God is lowering the temperature so more would die

Why does God hate us?

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Because you are worshiping an idiot-God that created earth for his own amusement. The demiurge is unworthy of worship.

Good loves us, but we deserve punishment (far beyond this slight inconvenience)

It's not God, it's mother nature.

Bold of you to assume that God's goal is for us to be happy and safe

>kills you
>still and idiot
How big is your fedora collection?

this is what you get for being gay

Freewill and the mechanism of nature does not mean god hates us.

Move or defend yourself from the cold with your intellect, even shit tier animals can do that.

why do you hate God?

I don't know what you're talking about, the weather is fucking nice here.

t. midwest

K keep me posted

it will habben when the weather cools


>Why does God hate us

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global warming in action


Winter-Chan has been turned against us. That's what we get for thinking we could control forces beyond our understanding.

Hmmmm truly I wonder why God hates us hmmmmm

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One post by this ID

For the same reasons people voted Hitler into power

Why does God hate us bros ;_;

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But I thought it's global warming and shit

>half the planet is just sitting in their house instead of driving or flying around
>hurrrrr god

What better way to have a laugh than to turn down the temperature after decades of idiots screaming about "global warming"?

Her ass tattoos are so fucking awesome. Seriously lol

Perfect storm I would say. Poor burger it's about to get fucky.

Lower emission it lowering temperature

Choose one.

Digits confirm Winter Chan returns.

God loves you.. don't forget your jacket.

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Why do you assume its Gods fault lol, we have free will and we fucked the Earth.

>This leaf seriously believes a few weeks of slightly lowered human action would lower global temperatures instantaneously after trying to convince us for 50 years that 200 years of global industrial economy were raising temperatures by a degree.

You mean haarp

>Why does God hate us?

He doesn't hate us, only you.

Literally this, Chinese industrial workers have been reduced to stop the outbreak so most of the factories aren't operating

God hates niggers

we talked about it and agreed it was good

>The air is now cleaner than it has been in centuries due to everything shutting down

>Me kill you me smart

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God is raising the pollen count so more weak fags catch hypochondria.

If you've read history you know God is completely idle during times of crisis and probably laughs as we scream for help at the edge of death

>That's not God, it's his hand.

>slightly lowered
You truly are a retarded nigger

Its the quarantine which is lowering the temperature

Hatred, selfishness, cruelty, homosexuality, sexual perversion, adultery, gossip, backbiting and murder, especially of the unborn.

All the freight ships and fossil power plants are still running which make up most of the emissions you poor spastic dogfucker.

he just hates beta incels like you.

>Why does God hate us?
You Americans use fake Jew edited Bible's and call yourselves Christian.
You literally call Jews "God's chosen people" when God was very clear that Jews are the true evil that walks on the Earth.
To support evil is a grave sin and Americans blindly support the tribe of the synagogue of Satan while they occupy the holy Land.
Americans die for them willingly, Americans are trillions of dollars in debt via usury to the Jews but still willingly send Israel billions of dollars even though Israel has a surplus.
The Jews don't need the money so it could only be a tribute that Americans are paying to the Jews.
There are very few true Christians amongst the Americas. Why would God show favor to those that allow evil such as the juden to roam with them?
Americans Literally have their entire media owned and operated by the Biblical tribe of liars and willfully believe what they're being told by them. It's a sin to let evil such as a juden into your nation or home but the American will turn on their electric Jew and sit an watch them in their own home, then the American will claim to know God.
The American knows nothing of God.

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sorry my mistake the dog fucks you

>warm in the south
haha get fucked everybody else

>Me create you from space dust, me smart


>God was very clear that Jews are the true evil that walks on the Earth.

Snackalicious fact check me bro.

This is the correction we've been waiting for. Arm yourselfs bros. Don't forget what they've done to you. Strike when they are weak.

Cause we fucking deserve it.
>2nd Chronicles 7:14
>If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Jews run your country. They are not the chosen ones. Therefore you are their goyim, you must also die.

>Yet he created jews... according to them at least.

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Ask a dog breeder what is common for a litter with major ailments. Then realize that the whole earth is "God's" thing and as such, he/she/it is responsible for all life here . Then manage to comprehend relativity and realize the human population is not worth the lives of others it takes to feed, as in, Nancy pelosi is worth less than the pig that was slaughtered to feed her delusional pompass ass. Then maybe you'd see why.

Gods children will wake up

Scofield Bible perverted Gods word. JEHOVA, JESUS CHRIST, not G-d and not yeshua
>Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.

Scofield who published the Scofield Bible was a member of the Lotus Club, and a lawyer, surrounded by 'Jewish' advisors

Watch Marching to Zion - Jews are NOT the Chosen People

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Wow. No wonder English are not respected...

All gawds have been created by the people whom worship them wait till you see what 'american god' is..pssst...moon landing involved...