Japanese rape of Dutch women in WW2

>In February 1944 Japanese officers entered the camp and ordered all single girls aged 17 to 21 to line up for inspection. “The officers paced up and down, up and down the line, inspecting each girl,” she recalled

>“Now they were standing directly in front of me. One of them lifted my chin with a stick to see my face. They stood there grinning, looking at my legs, at my face, at my body … Oh, my God, I prayed; don’t let them take me away.”

>Jan and six other girls were taken to a Dutch colonial house in Semarang converted into a brothel for army officers. “We were all virgins. So innocent,” she recalled. “We tried to find out from each other what was going to happen to us. To this day I have never forgotten that fear.”

>As Japanese officers arrived on their first night, she led the frightened girls in a recitation of Psalm 27: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?

>“He stood right over me now, pointing the sword at my body. I pleaded with him through my gestures to allow me to say some prayers before I died. With his sword touching my flesh, I fell on my knees to pray … The Japanese officer was getting impatient now. He threw me on the bed and tore at my clothes, ripping them off. I lay there naked on the bed as he ran his sword slowly up and down over my body … I can find no words to describe this most inhumane and brutal rape.


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The Dutch deserved rape. How does everyone not know this? I am sure they were disappointed by the SAC as they have a known proclivity for BBC (look it up) but in the end, the rape was justified.

There once was a Jap in Taipei
Who raped ten Chinese girlies a day
He said “I can’t get much higher, but now my family’s on fire
For my sins they sent Curtis LeMay

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aargh this sex makes me angry
i want sex too

Nice, lol

I think you mean SJW


Also your link isn't working

Chinks are subhuman along with spics and niggers. Never understood why anyone would say otherwise.

I'm glad those nips had some fun

mutts law

Is there a hentai of this?

Tiny Japanese penises. Honestly I'm surprised their victims even noticed.

Japanese aren't chinks. Chinese are chinks. If you're going to use racial slurs, at least use them properly. The other common Asian slurs are nip, gook, and zipperhead. No, they aren't interchangeable, and it's your job to understand which refers to what. Now that you've been armed with this information, hopefully you'll look less like a fucking retard when deciding to spill your thoughts online.

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>she led the frightened girls in a recitation of Psalm 27: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear?
> I pleaded with him through my gestures to allow me to say some prayers before I died.
according to her own faith god either caused this to happen or allowed it to happen

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I would fuck every nordic pussy on sight.

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Japs are the rape kings of the world they are just dormant since WW2.

>believing women

me so chinky cannot see
dick so dinky cannot pee

I'm sure the Dutch girls laughed later at how small the jap penises were

>a man TOUCHED me!
>I'm the real victim of war!
Cunts never change

The problem with posts like yours is that when were reading a thread our brain begins to process but then you guys cone allong.

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Nah you would rape slavic hookers with ur small jewish peepee

>recitation of Psalm 27:
recitation of foreign shit. We are lost


it's really fucking tedious, they need to be banned

You’re all chinks.

I'm not surprised. Weak men rape, and 5 foot nothing Japs are about as weak as they get.

Japan should still be made to suffer for this atrocity.
Asian women were made to be toys for white men though.

>butthurt chink

did she mistake his dick for a sword?

I think they did pay compensation to the victims, but it came a long long time after the war.

Based Japan continues the tradition to this day

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Japan reconciled for these atrocities to whites by being submissive to Western Whites. Bow to me, serve me, smile, smitten me with your docile, subservient women. My cock is wide and grotesque compared to your little gook stub. They need us to diversify their small island gene pool.

The dutch girls that is, koreans and Chinese are another case.

She said sword, not toothpick

holy based

6/10 would rape under soviet/russian protection like my grandpa did to sudeten young girls.


nah they're all chinks

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not to defy stereotypes or anything
>the lascivious jew

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They need to keep paying forever, as a reminder that white woman aren't for Asian men.

Americans literally don't know geography, they think all Asians are Chinks

Nobody cares about the dutch

what is a distinction without a difference

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More fake and gay American atrocity propaganda from WWII. Why do you lie?

America's mistake was swallowing your own mental rat poison and now it's slowly killing your empire.

Nothing good ever comes from bearing false witness.

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how did japs get to the netherlands

Fuck off mutt.

you semites have been raping white women for a 1000 years ago. i know that there are at least 2 million women trapped in sexual slavery in tel aviv alone. The Arabs merely buy them from you just like in the old days.

>50 years later granddaughter attends 70% spic school and faces constant sexual harrassment from niggers
its hard to sympathize with the U.S. when they sided with marxists. next time you see a white woman raped by daquan on the news, remember that her grandpa killed aryans because swedish jew eisenhower told him to. deserved every last bit of karma

to this day they write novels and screenplays mocking their yellow cousins tiny micro penises and described how it was like being raped by a pencil eraser over and over, the horror....

Dutch colonies

God I wish I was a Russian liberator, just think you with a shitload of your mates completely annihilate the “master race” who came to kill you, after years of fighting the deadliest and largest battles in history you finally make it to their capital, after you kill the last of the men you have pick of any and all “master race” women to stick you dick in. The women can’t do anything but accept you as their conqueror and full submit to your will.

Not only that you have a shitload of 10/10 Russian women waiting to greet you back home as hero’s. I’m jealous of all the men who got to live such a fulfilling life.

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They didn't, it was in Colonial Indonesia

That's what we call payback for doing the same thing to the indonesians.

They really did live crazy lives, all generations since have lived pretty boring lives.

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wtf, I liked his games and he made posts like this????

Thats because you're all equally inferior to the white man.

>gets raped by a chink
> hymen still intact

Fake news, everyone knows if it was Japanese officers the ages would be 14-21

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Fuck this is so hot. I'm gonna get a sword as soon as i get my Trumpbux.

shut the fuck up bugman

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It was a different time.

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Dutch teen : "Ow, ow, ow (rolls eyes)"
Japanese soldier "Yeah, take it bitch!"

Exactly, it could have been so much worse.

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>she didn't know the no-no-square song

Now I'm hard, thanks asshole.

>believing this horseshit
It’s the same as the holocaust, completely fabricated.