Demand A SUNSET DATE NOW for "social distancing"

A sunset date is legal term for exact date a thing ends. Oldfag here. Beware the phrase "social distancing", it's same how political correctness started. Big bad event, here's new restrictive thing, we must all do this or else. Demand A 2020 SUNSET DATE TO THIS or it will be forever. Do it NOW

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What, are you trying to spread the virus goy?

Stop being such a faggot, just meme the whole thing into ethnic distancing

Literally nobody is forcing you to social distance at this point.

this could work

You fucking goyim won’t do shit. We fucking own you. You are our bitch.

Why even try to save amerima at this point? Wait for the resistance to rise and join.

>Ordering the pandemic to end by a specific date.
Good luck.

I just heard a late 30's woman tell her mom to stay infucking side... because mom.... what are you going to Wal-Mart for?? Purple fabric. Mommm you're gonna die!!!!

Simple Tons is killing America

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It's that easy.

Thanks OP

time to Pull It

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Time to tell CHINA [Pelosi, Clinton, Kerry, Biden, 0bama, Schitt, et al]


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Most boomer thread I've seen all day. Someone just needs to mention Q and it'll be critical boomer. Fuck off and get corona you dumb faggots.

what virus? what epidemic? this is alot of fake news. people dying of corona according to the media, some of whom havent even died yet? hmmm. sounds like media fed mass panic over a flu, whos only fatalities were people with preexisting conditions who were on the way out anyways.

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I'm worried it might already be too late. The rapidity with which social distancing became the new social norm was dizzying. Even if you know full well the virus is a nothingburger, social propriety enforces social distancing on you.


anyone saying coronavirus is a threat is a retard or a shill.

just trust the plan wwg1wga

We HAVE to end it. I'm personally going to begin defying it where I am in California. If it isn't over by June 1, I am defying it starting June 1, 2020. Informing friends and family to do the same and also working on subcultures: punk, emo, goth. This isn't happening again. Not ever again.

My fren, this IS The Resistance. As of June 1, 2020, I and everyone I know who isn't a brainlet is taking the fucking masks off and resuming normal life. They can stop one or two. They cannot stop EVERYBODY.

Try going out after about 8 p.m. in DTLA Los Angeles, California then let me know how that worked out for you. I'm 50. I remember 9/11 and social distancing is how political correctness started. (((Journalists))) telling us it was for our own safety. We in Gen X fell for it. Do not fall for it. We at least on our side are not this time. Fool us once.

June 1st is probably too late desu.
If it lasts until then this WILL be the new normal.
We need to break through well before that.



She's right. She needs to keep her fucking parents inside for a week or so. My parents were eating out everyday until every restaurant in our area closed. They finally realized that the hospital system is over run and they stopped going on. I had to get a little nasty with them to even pay attention.

Old people are stubborn.

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Thanks Fren

If they are the ones at risk and they are willing to take the risk then WTF
No. She is not right. She is in the idiot horde

Why the fuck would I do that? I'm an antisocial NEET.
Get the fuck away from me you filthy baby murderers and racemixers. Stand 5 meters away from me in all directions or I will take this mask off and start coofing so hard. You don't even know.

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I don't think it's that bad. But old people do die from it. They also do overwhelm the health system. Then you die from a broken leg.

>Informing friends and family to do the same and also working on subcultures: punk, emo, goth
What the fuck are you on about
>I'm 50

seriously why not defy it right now instead of two months from now. By June (((they'll))) have already passed so much panic-driven legislation, maybe even a war. The world could already be a much different place by June.

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Shabbat was yesterday.

I don't remember things ever moving this rapidly. Even after 9/11, there wasn't this sense of the entire social order being rapidly dissolved and melted into something new and horrible.

Why not start a campaign showing just how overblown this mild flu is and the draconian nature of the government power grab by everybody filming the parking lots of empty hospitals, funneling all the videos to big platform social media people and demanding this lockdown be lifted since there is proof there's no reason for it?

Imagine being this retarded

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>let's demand en masse that the parasite class stop torturing us
>surely they'll listen
Oh you sweet, summer child.
There is no bargaining with these creatures. There is no reasoning with them.
The only way out is mass noncompliance.

honestly, I'm 100% behind that. However, it seems people will only get on board with an idea if it's not a death wish. I don't disagree with you but the key word is "mass" noncompliance. How do you get normalfags on board with noncompliance when they're begging for being locked down? The only thing I can think of is showing them proof of just how fake this all is.

>How do you get normalfags on board with noncompliance when they're begging for being locked down?
Precisely the problem. They've been programmed their whole lives, and the programming just got triggered.
>The only thing I can think of is showing them proof of just how fake this all is.
Those who will see, will see. The truth needs to get out there, but we need to be realistic - many won't see it.
We're in the midst of a reality split.

Bruh as a "zoomer" who has always kept up with news you should have seen this coming. People always say, you don't know what it's like to live in a pre-9/11 world. Well, we never knew those freedoms and those times, and so when they come to take our rights my generation will be resigned to their fate, aside from a few college "protests". Maybe I'm just pessimistic but since I got into politics and history and did a lot of reading , I honestly haven't seen a my outcome but loss of our rights.some you faggots want an authright white society. Some of you MIGAtards will accept anything so long as it's your great leader and Q throatfucking you. What you don't realize is that this won't be an authoritarian ethnostate paradise, this is clearly action by the 1%, Jewish class and their media against the citizens of this country. Noone fights for the little guy anymore; nobody in this sick nation is a patriot, puts the needs of the country above their own greed. our corporate contractors and CEOs sell out their secrets to china, our politicians will do anything for the almighty dollar, and citizen is only asked to pay rent and know his place. any of you who support the Patriot act and internal overreach and regulation by the feds will know why you fucked up when one day,10 or 15 years from now, your son asks you what it was like to be able to travel at all - the same way I ask my dad what it was like to travel before 9/11. Because, if my raging on plebbit has taught me anything, most people don't believe in inalienable rights, they don't believe that rights should remain unrestricted in the face of hardship, and they don't care what happens as long as they can drink a 6pack and veg out in front of a tv at the end of the day. But that's just my perspective, as a 20 year old doomer, what do I know. We are the sheep, and "A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep."

I'm Gen Y. I remember the before times. What happened in the aftermath of 9/11 was emotionally shocking, but it was nothing like what's happening right now. This is qualitatively different.

I thought they were gone. Also, how are you working on influencing these subcultures?

Agree to the extent I was sick of people not accustomed to US culture stand on top of my back practically.. so this has cured that

I'll worry about it if it's still being enforced a year from now.

Everything's closed nowhere to go

As long as corporations comply.... well...

Well, you're not wrong. I know just how bad things are but deep down I'm an internal optimist at heart and can't seem to let go of hope that if we think of a good enough idea we can fight this somehow. But...we're doomed, aren't we?

I love this shit. Everything is so quiet.

True. How do you cope with the reality of this black pill? I'm not handling it too well.

No, we are definitely not doomed.
For all that a depressingly large fraction of the populace is clamoring to be imprisoned, more people than I expected are seeing through the bullshit and calling it out.
A month ago, happeningfags owned this board. Now it's 50/50 at best. I'm quite confident that we're going to win the memetic struggle in this particular corner of the internet.
Signs of resistance elsewhere, as well. Even normies I know are starting to express their disquiet.
This is a chaotic send fluid situation. Were the only actor the masters of discourse, we'd be fucked for sure - they would shape the chaos to their desired outcome.
But they're not the only actors in this drama. And let us not forget that they only adopted the chaos; we were born in it, molded by it.
It may not look it, but this is our time.

I already practice that

What was the big bad event that led to the term PC, Bill Clinton sticking a cigar up a twat? Fake oldfag.

Easy as...

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Imitation. The NPC cannot bear to see others doing a thing while looking good and being happy. If we meme it as something the good looking and happy (and probably rich) are all doing but they don't get to, they'll mimic it.

Leave out the word qualitative faghit and you might be here forever
t. My mom works at Sega... not to brag or sound cocky

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It's great man, going out for a walk is an absolute pleasure now.

Quiet talk in a few discords and whenever I spot one on the street. Punks especially seem open to this and don't like the restrictions at all.

2016: It's Okay To Be White
2020: It's Okay To Go Outside

Easy peasy I'm a NEET
Shits comfy bro

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You're deplorable

9/11. Ari Schwartz announced it the next day: he said "We all have to be careful what we say now". Sep 13 every talking head on the TV was creepily intoning the same phrase
>politically correct
>politically correct
>politically correct
This is exactly how it started step for step. Fake agelet talking shit about an era he didn't even see, fuck out my face, kid: I was there. I'm trying to warn your silly asses.

Sorry Ari FLEISCHER not Schwartz. But (((same difference.)))

Go there for yourself and show us evidence. Enough of you suburban conspiracy theorists who don't leave their parent's house making shit up. Go there and prove it.

You did it wrong RetarsAnon

>stay away from the white devil!!!! The white devil has the CORONA
>CORONA = white folk

>I'll rest when I'm dead


This whole show will be over on Easter Sunday. petition when?

have faith in our leader
at the rate we are going its going to be done and over by easter

They can always give you a sunset date and say "to be extended if needed" and then extend indefinitely.

Then we can break it indefinitely.