Doctor here

The Coronavirus is fake. I work in a hospital downtown Seattle and we don't have a single case of Coronavirus. Also, the hospital is near completely empty. Literally everyone I know in the medical field just laughs at the virus and isn't even remotely worried. It's fake. People are out in the streets on public transportation all day and not getting it. This is the most blatant psyop in human history. They aren't even trying to hide it, yet the drones still fall for it simply because CNN said it's happening. There is zero evidence of this virus outside of news headlines. They did this so they could give the corporations 8.5 trillion without backlash. And it worked. You heard it here first.

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Other urls found in this thread:

femanon physician here. can confirm.

Trust me I’m a doctor.

Yes. They needed it to be appear to be an "act of god", rather than the structural and systemic flaws of their niggerized and judaic system.

Neuroscientist here

I can confirm also that it's all a hoax.
I make millions a year and drive supercars.

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trump here
he is right

Can you post your titties and sweaty pussy?

post timestamped proof, tripfag
t. SLUanon

Prove it
let's see some pictures of your empty hospital
time stamps and everything
let's blow the lid off the fake shit if it is fake

penile inspector here
i have doubts about your claim

oh good some namefag named seachad said it's not real and posted a snarky anti trump picture we better all go back to coughing and sneezing on eachother everythings fine

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Prove you're a doctor. I believe it being a giant psyop but we need some proof...

If they're empty, then take videos and pictures for us.

I call fake and gay. Know people working in Seattle hospitals dealing with COVID

what about Italy

Hello I am neither a doctor nor informed in the matter however I have a 14 inch cock and can confirm this post

Prove you're a doctor, show me photos of the place as well.

No you don’t.

I’m a doctor in Philadelphia. Coronavirus is very real. It tends to also reanimate the recently deceased and those patients become extremely violent and start to bite. From what we can tell, they have no pulse and there is no reasoning with them. My colleague was recently bitten and is starting to turn blue and foam at her mouth. I recommend burning the dead.


I believe you.

>SeaChad here
into the trash in all fields

Saying that the Coronavirus is fake will probably become a more offensive crime than denying the holocaust. What do you think we should do?

There's a reason tripfags get the filter newfags.

forgot pic related

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I'm afraid we all know too many sick and dead people for your gayest of all gay larps to be even slightly plausible.

So it's a nothing burger and Trump wins as usual.

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>Recommends burning the dead.
You said that right out of the blue, you're trolling. :P

fake and gay post degree

Jew here. Think about the economy.

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kek fpbp

I hated penis inspection day in 6th grade, absolutely hated it

Based lucky post

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my entire family has a significant make up of doctors and nurses, all of us are in firm agreement that this is fake news to the maximum.

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Burning doesn't work.. just shoot them in the head. Especially the twitchers....

Dr. Jonas Salk here, lol I was just dabbing on libtards with my "vaccine" lmao cucks 14/88

>I work in a hospital downtown Seattle
Which one user?

I'm an OR technician in a Philadelphia hospital.

Hoax or not our medical icu and cardiac icu areally full with covid patients and everyone is taking precautions. They are also sending half the staff home to use their personal time because there aren't any elective operations going on.

Hell of an effort for a health system to lose out on 800million from cancelling elective surgery for shilling.

And I'll just leave this video of all JFKs grandkids singing the song Timber here .....

EMT here. Most calls from suburb of small (50,000 pop.) city in Skagit County, Washington State.. Both hospitals here full and everyone in medical community takes it very serious.

OP is a fag until he posts proofs.

Is larping like a nothing burger doctor what you want to be doing when sweet baby Jesus comes home to save us?

If penis got hard while hot nurse inspected them, the nurse took the penis into a firm grip and slammed the dick so hard that the erection was no more.
>big boys told me prior to inspection

kill all who aim to silence you!

I believe you. Whole thing is bullshit.

>Doctor here
Hope you don't mind posting your credentials then, "Doctor".

Physician here, I can confirm that OP is full of shit.

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>being smart enough to be a doctor
Lol no

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Nobel price here:
I can confirm: everything is fake
and OP is a faggot

I’m a doctor. Trust me. Plus my uncle works for Nintendo and said that a new Metroid game is coming out in April before the zombies eat everyone.

By "hospital in downtown Seattle" do you mean up the hill east of downtown? There are no hospitals any where near downtown proper.

Are you 80 years old too?

>heard here first
Anons have been saying this nearly a month now.
But what you say matches my wife's experience at our hospital, she is MD. All fakers and non emergencies not in hospital so it's easy breasy.

Ban Usury

My mother knows 2 people aged 29 and 31 who have been brought in coma. They had been skiing.

I don't know why you guys keep this up, but there are plenty of younger people dying or getting permanent damage.

The sad part is that she’d be a 9 if her face wasn’t so fucked up.

Danhald Drumpf here. I can confirm everything that OP has written.

t. undercover operation in Poorland

Corona Virus here, I just have to say i'm really hurt you guys are trying to pretend like i'm not here.

Is it gonna be christmas jesus? Or grown man with a beard jesus?

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Designer Virus Engineer with a PhD in Invertebrate Dermatitis here. Eating your own feces is the only way to inoculate, OP. I have extra stores if you run out.

My dad got it in February and my sister got it at the beginning of March. They're fine. It's a nothing bruger

Buying calls when the market opens tomorrow. People are gonna wake up to this fact very soon.

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My favorite is the Easter Jesus with the bunny ears.

temp or jeff? my mom works at temp but is currently home

hey fuck you buddy. another 2 weeks and its gonna be nothing but coofers and coofins.

Nice try Moshe

>that pic
I love Yas Forums so much

Nice trips but I don't believe you work in a Seattle hospital. Let's see a little proof. Source: I am a north of seattle PNWfag.

I like bad advice jesus personally.

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Gynocolist here' can confirm.

I am no gynecologist, but I will take a look.

> Wife is an ICU nurse at mass general, floor is filled with intubated people half of them under forty.
Oh and we’re just supposed to believe you too? Yea? Fuck off faggot

brah. he aint trolling. its literally a tv show based on real life events.

1. I Mean this in the nicest way possible and I promise I am not trying to troll. Washington is just barely a state. Noone respects people from washington state, again nothing personal.

2. Wife is an ICU nurse at mass general, floor is filled with intubated people half of them under 40 and all have covid

3. Not a Psyop, the reason noone is checking into your hospital is because they dont trust your capability of taking care of them (again no offence, please refer back to #1 for reason why?)

4. I will agree that the MSM is gaslighting it only for political purposes

5. I agree the government is using this opportunity to bail out corporations and use it as an excuse for the reason why the economy crashed.

6. Two things can be true at once, all of the things you listed can be happening while being a real pandemic

Oh wow pasta again, show your real flag Israel

I'm a doctor in Italy. I can confirm op is a massive faggot.

I don't know a single person who has corona. Nobody I know knows someone with corona.

We LARPed so hard the world actually fell for it. This is a thousand times bigger troll than electing Trump into power.

My great grandmother is a nurse. She can confirm that FLUVID-19 is real.

Sure you are

I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt, because it says, like, I wanna be formal, but I'm here to party too. Because I like to party, so I like my Jesus to party.

Is that your go too? I agree that there is israel subversion all over the place, but that doesn't mean this shit isnt really happening. Better watch your mental state buddy, your going to become alex jones at this rate.

You have no friends, not that suprising you dont know anyone who has it

I don't know single person who was on Mars. Nobody I know knows someone who was on Mars.

Washington State is the best State. We have the only green state flag, towns named George and Martha, volcanoes, beach front, the second biggest (unless the Chinks extincted the biggest) salamander in the world, etc.

>The Coronavirus is fake.
The new trolling.