I’ve lost everything
This coronavirus cost me my job my gf everything
How can I rebuild? I live in LA I need a job and I need help can anyone help me? I’m desperate please I know trolls will hate me but can anyone help?
I’ve lost everything
This coronavirus cost me my job my gf everything
How can I rebuild? I live in LA I need a job and I need help can anyone help me? I’m desperate please I know trolls will hate me but can anyone help?
>my gf
Fuck off normie.
glownigger fuck off
corona isnt real
lol I almost took the bait. polite sage
It's fine user, when the rioting starts you can just go loot new stuff, maybe even a new gf.
Fuck off R9K Neet weeb disgusting incel
Tell us more, nigger
Are you willing to fly to another state and sign a NDA for a contract?
Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps user
Is kinda dating someone from a neighbouring country, that shit wont probably happen now...
Im so pissed at chinks i almost want a ww3 now