Name something positive that isn't race or death related to come from Corona

Do it. Name something positive for once. I'm tired of all of the LARPs, the doomsayers, the incels stinking you the board. We need some grounding in these difficult times yo.

So do it. I bet you can't. Pic not related

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Other urls found in this thread:

more sense of community where i live. I have been helping the elderly on my block get groceries and what not. Has also brought my family together, we have dinners at the table every night with our food pooled together. Feels good, desu

>I'm tired of all of the LARPs, the doomsayers, the incels stinking you the board.
Well that fucking sucks because the world you were trained to survive in no longer exists. That world isn't come back anytime sooner either.

>I bet you can't.
I'm spending a lot of time with my family and more time doing things I want to do instead of just working.

More industry in countries that have relied on the service sector (England etc) literally back to the days of Brunel, but with tech and robots to build it ...

Gyms are going out of business and liquidating their equipment. Sad but I got this beauty for £20.

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Pollution is down across the world because of it

This amazing blog post

I don't have to see my boss or coworkers

The best thing is death related.
A cull of the homeless and a Boomer Remover.

(1) people will start hopefully become more appreciative of the individuals that make the basics of society go around (sewage workers, cashiers, lorry drivers, nurses etc. etc.)
(2) widespread ridicule of celebrity ridicule
(3) people will travel less and allowing the local tourism industry to have a brief resurange
(4) long term preparedness will not be frowned upon as being a "prepper" anymore

negatives ...
(a) a precedent has been said for total surrender of public authority to experts, and will be used as arguments to "protect the planet" (further curtailing civil liberties).

exposing the massive weaknesses of the globalized economy, and the plight of most americans when one month off of work can make people homeless, lose the car, their kids go hungry. and not just the poor, plenty of middle class people I know are about two more weeks away from having to take out a loan to pay their mortgage. now that those weaknesses in america are shown so plainly I hope we can get something going to fix it.


I’m genuinely happy for you, user.

Wage class are getting BTFO they have to be welfare NEETS like myself, they don't know how to live cooped up in their houses, lack of social stimulus, have no idea how to entertain themselves.

Also (and this is positive in the sense that it's revealing) people are almost clambering over each other for food and resources and things haven't even gotten that bad yet. It shows really how selfish and greedy most common folk are, keep in mind most of these people are the virtue signalling type.

Less traffic

other classmates I know used to make general jokes about asians, but because of this whole coronavirus they're learning the differences between china, korea and japan, one of them even laughed when I told them about nanking.

no more systematic animal abuse
no more systematic child abuse

Good summary I agree

Some normies are learning how to be alone with themselves and exist without constant social validation.

You're a huge faggot and I hope you die.

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Thanks for the contributions everyone. Makes me so happy that there are people looking on the bright side and are exploring their creative selves.

yep a faggot posting cartoon girls. color me shocked

We appreciate you OP, thank you for this lovely post.

Expect more serious diseases like HIV to be cured in the next 10 years thanks to the increased medical research funds.

The market cycle that we have been waiting for since 2008 might finally fucking complete.
Real estate is going to plummet in price, allowing the younger generations to finally jump in without having to marry a loan for 35 years.

How is curing HIV a good thing?


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Jewish-run nightclubs in California are going under. These places promote degeneracy, organized drug crimes, trafficking, and are sometimes Antifa-operated. They're going to end.

Pollution has gone down significantly.

People are trying to support small businesses.

There's a sense of community and nationalism. Everyone, even ghetto folk are trying to take more care with safety precautions. Nobody wants foreigners, not even foreigners. Only people who say otherwise are brown girls on social media looking for attention.

Quarantine has allowed people to work on personal hobbies and projects such as crafts, gardening, etc.

People wash their hands more, even the homeless.

Do you have an idea of how taxing it is to countries with free healthcare? A bottle of pills that last 1 month cost 2000 euros and we all pay for them. Better to get over it once and for all.
HIV has already been cured in a few specific cases that require a bone marrow transplant for leukemia, but of course that's not scalable. We're getting closer though.

>Skepticism of Globalism
>Renewed interest in borders
>health is probably the one thing that can unify countries and that unification is a form of nationalism
>The grip of major cities on the economy will weaken as work-from-home means more will choose to abandon the commuter lifestyle and work from more remote areas, this weakens globalism and the left in general.

Lots of good stuff happening. Don't give into the shills and WATCH TRUMP'S DAILY BRIEFINGS.

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>a few specific cases

ps - not trying to be douche, I am generally interested

>Name something positive that isn't race or death related to come from Corona.
>Terrified normies
>Wagies eternally BTFO'd
>Incoming Trumpbux
>No lines at grocery store
This whole thing hasn't change my daily routine of shitposting, lifting, studying, cooking, cleaning, biking, hiking, gardening, ect.
Literally the best time to be a NEED living in rural america right now. The rest of the world can burn for all I care. I could never really afford to travel anyway, so once it's all burnt to the ground I won't miss it.

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If you survive it will be really cool to wander around in a empty city

Google Berlin patient and London patient. A think a third one has been cured a few weeks ago as well.

It's also been cured in lab monkeys and mice without requiring surgery. It's not unrealistic to expect a definitive cure for humans in this century.

Nice, this time the jew flu (similar to any previous corona influenza) will make vaccination mandatory. This is truly positive.

US death rate overall, especially for people under 18, is way, way down compared to the last few years thanks to social distancing, fewer cars on the roads, and fewer people working.

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does franchise death count?

Gamestop, Jewvie Theatres and shitty chain Roastieraunts all going belly-up

ty Coronachan

Since I created the thread, I should contribute some.

*A lot of paradigms and old systems to keep wealth and injustices contained are dying. More people are speaking their truths.
*More people in my area have stopped panic buying and are sponsoring community drives to help those who have been laid off.
*More people are taking walks and being outside in Nature
* A lot of my friends are creating art, music, etc. And sharing it online.
* People are starting to sit with themselves without less distractions for the first time. Can maybe start a bunch of healing inner trauma.

I'm not trying to be woo woo but I think humanity as a whole needed this time in order to heal from a spiritual perspective.

Damn man good steal

>nice weather
>no more asians at costco
>can actually park in the city
>flowers started growing
>went for a bike ride with GF

NEETs don't get Trumpbux

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The one good thing I can think of atm is that the sex trafficking stops the perverts don't wanna risk getting sick there's a few others too but I don't really know


I filed taxes the last two years. Only been a NEET since the end of last year.

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vegan deaths

The air quality has skyrocketed since no one is driving. BART is taking a nose dive and might shut down, isolating the homeless to just San Francisco and Oakland where the belong.

Trails are empty and not filled with selfie taking retard tourists. And if I see them crowding the trails I can fake cough and they scatter rapidly.

Normies in general will be scared to go out for months to come forcing bars clubs and bad low quality restaurants to close.

People in "tech" will realize that their jobs can just be done from home, anywhere and will either stay there reducing traffic or flat out move away from California so I can finally buy a house near my job I physically have to be at to work.

People (probably black and Hispanic) are spitting in Chinese people in public blaming them.

Chinese virus is the best thing to happen to this region since the dot com bust.

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Nah. They don't. Some businesses deserve to burn

I didn't even have to leave my house to get my Audi traded in and my new S7 delivered. Fantastic.

landlords are gonna get fucked

Retards creating a flood of amazingly funny memes.

Cleaner air.
I live in a polluted area near industries. Nowadays it feels good to stay in the open, which sadly we're not allowed to be in, except our own gardens. Fine for me, my grandmother's got a p. big one and I stay at her place.

Poorfag spook, gook, or spic detected

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did you clean it? probably has corona droplets

better hygiene practices for those willing to learn

contacts between scientists

decoupling from china

Prejudice against Chinese is now quasi-acceptable

Abortions down 99% in Italy

british people started washing their hands
well at least 30% of them

People around me who regularly live in “normie” land have had their blinders taken off one at a time and realize the amount of bullshit going on around them.

Middle East, South American, & African populations getting culled means a relief on world resources and reduced pressure off of some of the globe's most diverse biomes.
>Buh user das racis
Shut the fuck up in advance for this; race has no factor in this, it strictly pertains to the irrefutable negative impacts these countries have on the world

People are home enjoying time together and the ruthless elites we all hate, regardless of what race you are, are getting fucked.

>no more asians at costco
OP said nothing race related.
But if you want to be faggot, asians at least have the intelligence and respect to wear masks out in public.
Fucking amerimutts are disgusting as shit, they think it is ok to not wear a mask because they gobble up american propaganda.

pollution has dropped, traffic is way lighter on my street, it's much quieter

prices for houses, cars and all the other stuff from the dead will drop. that's a good thing, right?

"british" or british?

Cheap stocks

>Realizing the virus isn't doing enough damage to go full on raider

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Yes but it makes no difference because no one touched it in more than a week.

The public and private sectors are being FORCED to learn how to use computers.
We progressed 10 years in 2 months in that respect

>no clubs
>no parties
>no drugs
>no hoes
>simp community

Why live?

>people who didn't sel-reflect are forced to now
>people taking preparedness more seriously
>people becoming more self-reliant
>families spending more time together
>children learn from home
>office workers don't have to go into the office
>"essential workforce" not taken for granted anymore
>exposing the cracks in the system
>less trust in government
>less expenditure on frivolities
>bars, clubs, and other dens of degeneracy shut down
>no traffic
>less pollution
Finally hearing the birds outside again

I genuinely believe it will lead to a renaissance of American manufacturing


Economy needed a shakeup. Theres a lot more money going towards essentials than to stupid shit now and hopefully those priorities will trickle down into the culture as well

Tom Hanks test results look positive to me

>(((Public School))) revealed to be retarded and unnecessary
>nogunz faggots got a rude awakening
>STD hookup apps see drastic downturn
>NPCs realize that drinking and eating out at restaurants is not a substitute for a personality or hobbies

I would think that social distancing would be common sense even without a (maybe fake/maybe not) virus. Too many people have absolute bastard kids that don't respect anyone's personal space.

I literally didn't have the money to pay my electric bill and right when they were gonna shut it off they got banned from doing so. I really can't thank Coronachan enough.
