
What kind of people live in these houses?
What kind of sad dad
Scratches in this crash-pad?
Torn jeans ortrousers?

Attached: new-build-houses.jpg (800x400, 49.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: BritPolLogicPuzzle.png (1136x587, 133.85K)

Clap 4 shipperz

Attached: Hive mind activated.jpg (1024x576, 130.08K)

deanos or darrens?
stacies or sharons?

Attached: interlude.png (996x661, 952.64K)

Attached: NorfLockdown.png (1160x2190, 2.53M)

Bunch a twats
That's right I'm talking about (You)


very based image

>autofellating absolute apex nonce cringe

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>Germany to issue coronavirus 'immunity certificates' to people who have recovered in a bid to bring their lockdown to an end
why do people keep assuming that you can become immune to this virus? there's more evidence of reinfection and the virus being permanent. /cvg/ has known that the virus has ADE for months now.

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Is Norf FC Deano's dad or uncle? I can see him being both

There's nothing wrong with that house. I and the Mrs are considering buying one. In cash, since her parents are wealthy.

any of you lads own a PS4? i'm looking for people to play with

This is where scummy yuppy deanos live, user.
Imagine having to share a building with your neighbour on either side. Not comfy at all.


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Wat games?

I wish lad, I wouldn't spend so much time in this shit hole if I could.

Norf FC isn't a person you spastic it's a phenotype

Go listen to Doves - Black and White Town


People that drive pic related

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shut up you bacon tripcunt

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ive a whole deanobox folder from 2017 britpol

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Disgusting desu.

Daz AKA boomer chad is Deano's dad. Big Baz is his uncle.

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Don't worry chaps. Replacement doctors are on their way.. an fortunately they'll be a few more empty houses to give them when they arrive.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29 Calais refugees aim to reach UK to escape coronavirus lockdown.png (636x667, 518.25K)

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Now do the line about being vapid while adding nothing but sperg posting about tripfags.

Looks like Deano's moved up in the world.
He'll have a driveway for that leased Audi in no time.

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pretty sure it's a football team


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black people are immune.

>wanting to put immigrants in a museum

fucking ate pakis

No taxation without baked provisions

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As we spend the last night on Maudlin Street
"Goodbye house, forever!"
I never stole a happy hour around here
Where the world's ugliest boy
He became what you see
Here I am - the ugliest man

how they taste?

Now do the line where you post 'seething' or some other buzz word then go on a tirade about some anonymong who irked you.
Very interesting that you support one of Brit/pol/s red handed paedos. Has he promised you a share if you keep sucking him off in the thread?

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Oh god. Stop!

You've got a lot to answer for. you know eddie is a known nonce, right?

Just a reminder that you should join in when the pakis and chavs start dissent and riot on the streets, everyone must contribute.

Expect this to happen at or before ramadan.

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he served, fuck off

Bricklayer here.

I can confirm that those new builds; Barrett, Persimmon, Crest Nicholson are all complete garbage. The show home might look nice but I see what goes into them and can assure you that nearly everyone that builds them would never buy one. Don’t waste your money.

was at the morrissey gig in wembley the saturday before this all kicked off.


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Fuck off nonce apologist

Served sweets to kids, sure.

You've already played this one to death lads, just like you always do. It was done after day 1.

cod mw/warzone, red dead online and rocket league mainly. sometimes i play battlefield 4

nah threads got too many brainlet replies, dont want it to speed up too much

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Served what? Time in prison?
He's a disgusting nonce

Why are you trying to excuse and downplay your open support of a paedophile? I mean, it makes sense considering you avatarfag as a loli.

Can we set the nonce hunters on Eddie?

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In all honesty, how in the fuck do you expect anything other than that? You are a small fucking island with shrkinking space, and vast overpopulation. I wonder how the fuck you even still HAVE any 'countryside' left and entire England has not turned into one giant London city at this point.


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anyone remember the poopy nigger meme

>it's a nothingburger

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Sorry, can't help you
I only own rocket league out of that list


These 'houses' are fucking soul-destroying.

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confirmed? how do you know?

this is what's being taught in University of Manchester's metaphysics lectures
how this is relevant to metaphysics i do not know

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For the love of god, stop!

Niggers kill a person every 2 seconds

Kek, he actually did do time in the glasshouse for refusing to soldier. Got his arse turned inside out, no doubt.

>deletes your countryside

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>forbidden karaoke

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Yea lad, not getting into a discussion with spastics. You've done the Eddie nonce thing to death like I've already said.
Next comes you repeating the same thing in a different format, Eddie style ;)

warzone is free, if you dig that sort of thing

Not heard anything about generation identity for a while
Did they run out of stickers

He was chatting up a 15yr old on omegal

Who the fuck buys one of these piles of fucking shit lmfao

You do know that this is true. And I am talking about entirety of Britain mind you. If you you only look at England itself, situation is even more tragic.

No. But they can mitigate any viral load by doing a few rapes.

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he deserted lmfao

Based and compactpilled. Looks cozy as fuck, but I might be wrong.

for 40k I wouldnt mind.

yeah that's not on

>police in absolute shock seeing room full of people enjoying themselves
do they only hire incels these days?

>Quarter of Britons could be tested for coronavirus to shorten lockdown period after it emerges officials have agreed to buy 17.5 MILLION kits for use by mid-April
this will only work if they can somehow isolate every single infected person at the same time and somehow clear the bleach/alcohol resistant virus off of every surface in the country. they'd need to lock the borders down too.

Imagine there's no memeflags
It's easy if you try
No Kekistanis below us
Above us, Union Jacks
Imagine all the newfags, seeing Israelis...
Oooh oooh, ooh ooh ooh

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Saw some comfy Tudor hybrids in Lichfield a couple of years back. Quite like them tbqh.

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>Dodges the fact that he openly supports Brit/pol/ paedophiles and is likely one himself considering he avatarfags and trips as a loli from a moe anime popular with nonces.

Yeah, very suspicious this. You've got your back to the wall and you're crying. Why can't you answer a simple question, are you stupid as well as a nonce?

hang the parents and sell their children into slavery.
this sort of partying is intolerable.

Nah ma internet is too shit to be playing something like that rn

Cuomo is mentally unstable that guy is alway angry about something

you dont prefer having communal spaces everyones too embarrassed to use?

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Thomas Jefferson hated you bongs and he wasn't wrong

we live in a society.

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>might be

My mate bought one of these shitpiles, none of the windows is paralell and his garden is subsiding.



i hate this
i hate this
i hate this
i hate this

why cant we just be comfy?

t. hitchens

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Floorfixer (block and beamer) here
Yeah this lads right, especially Persimmons, so many corners are cut its comical and i only know about the footings, gas membranes and floors, let alone the rest of it.
Only companies id buy a newbuilds from would be Berkeley Homes and maybe Bovis

based. last 6cyl RWD manual hatchback that will ever be made

What house should I go for? In the sense of what age. Is anything after 1960 garbage?

Fuck off, at least it looks relatively solid with brick walls, compared to your average muutmansion from midwest that falls apart from a slightest breeze.

Terraced houses built 120 years ago in Britain are usually bigger than those piles of shit. The ones from 120 years ago will probably outlast them too.

he's an uppity cunt who is in the news more than his position dictates he should be, a bit like Sadiq Khan.