One person in the new york city dies every 8.9 minutes

Form the virus, Pol will chimp out and deny this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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cool, so how many minutes till there are none left?

Flufags and hoaxfags BTFO

when does the rioting a looting start?

Lol nice job governor gabagool.

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every minute someone commits suicide

It just needs 6 hours to finish off the Jew York Times. Let's hope.

>boomers die
>america loses white majority
holy based

How many die from niggers

I think we would be pretty happy since everyone in NYC is a garbage heap. Will reduce shitskins, liberals and kikes.

>hurr durr it'll be gone by easter
This is all Trump's fault for how out of control this has gotten; FACT. It is just totally and utterly behooving to the mind as to how Trump can be a scientifically and emotionally illiterate retard who rejects evidence based medicine like vaccines. He's truly not much different from his base.

Sigh, there is no magical low cost cure for this plague. We're just gonna have to hold out for another 18 months for a vaccine and have it mandated.

Trump can go back to tweeting nonsense from his fatassed sized golden toilet. Fuck that zogged prick.

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Oh we moved from flu to suicide now?

Also 48,000 suicides a year 525600 minutes in a year a suicide every 11 minutes

Hmmm guess you should try smoking deaths or heart disease

wheres the fast forward button?

>CBS News Producer
wtf I love the herd immunity strategy now.

It seems that the Governor is Fredo after all.

And it'll be every second soon enough

Maybe if we pray real good, it'll be 20 every minute. Fuck jewyork.

>cool, so how many minutes till there are none left?




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Rookie numbers.

Who cares NY is full of faceless brown people from nowhere in particular

Yup, he forced the governor of NY to not lock things down even though that is 100% controlled by state. Nice deflection you ching chong or kike agent.

just some sniffles

She had cancer and has been on leave for like a year.

Why would we care if people in NYC die? That's what we call an inevitable consequence of living in a petry dish of degenerate behavior. All that big talk about fly over states and now look where they are. They need to bloe the bridges and flood the tunnels to keep them there.

Fucking tourist brought this here now you fags want to shut us in fuck that

two planes weren't enough

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? It's simply God's revenge for voting Democrat and being heavily Jewish

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That causes death yeah bro just the sniffles

Or, you know, just close the bridges and tunnels?
Tanks aren't needed. A pile of dirt does the job just as well.

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anyone knoww wwhere i can access the timelapse vvversion of this map?

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This is facts. Mayor DeBlasio of all people was the first to try to lock the city down, but he was cucked by Cuomo, who is somehow an even bigger piece of shit.

You cant hold on. You are going to die.

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>chimp out
Something just occurred to me; will people riot over this? Rioting is like a guaranteed way to get it and even niggers have to realize that.


>new york city

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Deny it? We're celebrating the destruction of Jew York.

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>Fucking tourist brought this here now you fags want to shut us in fuck that



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According to my calculations
2,160,052.1 minutes, which equates to roughly 4.1 years for the entire state of new york

Those are rookie numbers.

1000 people die per day from the flu.

Seems impossible but the people that run NYC and NY itself are all worthless kikes and faggots. I love the rest of the state, it's my home and where my family had farming land but fuck those people. I would love nothing more than to take back my homeland from those garbage heaps.

We need to quarantine NY until everyone inside dies so they we can keep this economy going.

Attached: us.png (663x355, 104.42K)

Do you actually believe that shit

This assumes no exponential growth.

~148 years at current rate with zero re-pop occuring.

every second. prove me wrong.

this man is asking the right questions.
nobody likes NY or NYers. Let them suffer and die.

Not really

There might be some looting of stores, but even the Nogs are smart enough to fear Corona

Why isn't that happening anywhere else ? Is New York a shithole ? I'll wait for your reply OP :)

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True, 4.1 years max then


Fuck no some gook tourist brought this here and the fat ozzing slobs that flew through here from the midwest not taking this shit seriously going on their fag cruises brought this here

Is this tweet Real?

If yes, then she, and all those that attended
need to STFU and Die.

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I would think one was born, and one died about every 10 minutes in NYC normally, without any virus.

Come up with more meaningless stats,dipshit...
How many die of coronavirus every second?
How many every new moon?
How many people with birthdays die of corona virus?
Now add 5
Now subtract todays date
Now add the last 2 digits of the current year
>OP is a faggot

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wtf, how the fuck did you come up with that shit?

so much this

anti-vexers, vegans and other scum are losing their safe spaces and facing reality for the first time

New York is filled with immigrants and foreign business. It's a hazard of your economic base.
Stay there and watch your state rot.

Didn't most of it end up hitting the chinks in Flushing and orthodox jews?

>New York cleansed
>CBS jews btfo

>new york is an infected wasteland

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The more infectoids that expire in the major Chinese Corona Virus hot spot in North America, the less infectoids able to flee to other areas. How is this a bad thing?

Sequel when?

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How many minutes will it take to kill every last fucking New Yorker?

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>take numbers you pull out of ass
>continue trend upward at rate you pulled out of your ass
>get number you like
>post it
Wow, we got a genius over here. Do you do work for NASA?

Stay calm and carry on. Let the lords will be done.

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Pump those numbers up!

>CBS News
explain how is that a bad thing

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>sanctuary city
>over half the cases in the entire country

How many babies were born in the same timeline? How many people die in New York hospitals every day?

I bet she had lung cancer already or something like that. Media needed to be locked down for causing mass hysteria.

Imagine using the word "behooving" unironically, I bet you shove a hoover vacuum up your ass to get all the nigger cum out faggot.

GOOD. Fuck TV (((mews))) producers. Heckin based;etc.

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There ain't no one on earth tougher than a New Yorker.

You chose to live stacked up like cockroaches. This is THE time for personal responsibility.

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let me guess, you went to college to study "finance" or "liberal arts"

8,600,000 New Yorkers
9 minutes to death

(8.6M)(9min)=77.4M min
77.4M/60 =1.29k hours
1.29k hours/24 hours = 53.75k days
53.75k/365 = 147.2 years

~148 years

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T-thanks, Schumer.

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>A trio of hate-spewing teens blamed an Asian woman for coronavirus as they attacked her on board a city bus in The Bronx, police said Sunday.
>The three girls approached the 51-year-old victim on the bus near Ogden Avenue and West 166th Street, screaming a series of anti-Asian slurs around 3 p.m. Saturday when one of the 15-year-olds hit the Asian woman in the head with an umbrella, cops said.
>“You caused coronavirus b—-h!” one of the hateful kids shouted.
>The woman was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital, where she received stitches on her head, cops said.
>The three girls, whose names were not released because they are underage, were each slapped with a slew of charges, including hate crime assault and aggravated harassment, police said.
>Since the COVID-19 outbreak arrived in New York City, the NYPD has investigated 10 other cases “where all the victims were Asian and targeted due to discrimination based on the coronavirus pandemic,” a spokesman said Friday.
White supremacist girls without a doubt.

Your turn. Show your work public school poor fag.

But Cuomo doesn't want other states to stop New York rats from spreading it...ffs they have HALF of all cases!

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72,000,000 minutes to go?
This shit is gonna take too long

We should nuke New York to sterilize it.

After 100 years or so it will be habitable again and we can remake society there.

Every minute, 60 seconds pass.

>More people die in from a viral outbreak in densely populated cities

Well good luck buddy. If people in southern Italy are already starting to chimp, raiding supermarkets and calling for revolution, I can't imagine what's going to happen in NYC a few days after rent is due this week. Get food now or try to get out

The mayor just read a list of hospital workers who died and they are all niggers and jews.

Uh--I think coronachan is truly /our virus.

>8.6million ÷ 9 = 77.4million

>Five new New York coronavirus cases are from Jewish New Rochelle family

>Jewish man’s coronavirus diagnosis spurs quarantine; shutdown of school, synagogue

Oh lookie here

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All hail CoronaChan

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Diversity is your strength

>according to my calculations

It's literally just arithmetic retard. Calculations. Get a load of Newton over here.

And most of the infected are in heavily infested Jew communities, since the Chosen Ones think they're above the law.
So happy!

Im not in NYC

>the elderly are more likely to die from coronavirus
>the elderly in NY are more likely to live in rent controlled apartments
>when the elderly in NY die, Jewish NY landlords are more likely to profit

>all the Amerimutt fakenews media rushing into crowds for the next hyperventilating bread and games scoop dies from Corona

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algorithm actually

>18 months

Not all of us were ultra-mega preppers. Dead economy = dead people. Practice good hygiene and get back to work.

And I still dont give a shit. 100k lol. Theres 25 million North Koreans, NK is still bigger news

Aren't those numbers typical for a NY day?

77.4M is the product of the two terms which are written in normal notation. No division anywhere. Now show us all your calculations.

Let me guess, you took a statistics class in your faggot college and think you are a genius now? You don't have accurate numbers, you can't use inaccurate numbers to then accurate predict future numbers you mouthbreathing faggot. I'm in IT like normal people on this board and work in engineering. Take your kike statistical nonsense game elsewhere, you don't have accurate numbers, period. The only people really getting tested are already in the fucking hospital, the death numbers don't make any fucking sense and the people dying are majority old and already sick. 99% of Italy's deaths were old and sick.

>Tick tock tick tock every 9 minutes a (((new yorker))) dies

Imagine that being blasted from propaganda speakers mounted on the security fence around the city

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they're dying because you aren't giving them zpacs and the hydroxy


Neat pic... but that 1980's fridge is ridiculous...

How poor is the girl who lives like that? Either some retards in an old house or a rental? Look at that out dated energy eater..

>jews are people

were New York tough
they don't make em like us anywhere else..

>same fake format

>im a memegeneer fear me
me too, you are not fooling me, i know its all a scam lel


This is just the beginning. Shitty city air, obesity and other conditions, that's what New Yorkers are.

Yes, even chinks are rioting despite the threat of a totalitarian government backlash. Of course freer countries will riot when things get more desperate.

Tourists? It was the large kike infestation nigger lips.

Why contain it? S'cool!

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>Get food now or try to get out
No, stay put.

It doesn't take that long. More people than ever in Hiroshima.

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5.540 years


>he noticed the fridge
Got some bad news for you, user.

I still want to see your high speed engineer calculations algorithm math faggot. dipshit.

Almost half of the US cases are in NY.

(((They))) do nothing but steal from our pockets anyways.

We should nuke NYC to sterilize the virus there.

Then in 100 years after the fallout has settled we can build civilization there again.

It will be a better city made in our image.

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Sure, please show your math and show your source of numbers, then when you show me your numbers are based on testing, which is only selectively done, you can admit you are using poor source material. If you actually accept science, you would know the testing would either have to be the whole population or randomized so as not to induce selection bias, you fucking retard. Notice your whole argument falls apart when pressed so you produce no evidence and just lie like the kike you are.

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"Maria was 54 and died from the Covid-19 coronavirus in a New York hospital. She had been on medical leave for an unrelated matter since the last week in February.

Maria fought cancer and related illnesses for more than 20 years, and was an inspiration each time she returned to work after a setback threatened to end her life."

Where you from?

Inner-city niggers are fucked. Libs tried to stop the border controls from infected areas to cause a shit storm and use it against Trump. CNN is trying to spin it like they did not play a role in this. They all will have blood on their hands.

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It'd be radioactive for at least 5000 years.

... fucking Yas Forums intelligence

Its 2,91208e9 minutes
That is 2.912.080.000 minutes

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oh my bad, my algorithm was incorrect. I forgot a plus sign.

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Gee, what a surprise, cancer and a disease killed her, just like AIDS faggots die of random diseases. Better flip the fuck out.

Seems like Jew Yorkers didn't wear enough

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Are you saying that new York only has 200k people?

Isn't there like a billion people in New York? Don't that many people die there anyway?


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>On Christmas Day 1942, Radio Moscow broadcast a simple message to the members of General Friedrich Paulus's 6th Army besieged in the city of Stalingrad. To the background sound of a ticking clock came the message: “Every seven seconds a German soldier dies in Russia. Stalingrad is a mass grave.

what the hell?! How could a virus know one's religious beliefs???

>A 71-year-old Queens woman who had been diagnosed with coronavirus died just minutes after being discharged from the hospital, police sources told The Post.
>Carolyn Frazier was released from New York Presbyterian Queens Hospital Friday at about 10 a.m., despite doctors diagnosing her with the COVID-19 virus, the sources said.
>A private ambulance took Frazier back to her home on Parsons Blvd. in Flushing—but she had passed away by the time it arrived.
>The woman was pronounced dead at 10:14 a.m., less than half an hour after she’d left the medical center, sources said.

I was using incorrect data from the 1750's

>news producer
Looks like a kike.
Don't care.
>9 New Yorker's die every minute
I'm fine with all of them dying.

147 years to clean out New York is too slow... Someone needs to up that lethality attribute in their plague inc. game

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kek you're so going to die

>one dead Democrat every 8.9 minutes
That's almost as good as abortion.
I'm elated.

Did you just unironically text sigh?

Its on every nine minutes... but id be happier with nine a min

>one person in the new york city dies every 8.9 minutes
so, basically the same as 2018

Answered Oct 2, 2018 · Author has 75 answers and 66.9k answer views
From Welcome to | City of New York Population Facts:

Seeing that it’s been outdated a bit, here are the common facts.

There are nearly 400,000 more women than men in New York.
There is a birth in New York City every 4.4 minutes.
There is a death in New York City every 9.1 minutes

why deny it? we're celebrating

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Yes. 100% bullshitery