How do we deal with the Christian question?

How do we deal with the Christian question?
Christians politically always ally with the Jews so they are an enemy.

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>da joos
>da kristianz

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many do because they have been deceived
spread "marching to zion" and they will be red pilled on them

We kill it,this plague has been infecting the world for far too long

Look at this cuck

> Jews killed christ
> ??????
> Profit

Your thinking of the heretical sects of christianity, any one with half brain realizes the political implication of Jews and their political undertakings in the world.

Wat? xD i honeslty thought burger wtorek this bullshit because itnin their fucking mockery od a cuntree christians worship jews. But doytshlant? Rly?

Look at Catholics right now
Is embarrassing and is not just the pope that got this cuck mentality
To be honest it was inevitable that christianity would do this to humanity brain.Look at Jesus teachings he was literally a hippy

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That Spartan was talking about other Greeks in Greece.

Stop trying to apply inter-Greek quarrels to the modern day global world.

Worship your fucking tree pagan

It's not like that different honestly

>I have not brought peace but a sword

Yeah he sure sounds like a hippy you fucking monkey

It'll slowly die by itself, Europeans who are the ones who have been most attacked by globalism and hit by hard times are realizing this jewish tale isn't what they thought it was and are turning towards folk religions and devotion again.
Americans will stay with their dead jew like the good dogs they are, pay them no mind

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We have lots of.commies and stupid zoomers here.

1 edge word in a pool of peaceful one

Try again

But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘A man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…

I tried talking to them. Its pointless they are brainwashed. Also I think they are weak people who chose ego over truth.

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You lied he wants you to fight with your family. Jesus will never fight

It's sad

WTF I love Turks now.

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What's wrong with peace exactly? He named the synagogue of satan and yet you shills deny it.

Yes he does, if my dad and mom were liberal hippies I'd tell it straight to their face.

They follow Bible, their god ordered circumcision, they are crazy for being ok with that bullshit.

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That's not how it works. Were the Romans enslaved by the Greeks because they started worshiping their gods? No, the Romans defeated the Greeks and adopted their culture.

Same thing with Christianity, the land that is today Israel belonged to the Romans and the Jews were heavily taxed 2nd class "citizens" but some apostles preached to the Romans about a Messiah that the Jews killed and they started at some point to worship Him instead of the Greek Gods.

Wrong. Fedorafaggots are Jewish golems. You are a liability. You are the problem.

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Yeah not his brightest moment


>the christcuck defends jews
like clockwork

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>It'll slowly die by itself,
I wouldnt bet on it

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A lot of people name the Jew but Jesus never did anything against them.
Jesus is a hippy
The romans created something great. And they always worshiped their own Gods but those Gods were similar to the Greek gods and they knew that those gods were the same. Janus is a unique roman god

its ALWAYS a fucking german that is anti christian
u dumb occupied faggot ur country is run by kikes who hate christianity and Christ you've fallen for disinfo like a sub 80 iq retard

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Its not sad its cowardice.
They get a sense of worth from it.
They get a sense of moral superiority from it
They get a sense of comfort from it.
They get a sense of meaning from it.

Because of that they ignore truth.
They ignore their people.
They ignore their wrongs that their leaders are doing.
They obey.
They turn other cheek.
They live not for their land and people but for some afterlife.
They hate people who show them their real ugly face.
They would rather pick someone who larps with them then their genetic brother is they are calling them out on this.
Its not sad.

They are dangerous cancer.

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Sounds like a jew to me.

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So his cure is to continue trodding on contaminated ground?

My country is run by a Christian
Based Himmler. How should we deal with them?

himmler was an aspie, WW2 was a Germanic Christian crusade against jewish marxism, once germany fell so did the vatican

Jesus separated the wheat from chaff and exposed those who do not serve God but themselves. He gave us the truth, what's the point of free choice if he could do everything for us?

>how do we deal with the only western ideology that has inscripted in its dogma the naming of the jew and that as effectively contained his Jewry for centuries?

At least in Europe
All the christian nogs and latinos will increase their numbers and americans will happily share their religion with them

>Were the Romans enslaved by the Greeks because they started worshiping their gods?
They did in way Greek was the Lingua Franca of Roman times but greek gods were merged with the romans one not the otherway around
You wouldn't see romans praising Ares they would praise Mars

they arent christian, they jewish shabbos goy and only christian in name

never forget REVELATIONS 2:9 , also youre an obvious kike sage

>u dumb occupied faggot ur country is run by kikes who hate christianity
remind me what party merkel is the leader of again

day of the cross when

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It's not attacking the nuclear family you inbred hick, it's saying to expose the err in your family. Not to dissolve it.

Yea ikr
German posters are as bad as leafs at this point, thread after thread for a while now of German posters bashing on anything culturally White basically
I'm guessing it's Turks/Other shitskin refugees

He did not gave us truth- He does not do anything for us.
Christians never contained the Jews they always work together
>Oy vey not real Christianity

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The judaic god is a semetic monster that demands literal animal and human sacrifice.

No Noble and philosophically consistent conception of Divinity would entertain such a monster. Leave that to the fever dreams of the semetic desert nomads.

The original Aryan Monotheistic God, the True God of All Creation, The Wise Lord,
NO evil comes from Him.

What is this you speak, blasphemer?!

Restoring the IndoEuropean (Aryan) Religion:

I believe one of the most important Goals for Aryans is to break free from the Judaic Egregoré.

This does not include Christianity, as Jesus was a Zoroastrian, and an Aryan:
> Why do the Gods of the old testament and New Testament differ so widely?
> Jesus literally paraphrasing Zarathustra.
> Jesus was long prophecised by Zoroastrian Magi as a Sayoshant ( Savior ) to guide both Jews and Gentiles to a more consistent and True conception of Divinity, as Jews were mass slaughtering animals and humans at the time.

No Noble and Good God requires such archaic pagan voodoo sacrifice nonsense.

OP is deeply flawed and misses these extremely important details: the Heavenly Father of Christ is NOT the same monster as written of and worshipped in the Old Testament.

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>Making the Jews the power house on money lender
>effectively contained his Jewry for centuries

History proves otherwise.
Jews were permitted to practice usury in christian countries, "kicked them out" only to allow them back in afterwards, allowed to rise to elite positions.

This is just cope there is nothing good about Jesus.

>spread this video made by a jew who supports racemixing
Ah yes, the most based Christian in the world - and a pathetic cuck by the standard of anyone that has spend the bare minimum of time on this board.

Christianity is basically Judaism with the premise that the savoir did indeed come.

who even writes this shit, what the fuck

>Multiple anti Christian posts since the virus showed up
They terrified.

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>Multiple anti Christian posts since the virus went global.
They're terrified.

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Nice rebuttal Hans, if paganism was the superior religion it would reign superior.

>How should we deal with them?
Take over the country. Its not that hard as we all think, 10% of fanatic minority can do it, wolves, nazis knew this and they were like wolves among sheep. Here is proof:

Once we are in control. Dont ban it, Dont kill em, it will just stoke the flames.
Choke them slow.
Tax christians and anyone who is following non european teachings of any kind. Like 40% of your income goes to state for harm you are doing if you want to do it.
Take churches, if they want to do their ritual bullshit, do it in home or basement, who cares.
All their NGOs are illegal, kicked out and banned.
All their religious education for kids are now criminal offense, if they are caught poisoning kids minds its heavy crime.
All kids and all the time on TV redpills on christianity are aired using that tax we take from them.
Shows showing them name by name chosing christianity over their people to redpill people on their true nature.
Infiltrate all their secret groups.
Offer better alternatives, put them in their churches now that they are available to us.

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kings and nobles allowed jewish usury on their lands, not the Church. idiots...

>the only western ideology that has inscripted in its dogma the naming of the jew
Not so fast!

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If Christianity is so superior ti would be stronger than globohomo and Judaism
Sounds like a plan

>How should we deal with them?
well the strategy of the nazis were to completely neuter all churches, sent all the ecclesiarchy to concentration camps, then use state control to slowly bring the population out of it, of course they had full contorl of the state

>All the christian nogs and latinos will increase their numbers and americans will happily share their religion with them
its insanely disgusting but its literally why christians support mass nonwhite migration

churches can only stay alive if there are christians, and whites are too smart to be christians, so the churches import millions of low iq nigger christians so that their cult can stay afloat
it is the same reason why they started supporting socialism, they bring the nigger in, they use their influence to push socialism so that the state gives money to the christian nigger migrants, and then they take that money from them

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throughout the pagan roman empire jews were allowed the exact same rights and priviliges as pagan romans.
The Christian emperors was the first emperors to persecute jews and restrict their rights

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is down the hall and to the left

Liar baby mutilator worshiper

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Quads confirm. Hail Odin, the All Father, Whose Hand Shapes What Is.


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You fucking retard the pope was the first one to decree this law

Kings serve the Church, "idiot"

It is you idiot, why do you think predominantly white Christian countries are in the crosshairs of globalist propaganda measures. You must be pretending to be dumb on purpose.

In my view; The difference between religion and spirituality, is that religion is a doctrine, spirituality is a way of living.

How's it going, Levi Jensen?

Your retard logic means that current clown world is superior spirituality.
Christians lower my IQ every time I stoop to their level.

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Very good plan
Your lies are already being called out. Why do Christians lie so much anyway?
Like I said Merkel is Christian
Christianity is just to dangerous to Europa

>throughout the pagan roman empire jews were allowed the exact same rights and priviliges as pagan romans.
this is literally the opposite of reality

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The only apostle who wasn't a jew was Paul, and he's the one that brought Christianity to Rome and Greece. Even jews criticize Christian theology as being a twisted version of events by Paul.

And then you wonder why you’re being replaced by muslims without putting up a fight

how the fuck did the church and jews work together?

>John 8:44 King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

>1 Thessalonians 2:15 King James Version (KJV)
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men

this is Christian dogma, many such examples...

My logic is sound, like I explained to fritz Christianity is under constant attack.

FR FR like we are doing to whitey ri ri ri ri right now ya feel me

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>why do you think predominantly white Christian countries are in the crosshairs of globalist propaganda measures
What do you make of Estonia and the Czech Republic then?
Why aren't non-white Christian countries in those crosshairs?

What is the relevant factor here?

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Exactly this, and the sole difference between Christianity and the Jewish religion is that Rabbi Yeshua didn't immediately destroy all goy nations and enslave all the goyim to the Jews. That's what their moshiach is supposed to do, according to their own prophesies. When Rabbi Yeshua said "Render under Caesar that which is Caesar's" he violated Jewish prophesy by suggesting he wasn't here to immediately bulldoze Rome and the goyim. That's one of the main reasons the Jews hated him. They saw him as a false moshiach. NOTHING ELSE.

He also wasn't even the only one from that era, there were four other claimants. All got their asses kicked by Rome. That's the only reason they were considered "false".

>why do people that pretend to be jews act like jews
Ach Kevin

Because Christian let them into our country?
They all work for the destruction of Europa

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Christianity is the only worldview that gives man dignity.

Atheism: The world is an accident, life is an accident, you are an abortion and there is only despair.

Paganism: We came from Chaos and shall return to it forever in an inescapable cycle. We must be subject to the whims of vaginoid sorceresses and fickle gods who care only for those who will give them the best material offerings in exchange for help. Life is bleak and terrifying and that's okay because we'll be reborn. We are slaves to nature.

Orthodox Christianity: Before time was an eternal loving God who created us so that we can join him in love. Mankind is a shepherd and can turn the harsh world around him into a garden with God's help. Women can be mothers and wives instead of whores.

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Christianity is a doctrine, not a way of living. Its slave morality. Its not meant to endure this much by only one virtue unless you practice what we see now. Hence their systemic betrayal.

galatians 3:28

>Very good plan
I mean its basic and rather kind, and it wasnt just a plan, nazi germany banned all catholic publications, banned both catholic and protestants, only allowed state controlled "positive christianity" and sent the catholics to the same concentration camps as the jews and communists, look it up, krichenkampf

its sdad to learn about nazis because the more you learn about them the more you realize how based they were

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Calling your self a Christian doesn't mean your christian.

Roman's 16:17

>I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

Social darwinism and atheism is the way.

>Christians politically always ally with the Jews so they are an enemy.
They do? Always?

If your argument is seriously that Christian countries are targeted then you by default have to explain why Christians aid and abet globalism and Jewish hegemony.

You can't. You'll make up some bullshit excuse. Everyone sees right through you. Your Jewish religion invented by Jews and delivered to you by Jews makes you a slave of Jews and you're too much of an idiot and have too much pride to see what others see in you.

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Look at this:

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please point to me where im wrong?
already in 50BC there were countless thousands of jews living in pagan rome, mainly of the tribes judah and benjamin. they enjoyed just the same rights as the pagans.
it wasnt before the christian emperors restrictions and persecutions started to rise.
>with the rise of Christianity, restrictions grew. Forced expulsions and persecution resulted in substantial shifts in the international centers of Jewish life to which far-flung communities often looked, although not always unified, due to the Jewish people's dispersion itself

maybe but I don't know how this stuff works so I think it's a good plan
>not real Christians
Based Poseidon

Quality post.
If you love crusades so much read about the northern crusade, how christians killed white people for no reason at all.
Well yes. Hitler, Himmler, Bormann, name a top nazi-he's furiously anti-kiketian.

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>and delivered to you by Jews
With the help of every nation's natural born traitors of course:

That Christianitys basis began with the whites, and eventually spreading it throughout the world. Why diversity and multiculturalism for us but for them?

christians can only get this ammount of energy with digits, SAD!

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>Christianity is just to dangerous to Europa
There is almost no christianity left in europe, that's why you have this void of spirituality and people acting like complete degenerates or going vegan/buddist/Islam.

they never served the church, in fact, the middle ages were shaped by the power struggle between church, monarchs and nations...

Genocide. Also checked.

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>green texting because you don't have a response

C'mon hans you need to do better than that

>Christianity is under constant attack.
Which Christianity? You have so many denominations. Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox? Who is under attack? From who?

They are fundamental part of the system you blind fuck

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>Christianity is the only worldview that gives man dignity.

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The Quads of truth confirm his case. Let the man speak.

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>Christianitys basis began with the whites
Jews aren't white, I'm sorry.

Also, since you're dodging questions I won't bother asking you about Ethiopia and Armenia, two non-white nations that adopted Christianity before any white one.

>Not knowing the difference between a protestant and a catholic

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Daily reminder that Protestantism is heresy

again look up krichenkamf and rosenberg, the dude was based beyond comprehension, he was executed for his ideas after the war, he didnt advocate for genocide, he didnt advocate for violence or anything that could be considered illegal, he was just a philosopher and his philosophy was so true and so dangerous to the consoomer world order that they killed him

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You mean the mormons and the schismatic churches? You mean those that spread false gospels and appear as false prophets? Lmao there is no excuse, it happens every day within your country.

Ah yes, the DARK AGES, the peak of judeo christianity in Europe. Good times