The landlord question

So with all this kikery afoot I have a question. Why doesn't everybody just cough violently onto their rent and mortgage checks before sending them to the landlord? Even if it's gonna bounce it'll be worth it.

Remember you might be infected and not even know it yet.

Why hasn't anybody done this? Especially the Hyman renters?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Landlord kikes are finished

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>Burgers don't even have interac etransfer equivalent
How are burgers so backwards?

If no one pays they could end up breaking the Hyman (properties)

How about you just pay for where you live. Maybe your landlord will be kind and release you from your contract or another arrangement can be made if you ask. Im sure landlords will work with people since its such an extraordinary circumstance. Either way pay what you owe, bitch.

>breaking the Hyman


>we are well within our legal rights to disconnect the cable
No you're not you delusional merchant lmao

This is exactly what you get when you rely on such a volatile source revenue as your only income. Landlords who do nothing but leech deserve everything coming.
>inb4 salty renter
Own my own house, and you all should too.

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Supply and demand. If it's easier for tenants to find new properties than it is for landlords to find new tenants because so many people are dying or being hospitalised, then many landlords will have no choice but to lower rents or risk being priced out of the market.

I hope someone does desu

That's just fucked.

Absolutely based

Organize a general rent strike against landjews user

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You mean moving everything to a cashless society with no papertrail?
[Liberated infowars screeching intensifies]

Actually they can, I used to be a cable tech and we had to get permission from the property owners before we could do any wiring work.

>why dont we all become bio terrorists?
Morals? I dont know. Maybe I'm just not THAT much of an asshole.

reminder to hand your keys over to homeless crackheads on your way out

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That's really mean, poor guy worked hard to afford that so he could rent it out to people who needs it. Imagine thinking your landlord is some guy that's out to get you? If you don't want to live there then don't fucking sign the papers. Everything is clearly stated in the contract.

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>worked hard
you fags still don't understand how landlords over leverage themselves and make tenants pay their bills.

>hyman properties
oy vey

imagine thinking your landlord isn't some guy that's out to get you

I live in a first world country with internet banking

Yes but they have to have worked to a point where they could afford to buy an apartment building in the first place, just fucking buy your own home or stop complaining.

Imagine not buying instead of renting

I paid my rent in full and on time today. I feel like a total FUCKING KEK

>they worked hard
Shut the fuck up, kike.

>dude just buy a fixer upper

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hey maybe don’t threaten bioterrorism on the internet?

>Federal mandate suspends mortgage payments
>Kikes keep saying "we need our shekels for the mortgage, goyim!"
There will be widespread rioting come April 1st, mark my words.

>australian real estate

stop pretending you didn't get CHANG'd into oblivion mate

Your house hoarding days are up leech

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>Landlord literally cannot handle monthly expenses in a time of uncertainty to the point of panicking despite demanding his tenants to

The fun thing about mortgages in the states is they're fairly easy to obtain. With something like this, what has probably happened is

>Landlord buys an overpriced property with a mortgage
>Doesn't actually care about the price of the loan or property because he'll rent it
>Effectively drives up the price of property and overleverages himself

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No Hyman, no diamond.

Shipping container seems easy to build with but actually sucks unless you're planning to building an underground bunker.

>worked hard
yes, if you think getting to a point owning your own home involves no hard work then why dont you and everyone else do it?
why? because owning property is very fucking expensive, you can have the privilege of living in one for a negotiated fee called rent.
>landlords over leverage themselves
the ones on interest only mortgages and many buy to lets are going to get rekt soon anyway.

pay your rent nigger

I don't get why Yas Forums is usually fully supportive of free market economy but is offended by this.


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Literally no reason to pay rent or mortgages right now

because you signed the lease

>>Effectively drives up the price of property and overleverages himself
this 10000% landlords are suckers being used to drive up prices

quit being a nigger, the landlords aren't stealing from you just because you signed a rental agreement that involves you paying them money

fucking kike

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Yas Forums is fairly split between economically between those who believe the free market is the ultimate in efficiency and therefore should be promoted, and those who believe the free market pushes society towards unpleasant realities and thus should be steered.

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yes, and its these properties that the banks will foreclose in one year at half todays price.
if you werent a poorfag neet you might be in a position to buy one with cash. unfortunatly youre just a bitter renter living paycheck to paycheck complaining at success

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So what? The situation has changed.

break the lease then and get sued later, I don't care

But yeah, who the fuck can't afford rent. The fuck is wrong with you faggots?

Yas Forums is not one person, and most "free market" supporters here are not genuine Yas Forumsacks, but 2016 transplants. Most American flags on Yas Forums are actually.
Consider this faggot:

Why are you such a retard? There is a crisis, hence the rent is not due. Tough luck for the landlord. That's just how this is supposed to work

any contract is only as valuable as your ability to enforce it

go live in the street then

landlords aren't total retards like you and write in that you will be sued for the value of the rent plus their attorney's fees. if you want to bank on the courts never being functional again, be my guest.

>Owning a property through over leveraging yourself is success
It really isn't. I don't know what the housing market is like in the UK, but the cliche' from 2008 has been

>Own 3-10 houses or rental properties
>Bought them at near peak
>Bought them almost completely with debt
>Any uncertainty will fucking crumble this scheme

Genuinely, landlords should get fucked in this situation. If they themselves hilariously over leveraged themselves to the point where they can't survive a month of uncertainty, they should get fucking wrecked. Granted, I'd also say this for larger companies getting bailouts left and right.

>Yas Forums is not one person, and most "free market" supporters here are not genuine Yas Forumsacks


So, what alternative, in your delusional mind, do the "genuine" Yas Forumsacks support?

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good luck bleeding a rock dipshit

the government will bail out the banks, and the government should bail out the business owners, and the people too. /thread

>cashless society with no papertrail?
How do you even manage to come up with bullshit like that?

It might actually happen. Seriously, if the economy crumbles and there is mass unemployment, I seriously doubt the government would come down on the side of landlords.

>UK flag
>defending slumlords
slit your wrists at once you boomer parasite
you know as well as I the state of housing in this country
landlords deserve to suffer

Dumb? The landlord should go on welfare now. There should be a state mandate to make paying rent illegal until the crisis is finished. Landlords can be helped by suspending mortgages and giving them welfare checks, 200 to 300 dollars a month should suffice (if no other income)

enjoy your community service faggot

t. 2016 transplant

you'd still be out all your money

t. 2016 lying sack of shit commie shill

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If anything this shows the true colors of landlords. Instead of working with their tenants in a time of crisis which just takes one discussion or note sent around, their first response is to evict them or begin cutting off services.

>I seriously doubt the government would come down on the side of moneyed people
Come on user. I agree with you in principle, but this is a naive statement.

Not you. 2016 on this board saw an unprecedented rise in MAGA zoomers, neocon boomers, and spics who wanted to LARP as far right. You groups have completely shat up the place with your Sean Hannity tier talking points and utter retardation.

smart people don't invest in rental properties
you're the only retard here

Seems weird to me that anyone would be expected to pay rent.

I just don't expect National Socialists to view fondly somebody who had no hand in producing what they're leveraging, probably bought it under market value, and then charges at-or-above market value for a basic human necessity.

And then, being so rabidly defensive of capitalism that you would expect people in your own nation to cough up money they don't have at a time where no one has money?

Seems incredibly Jewish and greedy.

i won 2 apartment buidlings, theres hella cost in keeping them running from idiot tennets.
I am most DEFIANTLY throwin gALL your asses out come the 5th if you refise to pay, make an attempt Ill give you some leeway but flat out try to steal and ill have the sherrif come in and throw your shit in the dumpster il be dragging in.

The faggot who owns that place got destroyed by normies on facebook and Twitter and in the news. He had to go on a mini apology tour a day or so later.

When I made 60k per year, I was approved for a $250,000 loan with 1% down. They didn't even ask what type of job it was or how I got my money. Literally didn't matter. My agent at the time (LOL AGENT) kept trying to convince me to do it... fortunately I ran some numbers and realized home ownership is largely a scam unless you really want to stay in one place for 10+ years.

The ultimate scam is being a landlord though. They take out these absurd loans and then just rent away the property to cover the mortgage. It works well when times are good but when times are bad these people get destroyed because their loans are so unfavorable.

Like this guy, he's not an American, he's just another greedy fucking Jew.

>Instead of working with their tenants in a time of crisis


yes i do. im also 26 year old and own 2 properties because i bought and traded crypto for the past 9 years.

the state of housing in the uk is fucked up, yes, but that doesnt mean people shouldnt pay rent. what the fuck do you expect will happen if suddenly everybody stopped paying for everything?

How does that go against what I said? At most it means that if the equipment shits the bed it's not getting maintained, which is probably true regardless given the circumstances.

I own my house outright, so I'm not in this situation, but I'll throw in my two shekels.

On one hand, the responsible thing to do is bite the bullet, make some financial sacrifices, like the cable example in the Jew's letter, and pay your rent first.

On the other, fuck that arrogant, threatening kike landlord's letter and shove it up his ass. Depending on where you live, and if your civil courts have been shut down due to social distancing, good luck trying to evict a tenant. No courts, no eviction. If tenants want to band together and stick it to the Jew, collectively don't pay rent. You may be evicted later, but its a matter of principle over survival. I live in NJ (unfortunately) and it can take months or years to evict for non payment.

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>Why yes, the government will definitely try to enforce millions of garnishments on unemployed dead beats in a national uncertainty and a major election
It's not one or the other. What I imagine will happen is these cases will be thrown out. Landlords will get some sort of tax incentive or a mortgage forgiveness

The Internationale, last stanza:

Лишь мы, paбoтники вceмиpнoй
Only we, the workers of the worldwide
Beликoй apмии тpyдa,
Great army of labour,
Bлaдeть зeмлёй имeeм пpaвo,
Have the right to own the land,
Ho пapaзиты – никoгдa!
But the parasites – never!

You have to be a moron to not recognize that Yas Forums was libertarian shortly before 2016 elections. They were coerced into the GOP by a candidate with a platform that was actually pro-white and pro-American.

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im far from a jew, i am white and god fearing trump supporter. but i even get wind of a scheme to not pay up in masse I will throw you ALL Out, then upgrade the apts to something even nicer and re rent them out as expenive themed condos or some sorts.

he wants to deflower your hyman

Only landlord I've ever had that wasn't a kike was an old couple that rented out their garage house.

Everything else is grubby foreign investors or "chain" apartments where they ask you for shit like "application fees".

>i'm far from a jew
>but I even get wind of a scheme to not pay

you're a fucking jew

Evictions are illegal for six months here now.

Lol no, this board was anti zionist and stormfront-tier back in the day. There was always a contingent of libertarians true, but they were never the majority.

>Smear boogers on rent check
>Landlord croaks
>His spoiled brat kids inherit the house
>Ewww, what a pain, don't want to deal with it
>Sell to other predatory Jew devil landlord
>Soon as your lease is up, he raises your rent the max he can
>Or he throws your ass out and rehabs / flips the house to Chad and Stacey

You haven't thought this through.

i still remember trying to repel the waves of stormweenies

fuck i hate wehraboos

Those aren't "landlords" those are large property management companies.

>implying this isnt some chapofag larping
Ok retard

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>The housing situation is fucked
>People should pay rent

No, that's exactly why people shouldn't pay rent. The housing situation is fucked.

and you sound like a good for nothing nigger or worse a commie. I dont rent to either, oh theres a law against that? ha.. fuckers i own my shit free and clear, no bank notes no nothing. just reading this shit here on the chan just makes me want to evict on the 3rd.

thank you for your service

pretty hiot in the summer with no electricity and the reconstruction is going to be really loud.

>im also 26 year old and own 2 properties because i bought and traded crypto for the past 9 years
not because this is a particularly grand achievement, but because you need SOME brains to trade crypto (well enough to buy a house)
and absolutely no one with a brain buys rental properties

>the state of housing in the uk is fucked up, yes, but that doesnt mean people shouldnt pay rent
yes it does
>what the fuck do you expect will happen if suddenly everybody stopped paying rent
it would be an improvement

This is the wise thing, but our leaders all are retarded politicians elected by the average voter. Lol, good bye normalcy.

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you would be wise to talk to your landlord and negotiate your cheaper rent. you have a really strong argument right now.
if you just ghost him/her and dont pay for 6 months youll get shafted

this is also the reason why i only let people with good credentials rent from me
also applies to you

if you unironically think nothing bad will happen if you suddenly stop paying your rent then you are delusional.

If it was just a single landlord trying to jew their tenants during a crisis then this wouldn't be such an issue and you wouldn't see so many people talking about it. Hell just type in "landlords pay rent during coronavirus" on google and plenty of articles pop up discussing the issue.

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>hello there fellow polacks

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nah. just a degenerate gambler
first trade i bought 144 btc for £1000

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Update on the scenario.

>y-you must be a nigger or a commie
No, I care about my country you opportunistic leech.

>if you just ghost him/her and dont pay for 6 months youll get shafted
I've done it before and no you won't lol
literally nothing happens

But user, we never left...

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Yikes oof

>advocates to evict people during a national crisis

eat shit and die parasite

Surprised llmore groups are not sending letters to all tenants who live in shitty apartments. Telling them they dont have to pay, haha.

Seriously, spending a couple of hundred dollars and a few hours addressing letters could really bring down some of these faggots, and cause a little chaos along the way.

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gumtree or something?
this is why i use an estate agent

Glow harder NIGGER

90iq chaporaider chimps out and can't keep his mask on colorized 2020.png

Over leverage yourself and this is the risk.

Either fake letter or stupid landlord. None of this is currently legally since the government enacted policies against doing any of this

nice incoherent posts lol

To work on the wire of course because you probably have to open some shit or do some work on the property
But the wire is most likely property of whatever company installed it.

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>muh reddit
Yeah I thought so, go crawl on the ground for pennies schlomo.

>doesn't know what Nazis are about
>doesn't know what this thread is about

Britbong education

You're a liar

This guy is correct

-t. 2014 faggot

When I first showed up, nigger hate threads and fat hate threads were the thing. That stuff was hilarious. Then school shootings and jihad attacks started occurring every month.

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You goys don't even know the half of it. In Australia not only do these fucking landlord kikes take out excessive loans to buy expensive property, THEY INTENTIONALLY RUN THEM AT A LOSS. Net rental losses are a deduction on your income so people upper middle class salary workers take out an investment property loan or four to buy up unprofitable property, and then they run the properties at a loss to reduce their income tax.

>but user if they're running at a loss what's the benefit?

Because they all believe that prices always go up and that in the long term they'll be able to make a killing once they finally sell it. Capital gains profits are discounted by 50% in Australia if you hold the asset for 12 months. It's absurdly generous and distorts out market to give a massive favourability to capital growth investments. If you can hold a house and run it at a loss, pay no tax on your rent, and then sell it for x2 what you paid the tax man only make you pay tax as if you only made x1.5 what you paid.

Lots of these fucking investments are on interest-only loans too. This market is disgustingly inflated by parasitic speculative investors over-leveraging themselves and jumping in because they've got FOMO. Australian Property has been extraordinarily profitable over the last 20 years... annual average returns have been better than shares. Won't last forever. -

nope the landlord was the owner of an agency that managed other properties
as per usual with landkikes, he was an absolute mong

So what? I don't think you understand the reality here; it's pretty much

>You can't really be evicted because the situation is a cluster fuck.
>You can't really be locked out because you can't leave the house.

It's 5 months from now's problem. The people who can't afford rent probably need their rent money for things such as food. Regardless, I really want people to stop paying their rents.

>Over leveraged real estate companies get shafted and have to sell their properties lowering the price of property
>Because the value of property is lower for new owners, they can effectively offer lower rents in the economic downturn
>Laughable amounts of anti-landlord sentiments infects politics for the next few years due to the mess of it
>Rent controls go out, foreign investment in housing decreases, banks give less favorable loans to landlord/rentals

My only real fear is that niggers may benefit.