing. If they actually did the killing, why was torture needed? In any case, the Jews were not given a proper trial. Any man who has been falsely accused of rape knows that proper trials are necessary for a free society.
Sounds like Nuremberg
So ... If I found a body in a man's basement then the entire male sex is guilty?
Fucking rabbi shill that was the worst pilpul I've ever seen in a long time
There were no 'jews of Trent' there were only jews who preyed on the people of Trent.