does being a jew and posting anything here automatically make me a shill without me even realizing it?
because honestly if that's the case imma just stop posting
Hey goyim I have a question
Other urls found in this thread:
who cares
being a jew can get you ridiculed or even hacked
what are you selling me kikel
Stop breathing too.
I want this board to be more informative and less shilly
Nigger, you posted a fucking slide thread. That makes you a bonafide shill.
Fuck off and kill yourself kike
I shill against both Christianity and Paganism its fun
You looking for a shabbos goy? I got plenty of free time nowadays
fine, fine
Imma leave
Do you hate chinks?
no keep posting till your suicidal enough to go through with it.
i actually look exactly like that pic.
im ugly as fuck
No please stay. I genuinely love israeli posters and think you are based
No you are not
say something bad about Israel
i gotta be honest with you israeli posters are the funniest on the board
If you make decent posts, stay and ignore the 'kike' responses. Every flag gets shit on by assholes because that's what assholes do. They shit on things. Look at my flag and imagine how much shit it take for that alone.
Post nose plz.
Get the fuck away from here, kike!
Nope, not at all.
I think we need to have a jew ambassador thread here from time to time, so we can speak to people like you.
It is rude to blast someone simply for being a jew. I'd like to think that 5 good red pilled Jew allies can give us so much power, imagine Hasidim that were raped as boys speaking out,
You are immune to criticism in public and have many unique properties that make it interesting to discuss coexistence.
But generally, you good Jews are working uphill, you probably need to denounce ZIonism and help us on that front to have any credibility among the broader base here.
I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is not the most friendly environment for you.
Personally I think the flags that should be ridiculed off the board are meme flags.
r8 me Yas Forums
Ask jung about the racial shared subconscious. The racial archetypes.
Do you magick user?
No you nigger. Fuck off all of you faggots.
Oh sorry, I must have missed you
> Being a shill and not posting
You have to understand, Yas Forums with jews is like dogs chasing birds. The dog chases the bird, and the bird flies away. If the bird doesn't fly away then most dogs these days are so devoid from their natural instincts they wouldn't know what to do.
In the same way, the jew shilling and sliding is an integral part of Yas Forums. Without this internal mechanism most of the fucktards here would get confused, depressed and kill themselves in a week.
It’s over
>does being a jew and posting anything here automatically make me a shill without me even realizing it?
>because honestly if that's the case imma just stop posting
k thanks
Jewish genes are heavily diluted, but you still have that large nose.
timestamp or gay
>does being a jew and posting anything here automatically make me a shill without me even realizing it?
No, but you're a retard if you don't know most of the hatred against Jews on this board comes from Rothschild agents, Chabad, Zionists, Rabbis, etc.
They do this to keep you tied to your "jewish identity". Seems like a fucking horrible burden and White people actually get blamed for it. Why don't you do something about that, you faggot?
Obviously not but, when it comes to tricks and psy ops people under your banner often are to blame.
>does being a jew and posting anything here automatically make me a shill without me even realizing it?
>because honestly if that's the case imma just stop posting
Stop kikefag posting
>I want this board to be more informative and less shilly
IDF work on this board like mad.
Most IDF are pajeets in india, or wagies in Tel-Aviv under similar conditions.
Evangelicucks and other zionists have similar shill methods (not sure if they're also IDF or retards with free time)
>imma just stop posting
Yeah, right.
Good luck with that. You'll have to start going to places that organize raids to tell them to stop coming here and then talk to the Yas Forums staff to stop posting bait threads to stimulate traffic.
How good can you imagine the smell with that one?
>mechanical keyboard
fellow /g/man reporting
>your pic
There's no way you're Jewish, you look like you also browse /g/
Blonde idubbz / 10, you could be on Filthy Frank and it'd be natural
the nose never lies
Ethno State for you.
Ethno State for me.
Ok, we're good now.
this, when the Jews mix too much with their hoist culture the gangsters have to pull some shit to create "antisemitism" to get their cult/muscle/labor back in line. Pharisees cock suckers
I shill against China, because China Tortures Doggo, and Doggo need Shills on their side.
You should have stopped sooner. Take some aquarium cleaner.
grow a beard and do the hand rub
Being a Jew is complicated, you know that more then anyone, you are a mixed race mulatto khazzar race pising as biblical people HAHAHAH WHAT A JOKE.
Looks Ashkenazi Hwite.
>I want this board to be more informative and less shilly
Me too! Wanna see some of the infographics I have compiled to that end? Here!
What do you think? Ever read the golum story?
Leave? Sure to my oven
That's what you get for being the descendant of corrupt elites and thieves
>more informative
Here is another. What think?
Remember, David.
You're here forever
Release the gas
YES golem mongol.
>informative and less shilly
Last one. Thoughts?
Ill tell you whatz. Some navy seal was on here threatening to murder me. Said he had 3000 confirmed kills, and it was so scary i almost wanted to become a jew for solidarity.
You are on the wrong board then
This is an echo chamber just like /leftypol/
I think that same guy told me the humor threads never fail to make him laugh!
>Some navy seal was on here threatening to murder me.
You're here forever.
Yes, you were indoctrinated into a religion that makes you believe you’re chosen by god and any other human that isn’t a Jew is a lesser being.
Stop posting, kike.
tens of dozens of poo workers are fleeing the cities after the curry nigger government announced a lockdown
>we may lose 6 million
so how do we know if this guy Leo Franks is guilty or not, Wiki says he was set up