So, we all realize this is bullshit at this point and the only one's stoking the panic are shills and bots, but what's the actual agenda? Possibilities, actualities, and speculations welcome.

Attached: corona.jpg (426x640, 49.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Obligatory vaccines with barcode bracelet attesting vaccination.

id2020 is Bill Gates new pet project. Supposed to be some digital certificate to show who's been vaxxed. It's one step closer to chipping the population and ending all anonymity forever.

>Possibilities, actualities, and speculations welcome.
I say we take this moment in history to reflect on the past, and do pic related since it is obviously the right thing to do.
Overcome Stress By Visualizing It As A Greedy, Hook-Nosed Race Of Creatures:

Attached: jew_grabblers_solution.png (663x666, 441.5K)

To me, the outcomes are:
>ZOG is being toppled, NWO is kill, virus is a screen to obfuscate the clusterfuck going on in the background, God wins
>NWO is alive and kicking, virus is a dry run to test our response, condition us and mandatory vaccines/RFID/UBI are coming, we are done

Maybe there isn't an agenda, that it just spread so fast and it was a new virus so we took action and only now discover it's a nothingburger

Or outcome 3. Ultimate. Everyone log into WoW.

Attached: 1585492472966.png (4000x4000, 230.12K)

Listen to them, have a drink, collect some Trump Bux, and in a couple of weeks go back to work. What ever.

>NWO is alive and kicking, virus is a dry run to test our response
This is where I'd place my bets. They will pretend they have been beat first though, since the jew always cries out as he strikes you.

Attached: jew_scope.png (692x478, 372.01K)

Personally, the most interesting theory I've seen. Also sympathetic to the idea that what they're calling corona is actually related to nano-tech being pumped into the environment.

Attached: corona plan.png (1570x583, 378.64K)

Im starting to think its bs too, they all look like crisis actors and are smiling, and they trying to scare young now.

For only $13,000 worth of debt per citizen I get $1200. Sound spending bill, Trump definitely isnt a corrupt DC swamp monster like the others.

Leftist over population terrorist attack

>Maybe there isn't an agenda,
There is a saying in US politics, "Never let a crisis go to waste." There is another saying among fake news journalists and Scientologists, "Where a crisis is needed and doesn't exist, create it."

I've heard Sweden was planning on rolling out RFID/NFC human implants soon. That's your part of the world. Know anything?

>For only $13,000 worth of debt per citizen I get $1200
Don't for get the inevitable 5-10% price jump on everything over the next year. Fill up on the cheap gas while you can, guaranteed this summer it's going to put back on the buck+ a gallon it lost.

Attached: cookies.jpg (640x463, 77.01K)

Something big must happen first.
ID2020 is already activated.
some show like 9/11 is gona happen
Now we can check out world virus!
So whats left is only some ((nuclear)) terrorist bomb.

Anyone above 90 IQ knows this is fucking BS. And this doesn't speak well of Yas Forums's IQ

Classic Problem + Reaction + Solution bs. (((They))) are masters of deception.

>And this doesn't speak well of Yas Forums's IQ
If you have been around here long enough you would know nothing does.

Attached: pol_happening.gif (1221x850, 425.18K)

I see pic related as half true. For a more complete understanding check out "The Lost Book of Enki", if you haven't already. The secret to the future is knowing the past.
I doubt Trump is one of (((them))). The problem with most people is they have been indoctrinated to give up their power. If the plan works and power is restored to the people there is still a good chance the people will reflexively give it back to those who mean to rule over them. Self governing is hard, requires intelligence and discipline and too many people would rather have it easy.


Is Yas Forums really this fucking braindead at this point? Surely some of you have some kind of original ideas? No?

>Is Yas Forums really this fucking braindead at this point?
You tell me, you're the one who thinks everyone on earth is being deceived.

Yas Forums used to be higher IQ than earth-average.


Oh I see what you're saying now. Yeah, no, no one believes in this shit. Everyone knows it's fishy. I'm in an "epicenter" and everyone knows something is up. No one knows anyone who has it. Maybe like 1 in 10 is actually freaked out and only because it's a liberal city and they're probably immunocompromised from their hormone treatments.


SARS2 is a bioweapon to BTFO of the Chinks and Iran; while the ponzi judeo-economy takes it's last giant shit; which will probably resort to ww3 in the next couple of weeks .

Attached: virginCoronaVsChadNorfFC.jpg (1125x526, 108.79K)

Why ban only this particular interpretation of the events unfolding, is it not politcally incorrect to say this is a psyop i.e. a hoax?

Attached: hjanny.png (872x728, 138.29K)

if you learnt how to be a master hackerman, you'd know this place glows very gay and you should have never posted here in the first place.

Some things they do not like
You'r mom's bob and vagine is fine though

I don't think you can bump your own thread.

Disgusting. Norf FC is always liverpool. Never united. Kys

The panickers run the board. This board was used to launch the entire panic after all so that there wouldn't be a typical underground counternarrative when they went mainstream with it.
>spend a couple months convincing the retards who populate Yas Forums in 2020 that there's a secret virus that everyone is suppressing
>once this narrative is established in the conrpiracy world, launch the mainstream panic
>you've succesfully pre-empted the conspiracy "it's a hoax" backlash
It was incredibly simplistic but Yas Forums is so retarded at this point they fell for it. It's also mostly bots and shills. Anyway though, thanks for making your threads.

You can on Yas Forums after some kind of post or time minimum. Can't remember exactly the cut off.

Do not worry. It seems obvious there will remain a problem and the only solution that can be implemented quickly is a form of temporary UBI. It is coming.

this is my take

opening to ww3

Watch my friend

You're not alone.
Just very awake.

ey ey ey
calm down
calm down
ya mad bastid yank
wots got in-ter-ya?

Attached: calmDownLad.jpg (242x156, 7.71K)

>I'll answer just stop filming
LOL thanks for this user. That lady is based af.

Martial law in NYC next week. Police are all sick. People are broke and desperate. Cuckmo trying to declare war on the US.

>the only solution that can be implemented quickly is a form of temporary UBI
That will just barely cover the price of inflation, user nothing will change in the foreseeable future. We are just being put through a stress test to gather data. Watch for a whole series of 'feel-good' movies and TV shows this summer combined with all the sports ball teams having 'special' re-opening events. We have been given the bread, wait for the summer circuses.

Attached: jew_before_after.png (600x360, 366.04K)

Put it this way;
I've been monitoring military exercise, and production globally.
It's off-the-charts.
Russia have gone through just about every drill imaginable; their nuclear sub is ready to go; they sped up their s400 production; fast tracked s500 and this bear is hungry as hell. Indian Poos have be buying T-80s and MiGs like they're hot cakes; the Chinks have been sending underwater drones everywhere and building suicide drones like there's no tomorrow; the yanks have got a couple of columns ready to go in the Baltic states from Operation Defender Europe; North Kek-orea, fired a missile at the sea of Japan; Yemen fired missile at KSA last night and as for the UK, conveniently just like the contingency for 'continuity of government' all of the top people have got the SARS2 virus and have to slink away from public limelight

>Successor to the Throne Prince Charles
>Prime Minister Boris Johson
>Head of Communications infrastructure Phillip Jensen

I think something big will happen this week.

You're welcome, I'm an emissary for the truth
>What we do in life echos in eternity

Attached: 1585483966326t.png (640x644, 35.97K)

>The panickers run the board. This board was used to launch the entire panic after all so that there wouldn't be a typical underground counternarrative when they went mainstream with it.
>It was incredibly simplistic but Yas Forums is so retarded at this point they fell for it. It's also mostly bots and shills. Anyway though, thanks for making your threads.
Pretty much this. Also, the fact that a lot of the CV skeptic threads are getting shuttled off to /bant/ or 404'd says it all. Also I've noticed that the jannie disposition has gone full CV19 shill since the switch to https. I got a warning for posting a sage picture in a CV shill thread. Been posting here for many years and I've never gotten a warning for a sage pic before. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.

Everything with much spiritual awakening is bullshit. We go in the other direction for hundreds of years. New age fags can fuck off.

-population control
-status quo disruption
-excuse to crash the market
-excuse to strip civil rights and put a more rigidly authoritarian system in place

etc etc

i'd be really surprised if it turned out that Q was real and Trump was arresting the pedos etc but stranger things have happened. I just don't know how it fits into the bigger picture. They were planning this all along? Was it China or Russia or Mossad or the CIA that released it?

it seems like we're at a breaking point. i wonder if there won't be a terrorist attack to spark ww3- possibly something to take out infrastructure

here is the paper that they gave them bt. I tried to have a questioning fear mongering thread last night but after a while just got called a kike,shill, etc. Whatever all the little neets faggots and wagies can go run back to their little larp and happening threads and get their little adrenaline rush with their pics of deenz.

Attached: EUErYCUXkAEYNTS.jpg (675x900, 82.17K)

>gettin' sleepy
America is obsessed with narratives;
the USA will not start a direct confrontation
we are close to a multi-polar world;
it will make two potential rivals square off

>india vs China
>Iran vs KSA
>Greece vs Turkey

then American will come in once sides have been drawn to """""save""""" the day.

Oh well, I retired last month. None of this effects me or mine.

It's probable that the private company that runs the apartment block for the Local Council Authority, have lied saying someone had died to bill them for work that doesn't need doing i.e. fumigating the building

>Keeping coronavirus patients anonymous is crucial

>Sweden: no longer updating exact numbers of infections

>His identity is known by the SME editor, and for his security he does not disclose it.

I'll tell you why I think something will spark this week.
Russia are clued the fuck-up about kikery and shennanigans (because Putinstein is half a kike)
They immediately closed their borders in Jan; and today only have ~1000 infected and 4deaths(last I checked).
However, despite this, Putin has just ordered for this week only a complete and utter LOCKDOWN. Wierd because he doens't have any problems to contain; so whatever the ex-judeo-KGB man is expecting, he's expecting it next week.

Interesting how the side effect of the quarantine (keeping people off the road) has a far more profound life-saving impact than CV19.

Attached: 1585516883032.png (661x581, 165.85K)

I mean this week.
Burgers you're 8hrs behind the rest of the civilized world.

>I retired last month
Good for you user. I finally own my home as of June (except property taxes of course), unfortunately I still have many more years to go before I can just kick back and say 'fuck it, let it burn'. But that never stops me from cracking a dozen Sunday beers or so.

Attached: befoe_after.jpg (1659x1000, 318.3K)

have you factored in suicides and deaths from coooming?

>have you factored in suicides and deaths from coooming?
Death by coom
Check this out, another anti-CV shill thread moved from /pol

Legit though have any pilots been tested positive???

I was thinking this could be a peacetime war simulation, checking our readiness in the face of an outside threat. Our infrastructure, resources management and citizen response is being tested. So far, I'm guessing, we failed. The solution is either a chip or brig back mandatory military service.

Attached: 1585248821788.jpg (557x582, 32.78K)

I kind of felt this with the CV generals - they were designed to scare and misinform. No one really questioned it.

I read it thoroughly.
I know what's going on.
I'm not Hitler, I'm more of a Gottfried Feder.
I can't do anything.

You should be scared retard. Some of the info is legit too. No one is gonna hold your hand as far as verifying info. That's on you

Just look at how the narrative has evolved - now that real anons are waking up / getting louder about the fact that it's bullshit, the narrative has shifted to "exponential rate, just wait, it will be bad later, just wait". 100% fear porn.

No doubt some info is real. But a lot is sensationalized.

all of the above - never let a good crisis go to waste - along with a side of war, ww3.

Attached: nuclear war incoming.jpg (747x1119, 928.9K)

Too many niggers for self government.

It's hoax to control white people.

Niggers, spics and migrants fresh off the boat don't give two fucks about social distancing and no one is going to arrest them.

White people have been bombarding the police with calls on their neighbours though.

It's literally 1984.

The computer watches you
Your smart phone listens to you.

It's so white people can't congregate and speak without the internet viewing their every word.

It's so white people stand apart from each other.

It's an attack on white people.

Only whites are being fined and arrested for breaking "quarantine"

50 captchas and then it stopped working completely.

See, they can control our speech online,.

This is too keep white people indoors and watched.

Yas Forums were saying bodies in the streets by this point. Were is all the footage and video that arnt from an official new source showing this insane world ending epidemic as they are making it out to be?

Attached: varg is retarded.png (527x522, 53.87K)

Absolutely agree that it's bullshit. I've been noting and tracking some of the more panic-inducing stats being pushed out and it's fucking unbelievable what they have the chutzpah to try to get away with. "Italy", the big horror-flag they're waving from Europe, is almost entirely bullshit. Checked out the "51 Italian doctors who died fighting COVID 19" that CNN was pushing this week. It's a list put out by a commie Italian doctors' union that basically just cobbles together 50 people in their 80s and 90s, long retired, who happened to have medical degrees and happen to have died.
The why of it? The first thought that came to my mind was that in the first couple of months of this year the globalists finally realized that 2016 wasn't just a freak and that power really was slipping out of their hands. Brexit had gone through against their most savage resistance and first the Muller and then the Ukraine hoax had just bounced off Trump, who was set to win in November by a landslide. They despaired of clawing back power by any normal means so they pulled THIS out of their hats.
The scary thing is that they succeeded more spectacularly than I would ever have believed possible. A month ago I would have thought that a complete shutdown of the economies of the Western hemisphere and the imposition of martial law would be something the NWO could only impotently DREAM about doing. If they TRIED it, it'd be Day of the Rope.
But look: they have effortlessly clawed back IN A WEEK everything they have lost since 2016. The sheeple are BEGGING to be locked up even tighter and, much as I'd like to think that OP is right about shills and bots, I honestly think even a lot of genuinely red-pilled people have caved.

obviously 2 and I already told my wife if she even utters the word vaccine I’m slitting her throat and taking the kids to Hungary

Yeah I think this is it, and that they're still in control. I don't believe the Fed just became less powerful, I think it just became more powerful. I think the state just became more powerful. I don't think the state represents us, I think they basically control the state.

Only thing that I liked about this is the twist at the end where even though Trump is trying to save us he is only doing to for his own interests to try to enslave us again in the future. Interesting idea.

Yea I have a hard time believing we're getting saved somehow, my instinct tells me we are being hoodwinked.

I don't think ID2020 is going to happen, they would use honey not vinegar to do that. That tactic has already worked so many times to change social behavior, they wouldn't risk destabilizing their own power structure.

I have been searching everywhere for like minded people across the Chans. They have stepped up their misinformation tactics, shilling, and silencing. The Chans aren't what they used to be.

Exactly this. Just like they were banning the ASCII threads earlier.

That image tells me the wikileaks has been compromised, which everyone knows at this point. It also tells me that Q is confirmed disinfo.
Military info is interesting. Post source?

Well, seeing as how "Q" was shilling for war with Iran, I think that's a bullshit psyop. I think the whole idea that "Trump's taking down the pedos" is bullshit. I wish it was true, but I can't trust is considering past disinfo and the instinct I am being hoodwinked. The who idea that the Fed is being taken over by the US Gov doesn't have legit sources behind it aside that the Fed is buying Corp Bonds which means Corp Assets will slowly fall into the hands of the US gov.

This meme flag is saying he is not a nothingburger fag while posting info about a Coronavirus incident. A shill tactic.

* in minecraft

>. Checked out the "51 Italian doctors who died fighting COVID 19" that CNN was pushing this week. It's a list put out by a commie Italian doctors' union that basically just cobbles together 50 people in their 80s and 90s, long retired, who happened to have medical degrees and happen to have died.
Lol it's true, the list is chocked full of doctors born in the 40s. So they're practicing medicine in their late 70s? Fuuuuuck outta here.

>Military info is interesting.
it's just open stuff in defence journals etc..

I don't think "Yas Forums" ever said anything of the sort. As the OP says, the board has been flooded with shills and bots lately. Hundreds of state-worshipping commie Berniebros are coming in here, for example, pathetically trying to hijack our memes and calling Trump "cucked" because he is less enthusiastic than the commies in Italy about locking up the entire population of his country over a wave of flu.

Anyone who has been on Yas Forums for more than a month laughed at the Pizzagate-y "bio-weapon" bullshit, the gullible swallowing of all the MSM "statistics", and recognized the thing for what it is: a globalist-liberal power-grab based on the grotesque inflation of a flu bug into the Black Death