I don't know a single person with the Wuhan Coronavirus. I don't know a single person who knows a single person who has it. Do you?
It's fake
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It's real, I had it when I was in China in January.
Some on pol still think this isn't a ZOGop
Those were the sniffles homo
tripfag kys
>I don't know a single person with the Wuhan Coronavirus
I do. Just because it hasn't touched your family yet doesn't mean it won't.
My mom and step dad have it and I'm worried dick about them. They are in nj
I know at least 3 people who had it.
And everyone is in on it including all hospitals and all staff and no one is speaking out because reasons.
This is how happeningfags jerk themselves off to pretend they're smart
I know two people who've died in NY. One was a boomer, the other was an obese diabetic.
I know someone who not only has this disease they literally just died of this disease. The person in question had a serious heart condition when they got corona though but this is no larp, this literally happened. If you have a serious heart condition and you get this disease don't listen to any of these faggots on this board and GO TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY.
I do, guy from two streets over. Neighbor is a MD who has talked about cases (FYI, his hospital is virtually empty). Of course it’s real, it’s just 1.5% deadly and those are overwhelmingly over 70.
This is an unnecessary word that deems you a total mong. Go to NYC and do some turnstile licking.
Why do you think that what is happening in Europe and NY won't happen to the US? We don't really care about your fake news, nor our government, nor our people neither our mayors. We wouldn't be playing pretend a pandemic to help Trump, Biden, the Jews or the illuminate, because we don't care.
I don't know anyone who has it but I know someone who knows someone that got it. Family came in from california and supposedly had the virus.
You must not know more than a few people then
Get out of your bubble and go out into the world to make connections with real people when this whole thing is over
Get a life?
So many cia agents itt
All the people claiming hospitals are empty are fucking idiots and don't realize hospitals stopped admitted people for normal cases. ICU is packed. Non-essential employees are told to stay home.
>show us pictures and videos user like the Chinese bug people did of dying people
You do realize we're not fucking soulless bug people in the west, right? People are not going to take photos and videos of loved ones dying. Of course there are people documenting their recovery in ICUs you can find, but most people aren't going to livestream their deaths. I'm sure when the number of infected go up, you'll start seeing more photos and videos in the wild soon.
tripfag glownigger trying so hard
>OP listens to Owen Benjamin
Opinion ignored.
Dont even know who that is
No. This is the biggest LARP in human history.
My uncle has it and is on a ventilator currently
Also some stupid drag queen degenerate travelled to NYC and brought the virus back to my hometown in rural VA
Fake, your uncle is fake
everyone who makes a post like this is just kicking into high gear psychological defense mode admitting they are super alone and have very minimal friends or acquaintances.
PJW is gay
About 1 in every 75000 people on planet earth are infected at the moment. So unless you personally know 75000 people and none of them are sick there is no way to confirm your bullshit.
I dont know anyone with the chinAIDs either.
Welcome to Yas Forums
I wish he was, he's so dreamy and handsome, I wish he was my boyfriend.
Yes I’m in 911 and I know someone who has died from it as well as 7 addresses of people who have it in my town as if we get a call to that location the guys have to wear full PPE .
I got it in Malaysia and intentionally spread it at work when I came bak late February
yeah I know but some of us have social abilities I want everyone on the same page that op is a self proclaimed faggot
I knew my dad
Tom Hanks says he has it.
Yes. Virus hot spot reporting. One person I know has the bad symptoms. Not hospitalized, test pending.
Yeah dude don't be a faggot
Alex needs to stop trusting glow niggers and do his own research again.
Quoth the Raven, "1 post by this ID"
Where do you live?
if corona is real why aren't there thousands of dead homeless ? i see the same beggars for months, they must gotten at least a thousand different dirty dollar bills over the last few months.
Digits confirm Infowars gets the virus.
>Tom Hanks says he has it.
I’ve had it!
Almost every single person I know in London has it or had it
Go to any hospital or ask any nurse you know.
>No user, no cases at OUR hospital (((YET))) thank God. eventhoughwe'refivemilesfromdowntownlosangeles
They actually think we're this stupid.
Fuck this glow-in-the-dark kike psyop.
My family members in other countries have been ill too
>Almost every single person I know in London has it or had it
Hi, David.
How can you get a virus that doesn't exist, user?
It's very real, OP. A real nothingburger.
>Shoot, I should start posting more than once from each ID now
Glow harder, kike niggerfaggot
my brother's mother in law is in the ICU with chink virus.
You would actually know other ppl if you had left your basement before quarantine started
The government is totally incompetent, they refused to test anyone
Yes, my Aunt is currently in the hospital with it
My sister in law is a cardiologist in a public hospital. It's real, they are fulk and the chloroquine is very effective in early stages.
Your paranoia is incredible idiot. Everyone isn’t a fucking glownigger
you monster!
Last week my hamster died of the corona virus. I found him in the door frame completely flat between the door and wall.
My God this virus is terrible
self diagnosing because you are a kike pansy?
Holy fuck! Is it drag queen story time already?
My mid-20s cousin in London is recovering, She said she said 10/10 would not recommend the Rona.
>Being so stupid you think it's not real unless you can see it
I do know people with it anyway
Yes, I know a former colleague has it.
I'm thinking China virus is a hoax.
The mainstream media triggers me to think so.
They use special techniques when trying to fool us. I've seen them before for 9-11 coverage and sometimes for NASA hoax coverage.
1. They interview an Italian doctor where the hospitals are allegedly overrun but he has a long hallway behind him with the floors buffed to a high sheen and there's nobody or nothing in it. Yea, right, overrun.
2. They say conditions have gotten "apocalyptic" in a New York hospital and that they had to get a refrigerated truck to use as a morgue but when they pan back with the camera to show the truck backed up to loading dock, they stop just short of being able to tell the truck trailer isn't refrigerated.
3. They interview one of the alleged health care workers at the retirement home in Kirkland, WA where a bunch of people allegedly die and they sound-engineered the audio to overlay maudlin violin music over her testimony.
4. They enter the Emergency Room of an allegedly overrun hospital but they suddenly go to a grainier lower quality video to give the impression things don't work so well once you enter the ominous ER.
5. They conduct interviews with people over the phone who are allegedly in an ER at an allegedly overrun hospital and the audio is so poor quality that it sounds like they're speaking from the moon with a CB radio.
They're playing us. Again.
He's wrong, user. WHO expects 16mil dead (best case scenario) worldwide by the end of the pandemic. I believe at least 1.2mil of those dead are gonna be from the US. If not more.
Anyways, it's better to have a few million dead than crash the economy worse than in 1929.
It's strategic. A massive amount of confirmed cases would make all the sheeple flock to the hospitals even of they were only feeling cold.
The police would have to impose a curfew to stop resources and fights from breaking and the economy would get fucked in the process
You seem to foget that 90% of the ppl you meet are dumb as fuck
I wonder how long they will keep lying about this shit, and admit to it was just to seize dictator powers and abolish common law and justice...
Yes I do know a person who has corona and I know 2 people who know multiple people who have corona. Also I know 2 people who know corona docs.
>The government is totally incompetent, they refused to test anyone
That's because they only want to test people who might die so they can blame someone who died of old age on the virus, you fucking petulant toady.
They are doing the same thing in America. A company complained to the media that they had COVID-19 tests ready to go since January and the government never used them while announcing they count NOT test.
I don't know a single american person. I don't know a single person who knows a single american person. Do you? As far I'm concerned `America` and `americans` are just another jewish psyop
Maybe if you left your basement you would know some people.
Yes I know two. One has fever, mild cough and body aches. The other had heavy fever, vomiting, stomach cramps and is now in the hospital for pneumonia.
I agree except the places that do mass testing are also the places getting this thing under wraps
>B-b-But that's exactly what a glow nigger would say!!!!
So two more weeks?
My wife knows 5 people who tested positive and are at home in good health . They were diagnosed last week and their official numbers for their city still sits at 3.
Your delusional
you made multiple threads about this tripfag
ur sliding
also i know close relatives
one almost died