there is outstanding evidence that there is more to he universe than simply what meets the eye. Religion has for centuries been a way for humans to connect to the forces beyond the material. Even the most prominent scientists throughout history have been religious. Phsychadelics are proof to anybody that our state of nature is not what it appears, its interesting that phsychadelics are illegal, and that no one talks about the CIA telepathy experiments in the 80s. GOD IS EVERYTHING, you are not god, you are a part of god, god is intelligent, that connected consciousness is bigger than all of us, and that athiests are low IQ brainlets who need physical proof to believe anything
and for the final proof, take two tabs of acid at night and lock yourself in a dark room, you will see, do not be afraid of it, or do. If you're stupid you wont recognize it for what it is.
start your day
wake the fuck up
ITT we make fun of Athiests
Other urls found in this thread:
whoa do you expect me to read all that
I took half a tab of acid, didn't get visuals or anything but when I went to sleep after god gave me a vision.
I was in a infinite black void with a golden flower of life above me
>pic related
it was radiating me with love, light, warmth and a voice suddenly permeated by entire existence it was loud but not yelling; pure authority.
Then I woke up and heard a light whisper "April showers bring may flowers"
This is what non-atheism looks like.
Where is part 2
Don't do drugs.
> our ancestor bro
> it is evolution bro
> c'mon bro you dont doubt darwin do you?thats lame dude
I dont have it sadly. I saved that with the intent of hunting it down, actually
>STILL being an atheist
Honestly you have to be a fucking retard or just lying to yourself to not believe there’s a higher power. Just admit you don’t know what it is, no harm in that. However if you claim to be an atheist I’m going to just assume you’re a main stream media/science sheep
You look like a Drug-tripping Gnostic writing that, the biggest Part about Religion is to follow a moral Code, without it it wouldnt be a Religion just shitty soccer-mom esotericism.
Do you have any real Religious believes?
show flag glowie
opioids mephamfetamines and non phsychadelics are shit and for normies who cant handle concioussness phsychadelics are traditional and ancient, greeks did them
Drugs can cause schizophrenia. Then you'll end up useless and project on Yas Forums all day.
only if you're predisposed to mental illnesses and you abuse it, one trip can be transformative and extremely profound, i've only had a handful and I dont intend on taking anymore for the foreseeable future
>Do drugs
>See, that proves god is real! You atheists are just dummies!
In ancient times when very little was known about the natural world and most of the population was illiterate it was easy to believe in all manner of gods and spirits. Nowadays the entire sum of all human knowledge is available to anyone with access to the internet, and you basically have to be mentally retarded to believe in these old superstitions.
You are a pawn refusing to recognize the board.
Canaanite gods still being worshiped
Minerva prophecy still believed
Tesla's Aether research killed by Edison and religion remains viewed as superstition
Talmud stays hidden throughout centuries despite numerous public figures trying to expose it
>You are a pawn refusing to recognize the board.
Wow man, that's like... so deep 'n stuff. Like, we're all just chess pieces on god's chessboard, 'n stuff. Wow man.
This pic is interesting, is there more to this? Memes/simple explanations aside.
>Guy who attacks atheists can't even spell the word
If I called you a king would it even make a difference to you? Duality as a concept of life is unavoidable and exists throughout all religions.
Two sides, many pieces and not all equal but everyone picks one side or the other. You think it's coincidence the Freemasons use the checkerboard pattern in all the imagery? Either way it's all up to you to believe I can't really make you.
he refuses to see, he refuses to wake up, simply because the slumber is so easy
lol sick I didnt spell the word properly my whole argument is nullified, checkmate christcuck holy shit how will religious people ever recover, fuck off blindfag
ITT we make fun of Jew worshippers aka Christians.
Gas yourself heeb
>Take 2 tabs of acid
I'm a social retard who can't even score weed no way I'm finding acid
search up how to find Psilocybin, go for a hike in mushroom season and take some then observe nature, do your research but you don't need acid or weed or social connections, truth surrounds us all
only retards think we came from rocks
space, aliens, and evolution don't exist. there is no missing link. and evolution is confirmed a theory, checkmate baby eaters!
what a golem folks
But bro bro bro bro, Why are people starving to death if God is real? Check mate theists.
I like the way you think user.
aliens exist, and so does space retard, EVERYTHING is Conscious your race is conscious, the earth itself and the universe hums with consciousness, life is an inevitability, the bible is true but more exists beyond our earth, things we can not imagine, and thats ok
who said death was a bad thing? an ego death disproves the myth that death is the worst thing imaginable
thanks user I just want others to realize whats beyond the grand illusion
Your word-salad makes no fucking sense, which essentially proves my point that you have to be mentally retarded to believe this shit.
I order weed and mushrooms off discord. You just have to find the servers
they starve because they're too lazy or because their government is corrupt. that has nothing to do with religion.
>Can't understand the concept of duality
>Calls me a retard
Enjoy hell you godless sodomite
I know the mountains up north are "good" but never attempted
and while I know it's illegal everywhere, they're extra antsy in my state and will rip through packages, I'll do some research and see what's up though if I can hit these discords
where can I find this central bankers and nazi time-travel manga?
v nice
There are thousands of contradicting religions across the globe. Some are similar, some are radically different, all claim to be the one 'true faith'.
Which religion is right, let me guess - it's the one you follow.
>he refuses to see, he refuses to wake up, simply because the slumber is so easy
Actually it's more correct to say that you refuse to learn about science, because it's easier for you to believe the fairy tales that you were taught in earliest childhood.
I've literally seen religious people on Yas Forums arguing that the great flood totally happened, and that evolution is a lie, and that we're all equal because muh god, and jews are gods chosen so we must defend israel.....etc.
Isn't it a far stronger position to simply say that we evolved, there are racial differences, and jews are pursuing an in-group strategy.....etc? Isn't that a smarter, more accurate, more powerful line of reasoning? I fail to see how this religious mumbo jumbo serves us at all
Being an atheist is the same tier of cringe as being Christian, Jewish, or any other religion.
Agnosticism is the master race
Minus the time travel
I literally cannot believe in any super natural stuff. I just can't force myself to do it.
However, I like the idea of cultural Christianity. Can I still call myself a Christian if I don't believe in a literal Jesus Christ? What I mean is that instead of believing that Jesus Christ is a literal figure, I simply believe that he is a metaphor, a representation of the perfect man and strive to live like him and by those ideals. Is it still fair to be called a Christian if I hold such a position?
>Muh ego bro, I'm super englightened and know everything about life and death cause I bought some acid off a greasy hippy once bro trust me, My ego died.
Shut the fuck up, Brainlet.
I was being satirical.
If you don't have a natural sense of spirituality you're probably gonna burn after you die.
>Enjoy hell you godless sodomite
What makes you think YOU'RE not going to hell? Can you prove you're not praying to the wrong god?
what did he say that you dont understand? the universe is created of two opposites, evidenced by every description of deities ever, light and dark good and evil, everything has an opposite, you're just a low IQ brain-let who refuses to understand. you probably think spirit doesn't exist. or that the only difference between men and women is the genitalia. even my normie friends who took psychedelics understood the fundamental duality of the universe
all of them, they're all correct, in a way, look for the underlying connections, whichever one you choose it doesnt matter, but you should pick one that is culturally yours because of race consciousness, everything evolves, including religion, and including physical constants
>there is outstanding evidence that there is more to he universe than simply what meets the eye.
Such as?
Oh, you're mentally disabled. Nevermind.
>implying there's a difference
Most religions are the same, apart from the ones that knowingly worship evil.
It is gnostic thought
None of them are correct. There are some good moral points and such in religion sure, but I can extract the knowledge of those points without devoting my life obessing over early man's attempts to explain the unexplainable.
Imagine being an adult who believes in the supernatural.
Fucking how?
Fuck atheists, but you are citing the worst proof I could imagine. Repent sinner
Consider the NEET: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them.
>the universe is created of two opposites
>light and dark good and evil
Wow man. That's deep. Seriously though, what does that even mean to you?
>If you don't believe this mumbo-jumbo it's 'cause you're stupid!
Okay retard.