Remember that time we created a demonic manifestation of kek that tore the cosmos asunder?

Remember that time we created a demonic manifestation of kek that tore the cosmos asunder?

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simpler times, fren

That's the great dragon you fool. Stop spreading this image.

yes, good old times.
but do they actually censored the pic? why?

pretty sure it's un-censored now

Praise be to kek

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kek is NOT demonic

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they didn't want to freak people out

Haha yeah, good times fren.

Yes user, those were good old days

it doesn’t look like pepe the frog

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Did anyone else have some seriously strange things happenong around then? Followed by a star, only 1 star in the sky? Venus or the consciousness thereof coming into their minds? It can't just be me.

no, but reddit surely does

I've seen this single "star" in the sky, but I believe it's venus

what is this?

have you ever seen the Hour Glass Nebula pepe?

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is that when the camera feeds were fucking up and Kek appeared

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Someone please post the image where it looks like there are multiple dragon heads.

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Binaural was kino

I think it was. It was the only visible star for months here.

yes, i remember.

it's just cacodemon flying in space, OP.

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>we created
>demonic manifestation of kek
>tore the cosmos asunder
You reek of kikery, OP

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Kek wills it

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Who is the man child? Does anybody know?

Thanks I was wondering if anybody would care to mention this

30yr boomer who leaves his parents basement, it’s really metaphorical

Remember how we unleashed a virus on globalists and Hollywood elite?

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Hmhmhmhm, made me chuckle. Who's it meant to be then? Anti Christ or Christ?

this might single handedly be the worst thing i've seen today

venus teicked me some days ago, it was so bright i thought it was a closer object in the sky

It was beautiful


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What comes next?

Lots of fun. Time we meme kikes out of existence with loving embrace of Corona-chan.

So what is this thing? And please no bullshit answers, even though I know that’s asking a lot.

Venus is planet not star.


Do you think our ancestors could truly communicate with the stars/gods?


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Definitely not the anti christ. It could be one of us pollacks that is red pilled and enters the world to defeat the red dragon (maybe China)

Imagine what great positive change we can do.

If you don’t censor that image mods will 404 whole thread!

It is one of us, or more than one, or all of us. It's becoming evident.

Check out the pearl jam album

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Are we governed by the Biblical prophecy or is that predictive programming? We can do great & good things. Corona has bought about most of the change we wanted and we were told Januiary 2020 was the time the Devil realises he doesn't have long left and we gain in power.

Checked for GATE

Light is sentient. It perpetuates and renews itself by seeding and growing life on rocky planets like Earth. The novel & good organisms are harvested into the nearest star.

Heaven for Earth is the Sun

Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system

>Infinite: Egyptians interpreted this as a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.

>Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.

>Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, the Nile, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.

>Lorenz system (see diagram): a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order - highly sensitive to initial conditions - emerges out of chaos. In our case on Earth, the two most pressing poles are that of Good and Evil. Light never dies. Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.

>Every proton basically is the universe.

Don't think or worry about it too much, just be a good person and enjoy the experience.

This is fundamentally about love. And Earth needs help.

The War on Terror = The War on Ra's Tear

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Taken to a special school for the gifted personally. Gateway training at the moment.


> Heaven for us is the Sun

> “God” is just the collective of all stars, who themselves are each a collective all of their planets harvested, sentient entities of goodness & love.

>This “collective of collectives” co-creates reality for each other. All love.

> Metaphysically, this is how sentient light perpetuates and renews itself: light "grows" life on rocky planets like Earth. The novel & good organisms are harvested into the nearest star

>Every star is a sentient collective. Every star is a heaven unto itself. If you love in this toughest of dimensions, you get harvested into heaven when you die, where you live forever with your family and everything you loved in this life and it is beautiful forever.

>The Egyptians called the “as above, so below” phenomenon correspondence. In this density, you can notice correspondences by picking up on what Jung called synchronicities.

We all seem to have taken to the Occult path but haven't taken any oaths with any orders it seems.

am i going to die

We all are but will we know when we die is perhaps a better question.

Let us unite then. Watch foe the GATE threads. Working on encrypted comms atm.

Wasnt the thread supposed to be bbetween 4 and 5 EST today?

Does it matter if you don't leave a mark? You never really lived then.


Also I've experienced the 'as above so below' play out with the consciousnesses of the planets and the deep sea of the shared subconscious of mankind. I think I've found a personal ceremonial way in. By changing the inner, we can affect the outer as in 2017.

wrong filter flaggot

Has been getting ghosted. Also had interactions with NavIntel today. Spoopy until I struck a casual coded conversation. They are afraid of us uniting. Be wary of weaving spiders anons.

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We've already called in the meteorites/ asteroids etc.

Definitely will work underground with fellow anons or supportive agencies.

right .. doesn't look like a frog at all.

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Agreed.The rule of 5 and 93.

>tore the cosmos asunder?
You mean that 2017 Yas Forums prediction where nothing happened?

Very important distinction

We're living it user. We're onto something inherent in our universe, a magick or power that the elite groups tap into. Has anyone heard of the Layam?
