AND especially in the most important category, 0-18, this is literally the best thing that has happened to mortality rate EVER!
Everyone staying home from work. Odds of death go down.
We're going to need sherlock homes to untangle these data.
>shit skins are the most important
OK boomer
>Doesn't want a generation of youth to grow wealthy while boomer hoarding scum die alone in their own juice.
Scared, are we Shlomo?
Lock people in their house and less people die, who would have thought?
Most common cause of death in that group is suicide IIRC :(
So because their parents are home they aren't? lol
everybody is quarantined right now
that means nobody is out there being retarded and dying the more common shit like crashing their car or falling down stairs and dying
All of that decline is probably the result of no car accidents.
lol trying to deny that it is in fact a happening. lol you nobu-guys are coping in the most hilarious ways
>shitload of people with various health problems started dying from corona
>99% of deaths are hidden to dont cause panic
>ITS A MIRACLE, and a nothingburger
found the nonwhite
>be American
>cant go out
>dont get shot
Happening fags btfo
Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling down that stairs kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kill 6million a year
>lightning kills 10 per year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A Year
Corona is a total nothing burger
>silver lining with people changing their behaviors during COVID-19.
The answer is literally in your post, imagine being this retarded.
Same as in China. Deaths from pollution, car crashes, drunkenness, and other things are down.
those numbers will be overcompensated for when burgers start having end of quarantine celebrations
still btfo HARD
You completely made those numbers up.
>Germans actually believe this
It's due to fewer teens drunk driving because of our retardo alcohol laws.
>Corona is a total nothing burger
>Does not understand what mortality rates or exponential growth.
Dumb fucking bong checks out, i bet he is also still in denial of the economic harm coming to the UK due to brexit.
no one dying @ work. no accidents, no car crashes, no heart attack from stress/overworking etc pp.
not hard to decypher
haha daily number counter goes brrrrrrrrrrrr
Not at all if we did nothing millions of people would die.
When doctors go on strike less people die. This has been known for ages.
Medical Malpractice is a major cause of death.
Literally simply because 1) niggers aren't out in the streets and 2) people aren't driving as much
end of story
Trump could use this graph to win in November.
>coronavirus is actually saving lives
>still killing boomers
god bless
Trump has actually stopped school shootings without infringing on gin rights.
Trump is a Hero!
>stuck in quarantine with bf.
>he's starting to get stir-crazy
>he has multiple firearms
>might get shot anyway
post feminine dick
people are staying inside instead of going to work and on the road
and criminals are scared to go out and commit crime
it's /comfy/
>the economic harm coming to the UK due to brexit
>you have to choose between being stuck with greedy asshole boomers or teenage shitskins
We're fucked
>We're fucked
it's a harsh world user
do have to practise being such a faggot or does it come naturally
>Dumb fucking bong checks out, i bet he is also still in denial of the economic harm coming to the UK due to brexit.
its irrelevant now. just some pennies compared to economic harm coming from they handling of corona
Sorry, user, no time for bantz, I need to go cook him Spanish style chicken and rice right now, so I don't get the bad ending. Pray for me.
School kills. Confirmed.
Top kek
Fuck this fake virus shit
any idea what caused all the deaths at end 2017, start 2018??
>the most important category, 0-18
You nothingburger faggots are fucking retarded and in denial. Cope harder.
suicides went down during both world wars. either being reminded of mortality makes people less likely to suicide or suicidal people are bored/incompatible with normal society and thus there problems go away when everyone else is going through the same things they are going through
>everyone stay at home
>number of traffic deaths plummet
I need a bigger magnifying glass to discover the secret behind this
I think the flu in the US was especially bad that winter
It comes naturally.
>st some pennies compared to economic harm coming from they handling of corona
On the short term for sure, part of this economic down turn is also because it is the end of the credit cycle.
I can't wait.
Christmas and New Year always have a spike in suicide (forced cheer reinforces social alienation while in the middle of winter for maximum misery) and accidental death (lots of people are drunk, partying, playing with new toys). Plus it's peak time for several nasty seasonal diseases, like the flu.
It isn't just traffic deaths the US doesn't have 7000-10000 traffic deaths per month. It is probebly also impart due to people working less having less stress, cleaner air etc.
If millions of people are saved instead of dying, is that any less of a happening?
But why? it isn't even towing the party line anymore. Are these people so desperate to feel smarter than normal people that they believe the most absurd shit just so they can feel better about themselves?
Niggers aren’t doing drive by shootings, junkies can’t get their heroin to OD