Sure seems like it
Is Coronavirus God's revenge?
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Trump’s winning all 50 states
2020 = 1984
Sauce? Big if true.
its because cities vs rural retards
Ohnono the Democrats were practically salivating with glee when they heard it killed elderly Republican voters.
I hope it kills everyone of the Donkey voting bastards.
Fucking SAVED.
Dem states are testing more.
Honestly it's probably because of all the NY counties that voted for HRC.
The Trump Curse strikes all eventually
Those who dare to go against the God Emperor will be punished for their sins
>Viruses spread faster in densely populated areas
>Cities voted overwhelmingly for Clinton
No, "God" didn't have a hand in it.
It's happening
The Trump Curse is real.
Doesn’t matter. When they’re dead they’ll still be voting.
What a strange way to look at the stats. It's almost as if there's something innately wrong with our news apparatus.
Just wait until wormwood gets here
Dunno. Is Wu Flu similarly ravaging Labour dens over in the UK?
Not exactly a groundbreaking correlation. Democrats are mostly urbanite yuppies and shitskins, who are concentrated in cities. The same places where there's constant movement of people internationally from airports and such, and of course a denser population is going to make it easier for a virus to spread.
To think for months people were claiming it would wipe out the Republican base.
It sure as fuck isn't the 18-35 crowd voting for Clinton or keeping and putting Feinstein, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and even AOC in office.
The biggest Trump curse to date, I wonder if this will kill off the illegals and immigrants thus preventing the demographic change as well as making a major push for nationalism. Truly crazy times we live in.
Democrats are inflating the numbers, they're trying to use this to make Trump look bad.
Liberals watch and believe the news, so they think they're all infected and going to die, liberals do no know the difference between infection rate and fatality rate. They're NPCs and programed by tv.
The democrat states are also outright outlawing the proven cure for the virus ensuring they have a high fatality rate in their states.
His approval is only seeming like it's going up because the people who disapprove are LITERALLY DYING!!!!!!!!
Oh, we know that. Big, liberal, diverse cities.
Corona = dem hoax
Democrats travel more
I wish every person who ever preached diversity got this chink flu and dies a horrible agonizing death
Mexico is going to be hit hard. Their President still believes amulets will save them.
Everything South will go south as well. Except maybe Venezuela, no one goes there.
Shhh. It’s rude to point it out while the retards are actually dying.
Does American new really publish shit like this or is it a photoshop? This is literally trying to instigate violence.
>The Trump Curse strikes all eventually
>Those who dare to go against the God Emperor will be punished for their sins
>dense urban areas have a higher infection rate
imagine my shock
Pestilence and liberal sensibilities both flourish in metropolitan areas
reminder that NY is a swing state without NYC
I think the biggest common factor for both Clinton voters and Covid cases is population density.
God hates fags.
Thus saith the Lord!
The great equalizer
Yes. Globalists who promote racial diversity are the greatest evil our species has ever known. Nations are meant to remain separate, even if each individual is supposed to welcome foreign VISITORS. It’s in the Bible.
based rhode island
that doesn't include all the Noo Yawkers who fled for greener pastures
Trump is no different than Hillary and God recognizes this. Corona is revenge against the entire world, a new Great Flood.
>United we are strong. Wait what do you mean contagious?
Is it really urban vs rural or just whites being responsible and properly isolating?
Both true.
It disappoints me that blacks and Hispanics have low rates of ACE2 receptors.
Globalists BTFO
Trump is a real God savior for Mericans
You really need to get off the internet. Only poltards salivate at the thought of entire demographics dying.
you still simping for hillary?
Same thing. Rural areas are more white, and rural whites are more responsible than urban whites.
The US are thinly populated outside big cities.
The 'rural and suburban retards' are effectively self isolating if they just don't go meeting friends.
They were cheering when the hurricane hit Trump states. Corona is Karma
The US as a whole is the same Jewish color as far as I'm concerned. Red vs Blue shit is meaningless. It's goys vs jews.
You're on Yas Forums moron. Of course people on Yas Forums are going to act like people on Yas Forums. Turn 360 degrees and go back to whatever sharia blue cave you crawled out of.
Right. Where I live, if you're much closer to someone than 6 feet and you're not having sex, you're in their personal space. If you see three people on an elevator, you wait for the next one. We're not insects in a hive; we like our space.
>Water just draining into space.
What a shit design.
The only people who aren't dying en masse are rural and suburban retards.
City people all get infected by chink AIDS.
It's where they throw any blacks that sneak in.
You could just throw them off the cliff. No need to drain the water like that. Sooner or later it'll run out.
Fuck off back to D*mocrat