Based and Ballsy President Cuomo to win chicken match against the orange fuck.
Il Duce Nuovo is not afraid to escalate and swing his dick around, so if/when any of you hill people fuck with us, we're out of here.
Based and Ballsy President Cuomo to win chicken match against the orange fuck
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proposed split.
Any bordering counties of Roosevelt are welcome to join. (and yes, we are taking the New England part of Upstate NY as colonies)
>okay, pay for your own roads
then watch him buckle.
>arguably the most restrictive state in governmental regulation and firearm restrictions
>dick swingin about state vs federal powers and implication of resistance
What fuckin timeline is this
What a selfish ahole.
He wants everyone to die. How Democrat of him.
What is Cuomo's reasoning behind this? Not wanting to lose shekels?
lmao make the arguments then
CNBC says we're 27th best for doing business
USA Today says we are 29th
Forbes says we are 28th
And we're consistently between like 5-10 for gun restrictions, which is probably about where you wanna be considering that half the states are essentially South Sudan in that category.
This do nothing faggot will fold like a Chinese laundry.
>implying upstaters are paying out the nose to maintain NYC and Long Island's roads
New Yorkers should be socially shunned and shamed if they venture away from their self-made hellholes.
How many corrupt NY pols do the country have to reject before Dems figure it out
They already have. My sleepy community in Maine is already full of shitstain Jew Yorkers and Connecticunts
Their disarmed population would get absolutely destroyed lol he does not wanna play that game
Sorry to hear that.
where is this coming from? this is as stupid as staten island wanting to succeed and be it's own state. will never happen. can't just draw lines in the sand out of nowhere, there's charters that say you can't do this.
not OP, but nycfag here. the reasoning is that nyc (like us or not) is a backbone of infrastructure. you shut this city down with todays overwhelming amount of niggers compared to years past, and it will make the 1977 blackout look like a birthday party. the entire city will be a burning hellscape overnight.
we have guns. i don't understand why right wingers think anywhere that doesn't have South Sudan tier gun laws doesn't have guns.
If you look at county maps of NYS throughout the past few POTUS elections, you see where this is coming from.
Also, the Eastern half of the state is far more dependent on downstaters and tourism for their economy as opposed to western portion of the state.
>staten island
staten island has never wanted to be its own state. it's wanted to be it's own city. you're accusing me of pulling this out of my ass, but you don't know what you're talking about.
>the entire city will be a burning hellscape overnight
Stop. I can only get so erect.
Cuomo has risen.
Accept it
city, i meant city. you know what i meant. still. no one can just claim jurisdiction like that, it would be literally impossible. it's the same as trying to break CA up into 3 separate smaller areas for electoral votes. nonsensical.
i hate this country.
Trump played him hard. Cuomo calls for war while Trump sent a floating hospital to NYC.
Ay Tone, this wise guy gonna tell New Yawk what to do? Getthefukkoutta here.
>Takes full and complete responsibility for all the effects of not having a quarantine.
Yes, Guido is a genius
idk trump also looks like a punk for backing down
well find out how its span with this press conference i guess
Build a wall around New York, forget Mexico this is bigger
>il duce nuovo
You retarded burgers.
First you kill our system, and then you steal it.
And the best part? You have the answer in your hands: CUT SPENDING, CAPITALISM, LIKE BEFORE.
Is he a gamer too?
For real though, does this guy have any mafia connections? Where does he get the balls to defy the federal government?
He should be arrested for treason.
i'm talking about full on secession from the United States in the event of a serious battle over quarantine with other states and the federal govt.
So all bets would be off.
This doesn't even make sense. I've lived in St. Lawrence County for a while, it's Republican af. Not even 4 colleges watered it down.
And when the city faggots aren't in the ADKs in the summer, that area is red too. It should be blue from Warren and Washington County, down.
Cuomo is very open about how retarded he thinks the people who run NYC are.
If Roosevelt was it's own country, there is no doubt in my mind that Cuomo would find a way to make NYC a ward of Albany and not let them vote these people into office.
I don’t know a single thing about his policies, but holy crap is he impressive.
He was candid, measured, calm. I think he’s been the most confident guy I’ve seen through this whole thing other than maybe Fauci. His stuff is actually based on facts in comparison to Trump’s “I have a feeling.”
Let's fucking go then NYC. Come at me
Well holy hot fucking shit, Batman
It's almost like actions have consequences. Seems to me this was years and years in the making, and it could've been stopped and helped at any point along the way. Yet, it wasn't. Perhaps this is what's required to wake the bluepilled cowards who only ever cry about muh racism, gay rights, equal pay, etc?
It's going to take a brutal awakening. The fact it, without one, this whole shitshow is going to blow over and the people of NYC will be back to their liberal posturings in no time. Nothing will change.
I wish Trump didn't back down, only so Cuomo could see how many New Yorkers don't back him in his stupid war. Cuomo is so delusional that he thinks every last New Yorker would fight for him.
are you kidding? he's the son of Mario Cuomo who was mayor here in the 90's. he has all the connections.
He's a good speaker but he's an awful governor. New York is run very poorly. Standard neolib.
Italians btfo'ing white faggot hillbillies once again. How will trumpfaggots recover from getting dicked down this egregiously?
No, Cuomo looks petty. By next week he will be begging for federal assistance again.
America cannot exist while corona exists.
so yes
"war" lmao
half of new york would run to the nearest footlocker to get the newest jordans
I am not sure what he's playing at all of a sudden, but he twiddles his thumbs and makes all of the wrong decisions and funnels 40%+ tax money from upstate into the city, then points fingers at upstate like it's our fault we're poor.
He speak gud and you fuckers fall for it. The man is extremely corrupt, perhaps moreso than Trump.
No evidence this helps.
They just want us dead.
What ever happened with the seargents union declaring war on him specifically?
Others would just get shot when they pull out their shitty rifles. A bunch would head to Vermont or Pennsyltucky to hide. It would be a hilarious shitshow for the rest of the country to laugh at.
Fuck that Suffolk county wants nothing to do with NYC, Suffolk and Nassau Counties should form their own state.
Okay, we'll see who'll win.
Well known fact that you redneck subhumans upstate would die in the streets if it weren't for the capital generated in NYC. Consider suicide for the sake of the gene pool
It is mother fucking hysterical how no one wants anything to do with filthy mother fucking NYC
Nature preserve.
>tfw New York starts the civil war
>il duce nuovo
>major of NY
Not trumpfaggots. That's for sure. Your gay leader, who is a bigger faggot and homosexual than even you, backed off like the bitch he is
NY anons report
Albany checking in
JEW York could send in the IDF Diaper Brigades!
Are you proposing that NYC should be proud of that then? NYC has kept subhuman rednecks alive in huge numbers in the rest of the state. That is absolutely nothing to gloat about. It's actually even more retarded than what I said.
Lol your colony has a collective net-worth of half an opioid.
I agree. Cuomo is a cum eating kike who wishes to disarm he populace as well as instate hate speech laws.
He dares not walk alone in upstate new york for more than two minutes amongst his so called "people".
Democrats trying to talk tough is always cute. You are a cutie pie.
>St. Lawrence county
they went for the Dem every year from 92 - 2012, with Trump only winning by 8 points and third parties garnering 7 points.
Plus, that county went solidly for Cuomo in 2010 and was a toss-up in 2014.
And congresswoman Stefanik is one of the most moderate Republicans in the House. Breaking with the GOP on climate change, taxes etc...
All of New York should break off from Jew York Shitty
No I'm saying you should be kicked out of the state entirely
Upstate NY should start a civil war with NYC.
>t. Faggot
So, you don't really like Cuomo, you just hate Trump. got it.
They would lose, heartily.
Trump made Cuomo look like an idiot for raising "war" talk when Trump let everyone know the Fed would have a decision on a quarantine, yes or no.
I read one article that stated Trump had "threatened" to quarantine NY. When did that ever happen?
It should still happen anyway, nothing fun ever happens in this country
That bitch in the hospital doing the publicity, the ‘nurse’ really is an actress faking it as it turned out. The BBC planted a story yesterday describing NY’s situation as ‘biblical’ but looking inside the hospitals they truly are in no way overwhelmed.
Very suspicious shenanigans are going down in the Big fapple.
>Putting Rochester and Buffalo in the red.
>Putting St Lawrence in the blue
Really makes you think
No I love my home here in upstate NY. I am not on welfare and I have a good job.
I believe that if we removed creatures like you and your ilk upstate New York would thrive. I am not alone and you are scared of that.
Just noting the contrasts here dude. Trump (gay) attempted to get cute with Cuoma and was immediately slapped down. Trump (gay pedophile friend of epstein) didnt even press the issue.
Now you cuckolds are jacking off in your sheds while the country goes to hell in a handbasket
He didn't, he said it in passing. I don't recall what he was doing, but he was in the middle of something else.
Fuck NY these leftists will infect the entire country with the Chinese cough. Build a wall around NY!
Who the Fuck would fight for huomo or new York in general?
Rich New York assholes bringing their shitty Virus because they can't stay in their gay ass city so they gotta bring it to the suburbs can fuck off and die
>jacking off in your sheds
At least they are following the quarantine mandate, unlike the cockroaches in the rest of the state
are you this dumb? I'm saying upstate should start a war with NYC. Meaning fuck NYC.
What's the matter with your comprehension?
president cuomo is going to go about as well as president avenatti
Hahahahahaha with what army?
No, seriously, who the fuck is going to fight for him? His cops? He'd yell fire, and they'd turn around before shooting.
>bottom half
Are you bragging?
das rite
show me one source that upstate doesn't receives way more than it gives in income tax. this is just a blatant lie that you whiny hill people always squawk even tho it's not true and there are even special tax exemptions and incentives for starting businesses upstate.
Here's your (you)
Cuomo has done nothing but blame the federal government for his and DeBlasio's complete and utter incompetence. The federal government is providing a medical ship, multiple medical facilities, tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars worth of medical equipment, waving fees for activating National Guard, etc. and this faggot just whines and cries.
He begs the government to enact country-wide policies and when Trump suggests quarantining the most affected area of the country he issues a threat of civil war.
I'm not surprised he is loved by Democrats but I am pretty amazed Trump hasn't blown him out yet for his utter lack of leadership.
I would rather join Vermont than any retarded split like that which would make Buffalo undoubtedly the capital
t. Washington county
Interesting to see Democrats suddenly start to give a fuck about states rights after they spent the entire Obama administration supporting more and more federal power and executive authority...wonder what changed.
>abiding by some gay charter that basically requires you to compromise on everything that matters to you
>not tearing it up and divorcing from your fake "countrymen" [read: enemies]
Show me YOUR sources, non-resident scum
but its pretty and has farms.
it's not about the money, we have plenty of that. but that's why it's a colony
You have Mexico-tier gun laws so the only people with guns in your shithole state are niggers and illegal immigrants. And maybe some white boomer fudds with double-barrel shotguns
Every sick new yorker he can send to another state is one less case ...he can say hes doing a wonderful job getting the numbers down
Sounds like a fake italian name made up by a jew
Trump needs to be sure we aren’t taken over by China. Cuomo is just worried about his little state. Trump is playing 4D world politics chess and Cuomo is trying to figure out how to set up the checker board.
First of all: you're gay.
Second of all: trumps a gay
This is why he got a whole bunch of buses and sent sick people from the city to Florida in droves.
>"premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience."
Why hasn't Cuomo been arrested by the FBI for threatening domestic terrorism?
>Trump let everyone know the Fed would have a decision on a quarantine,
wat. that is not how a central bank works you doorknob
>I read one article that stated Trump had "threatened" to quarantine NY
it was one of those off the cuff mouth diarrhea things he does when he's boarding aircraft. think it was like 2 days ago
Americans deserve this.
Not taken ur daily sauna yet, mr. Pekka?
What does he mean by war? What could he possibly do?
Literally nothing I love comes from Trump, not a single thing. I hate jews, Israel, and niggers. I think modern society and culture is idiocracy level absurd, and I prefer to live in rural America hunting fishing and being around white people who share my values, traditions and heritage.
Too many nogs, Muslims, and Muslim nogs in Nassau m8
He is full shitalian in high position, you can bet your ass that this dago wop has connections to the mob
Who touched you? You don't watch any television, and you're surrounded by straight white people. Why do you care so much about what happens in NY then?