I don't know why people think Pewdiepie is our ally and based, since his accident he has been showing more and more how liberal and retarded his politics are like everyone else.
Pewdiepie betrayed us once again
Other urls found in this thread:
Since when defending whores is cool and okay in society, I think i jumped into the future, Jews trully have won
>hiding behind meme flag
you are part of the problem incel
pewdiepie thinks idubbbz is a cuck, he didn't defend him
Why the fuck everybody is calling Idubbbz a simp, that's literally cuck behavior
He was impartial.
Well he did both really. He said that taking pornographic pictures of your pussy lessens the value of the pussy(he's going to get backlash from feminists for that) and that she is denying him intimacy because she is in fact being intimate with others by posting on that website. That hits hard he basically called him a cuck.
> soon you will be called a nazi bigot for denying your wife BBC
I think what Pewds was trying to say is that Idubbbz is being a cuck right now certainly. But this is his personal life and it's for him to work out. Also Pewds was right that using some 15 year old kid as a strawman for his haters was super cringe.
why do you try to live vicariously through e-celebs?
Its like sailing in a raft through a hurricane. you'll just be following wherever the popular current takes you. these people live off attention and will act and follow whatever gets them the most attention.
Yeah I usually like Pewdiepie, but seriously? He defense Idubbs having a whore girlfriend and being a complete cuck?
Ehh. Ok.
Did we watch the same video? He straight up said that she is basically denying him intimacy by being intimate with others online and that objectively taking naked pictures devalues the relatnionship/girl itself, nigga.
Pewdie "I'm going to donate $50k to the ADL until I get backlash" Pie
>having a wife
That’s fucking gay nigger
based and fuckpewdz-pilled
I truly didn't see him take a side. If anything he did throw a few passive aggressive jabs at him and publicized the drama even further while just laughing at the whole situation. Definitely not something he would do if idubbz was truly his friend.
Cucks talk about cucks. Leave the cucks to the cucks.
> Anisa Jomha
Why are American names so funny?
his cope levels are off the chart. You can see him crying inside when he says he's okay with girlfriend prostituting herself online
That was obvious bait. He put money on a fishing rod line and yanked it out of the kikes face. Imagine not getting this.
Based pole
Because he's not a stupid fucking incel like you losers.
He understands that the real simps are the white knight losers who want to "save the honor" of their fair lady. Thats putting the pussy on a pedestal.
If a girl wants to show off her body, sit back and enjoy the show.
Quit being triggered by female sexuality.
Mods should delete these e celeb threads and all other incel threads.
incel threads belong on
Sorry I have only watched half so far.
Man, the appology video from IDubbz is so funny, he is all red in his face by shame and anger :P hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
He definitely handled him with kid gloves but I would be hesitant to say he was "defending" him. He at least didn't let him get away with saying that selling pics of your pussy doesn't devalue it. Or that pussy pics are the same as shirtless pics of a guy. And ultimately he said that idubbz was really defensive and looked on the verge of tears. Which he was.
He should've gotten on his ass for saying that doing porn doesn't affect getting a job in the future. That's fucking retarded.
the cooper
She is a lebanese jewess, just like Vincent is now a funny name for french, instead of a real French name like Muhammad
>newfags invade
>newfags project things onto Yas Forums
>newfags swarm en masse and shill something like no tomorrow
Idubbz and PewDiePie are not just ecelebs they are an example to millions of kids and they are basically the new media so they are setting an example for society, wether you like or not.
If you cannot comprehend that you are probably a Boomer.
listen here nigger, as you're appearntly not good at picking up subtleties - pewds covering it is basically him roasting that other fag, not to mention the takes and meme's he presents
also i watch neither of those faggots but know them from the memes
>He understands that the real simps are the white knight losers who want to "save the honor" of their fair lady
>Quit being triggered by female sexuality
>he thinks a bunch of virgins are able to
fucking disgusting
>He should've gotten on his ass for saying that doing porn doesn't affect getting a job in the future. That's fucking
Yeah but society does that. It doesn't really make it right or wrong. Pewdiepie could've went in for the kill in the end but didn't. If Pewdiepie talked about how his video was also a giant advertisement for a scummy pornography company Idubbbz would have been buried.
Who cares about this reddit tier e-celeb? Fpbp
How is iDubbbz a simp or cuck again?
They are making bank by her posting NON-NUDE photos online. No one is fucking her. If anything incels paying her are the simp. This shit is fucking retarded.
Make it legal to hang all whores.
>He should've gotten on his ass for saying that doing porn doesn't affect getting a job in the future. That's fucking retarded.
Kek even trashy TV shows like Big Brother, with pseudo-celeb sex lives, have fired people here for having done porn.
Easy way to fuck up your employability permanently in many countries.
No one noticed the vampire ape (adrenochrome?) background on idubbz pc?
Her nudes are all over pornhub retard
Well, here's the immigrant green card diggers for you.
>Imagine making a name for yourself by exposing other youtubers as massive hypocrites
>turns out he is the biggest cücklord simp who defends his "girlfriend" selling nudes after paying for her boob job because "women are powerful smart individuals"
Fuck this faggot's thread.
Shut the fk up whiteknight. You cannot be for real. Luckily I watched the video and he does agree that Idubbz is a disgusting cuck, but he is trying to be smooth.
Also he showed an obvious (((reference))) of his affiliation.
He said he wouldn't be okay with it.
Also he showed Yas Forums meme
stfu nigger
You can see most of the people defending it are women and a few simps. Pewdiepie is a women so it makes sense.
Post one then meme flaggot. She's always covered up.
Best post
Fuck you, OP. Who are you shilling for?
It took some time before I liked pewdiepie, but now I think he is the most chill right-wing good guy there is in the West. Fuck the people trying to bring him down, like the (((anti defamation league))) in the US
Based 4D chess from a fellow magapede that totally wasn't going to donate it if he didn't get the backlash.
You, my friend, are a complete retard.
She looks like such a roastie... Imagine the smell. Fucking body covered in tiny tumors. Yall are gross.
I thought we were done with the threads about this faggot. Who watches Pewdiepie past the age of 12?
i dont save naked pig photos
Who the fuck cares about some screeching autistic? You should look up to yourself and hitler for guidance
Great counter argument
nicest comment?
I agree with the other guy. Not a single photo has been posted in over 30 threads on this bullshit. Closest is the one with emojiis over her tits.
I see zero evidence that she is selling nudes. I think faggots like you are just sliding
I do
Because they don't exist and you're a lying faggot
search her in pornhub retards this isnt a porn site fucking dumbasses
Educate yourself and let's stop with all these public figures as role models. None of them have what it takes to be /our guy/
Search who? I dont know her fucking name. Link something you colossal faggot
>this isnt a porn site fucking dumbasses
YES IT IS!!! You mean this is not a porn board? The background color disagrees with you
>Thinking everything on pornhub is real
Let me drink some more. Nope she still looks like garbage
Those digits and your bbc are all you've got going for you. Enjoy them.
Why was Pewds' video about whether or not idubbz is a simp? He is NOT a simp. The simps would be the ones paying his wife for pussy pics. He is a cuckold, not a simp.
Pew is right iCuccckz should of took a shotgun to that bitches head.