Why is aphantasia so common on Yas Forums?

Why is aphantasia so common on Yas Forums?

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I don't actually see anything literally, it is weird to describe. But I can imagine things.

Yas Forums is populated by NPC's

I find it easier to draw a red wireframe star in my head. Straight star im closer to pink for some reason

I don't think I can imagine colour, but I'm not sure

Wow I did not expect to see this many NPCs. No wonder pol has gone to shit over the past few years

Next thing you'll say is that you can't read words in your dreams

I can put a mental image of anything I can think of in my head. Spin it, change the color, increase the size, etc. I’ve always thought this was a basic brain function but. I guess not blows my mind people can’t do this. How do you people draw anything or like remember shit

I don’t even have to close my eyes. I can imagine it in any context, color, or clarity. I just imagined a multidimensional green box to test it out after doing pic related.

I saw a burning red star in full £D, with solar flares firing off as the view panned around it, with the background stars in the distance flying past.

So, the closest would be... 6, I guess.

I tried, pic related was the star I saw.

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I see a giant red ball of fire. What does that mean?

>I can imagine things.
checks out

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Yeah, this is such a strange "test". "Red star" to me means so many different things depending on the context. My first impression is of an actual red giant star like our Sun. But if I was told that it is in earthly context, I would immediately imagine the commie red star.

Why is this so complicated?

Can people with aphantasia also not visualize memories? Like if I tell them to imagine walking through the front door of their grandparent's house, is that just impossible for them?
Real things that I have memories of and imaginary things that I can visualize both "look" exactly the same to me, so I don't see how someone could have one without the other.

I saw this. Is that bad?

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because hate puts you under root and to imagine and to see you have to atleast open the eye

Show nose

>an actual red giant star like our Sun
The Sun is a yellow dwarf bud

I saw the red star of Soviet Union and heard the first 5 seconds of the USSR anthem.

Does this count as aphantasia?

You are all subhumans to me and every time I see this test I am reminded of that fact.
I can build an engine in my mind and watch it run.

You subhumans disgust me.

Based, me too! Glory to Arstotzka

I can only visualize shapes through tactile means. Its more like a radar reading than actual vision. I also can't see colors, its more like a force field kind of clear color.

whenever I close my eyes

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The red one, when I was in Thailand, I tore up a tranny's asshole and 'she' was like "srory! aaahhh!!" and I was like "56% of my ancestors are smiling at me Jew! Can you say the same!?". Number 6.

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I imagined a real red star that was animated and had plasma coming off it. Get destroyed imaginationlets.

Nah, that's fine

Please tell me there are not actual fellow humans answering with less than 6
how the fuck do you even function

But a can manipulate the shapes, modify them, spin them, etc. Its like primitave 3d modeling. I also heard the ancient geometricians would sit and practice this skill for hours, it must have been like a superpower.


I went for a red giant star

>can't imagine the starts in those pictures
>can perfectly imagine cartoonish shooting star (yellow and whole)
fuck red stars

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I saw a red star, and then I willed it to spin, then fold into itself as a singular triangle, and then unfold back into a red star.

Now its stuck in my head, going back and forth from a pentacle, pentagram, or just a red star with CCP written in the middle with golden letters.

Imagine a green Pentagon with two blue frogs on the left and right respectively

What are the frogs doing?

>my frogs are banging your mom

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i can only see this
an i big brain

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Gay thread

The annoying part about visual memory is that it looks more like a blurry photo in your mind's eye. Like you can remember general details and what happened but not photographic.

I dont see any red stars. Only red white and blue. And an eagle.

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cuz our language centers developed earlier in life

>tfw you find out you're an NPC

Curious if this is tactile for you or is it purely visual. For example if i spin a square i have to squeeze it between two opposite corners and spin it.

Human brains work differently than photography equipment. Even someone who is at (1) is still going to be able to identify one in the real world, create one if given a piece of paper and a marker, as well as describe it to other people so they can create it.

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What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure most people here have pretty good visualization skills. Maybe it's not entirely fair on my part because I used to do a lot of visualization exercises and psychedelics. I wish I never did that desu because it really fucked with the way I imagine shit.

Me too! I guess this is why I am also good at math. I am able to see it. Is it the same for you too?

This is what I see; probably should spend less time on /k/.

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Holy shit. When i was little i wouldn't be able to visualize my moms face and it would cause me anxiety.

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are you people telling me that when you close your eyes you literally SEE a big star clear as day? as though your eyes or open? this is a fucking retarded meme

This sum made up bullshit y'all are larping.

well of course you fucking faggot it's going to be the red star i already subconsciously notice at the bottom right

This is retarded. When you imagine things you don't literally see them, you imagine them. Aphantasia is when you can't imagine it, not when you can't "see" it

You should be able to imagine a perfect pussy and ass in 4k 2160p IMAX with Dolby Surround 7.1
If you manage to imagine a perfect ass on tight jeans you are safe too

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>on Yas Forums?
it's least common on Yas Forums
most common on instagram/twitter

i don't see anything in that picture but i hear hands rubbing, do i have corona virus?

Yeah, can't see nothing at all, literally 1.
I guess I'm an NPC now. Oh well, should ought to be in short supply now that there's 7000000000 meat vehicles walking around earth. Cull coming soon fellow stalker.


CORONACHAN uwu let me lick your feet!

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LEL, I look at that picture with the red star and when I close my eyes I remember the red star.

We are roboys

If my mind is running wild at night when I'm trying to sleep, one thing I will do is imagine the inside of skull and clear it completely out. I'll hold a dark shiny orb in the center and focus on that to settle my thoughts down. I didn't realize doing something like this was out of the ordinary. I also have other scenes. If I'm feeling a lot of negative thoughts, I'll imagine latches being undone and my skulltop lifted off, black gunk (negativity) oozing out. Then a whole operation of steam cleaning and lifting my brain out to get everything spic and span.

You arent imagining the star. Your eyes are seeing light on the inside of your eyelids and trying to form shapes based on the fleeting imagery. Think of any other shape and do the same test.

I mean it’s hard to describe, you don’t literally see it but I can imagine anything in my minds eye or superimpose it onto something I’m looking at. Maybe you’re just not a real person?

literally everyone can do that, you niggers are making it sound like you all have photographic memory.

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you don't even have to close your eyes
I can imagine a star and process visual input at the same time

Is that picture a meme? Are there really people that can't even reproduce something that simple in their mind? For me it's a simple as breathing. "Green apple" and I see a green apple, "banana" and I see a banana, "Italy" I see the shape of my country etc.

Why can I do it with my eyes open then, lol? Why is half of this thread retards trying to convince me that imagination isn’t real

You see, this might be a decent test to weed out subhumans, but when you look into it it doesn't really make sense.
You can just assume everyone can keep a complete 3d map of memories , or construct objects in their mind according to need.
Don't fucking tell me you can't , you wouldn't be able to drive to work, or walk around your room if this wasn't the case. You would be a literal fucking vegetable if you couldn't do this. Just sit in an empty room with no stimuli for like 15m, if you think you have the disorder in pic related.

Or preferably anyone who thinks they have this just kys, to be sure one less potential subhuman is removed from the gene pool

Yeah that's well and all but can you move the image? Can you make it move in a 3D space? Can you change its color at will?
I refuse to believe people aren't able to do this, I think it's just mental blockage.

I'm literally colorblind, but you know what they say about other senses picking up the slack. I can smell that merchant from a mile away.

Yes but most people can manipulate the image of something without using a frame of reference, and apparently there’s a large minority of people who can’t

you don't realize these people exist.
They just repeat learned actions, they can't imagine.

Are people really unable to conjure images in their head? Sounds so weird. Normal for the blind, I guess.

Do they not imagine anything when they read a novel? What about when they have to masturbate? Can't they do it without porn?

I dont have any such rules, I will it and it happens

But I can understand why your mind would require some sort of mechanics/physics in order to create such things and change them accordingly

I've been a lucid dreamer since my early teens, so controlling what's happening in my mind comes naturally

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There's no way you can't imagine. That would assume absolute zero abstract thought. Like you need to be an actual sub50iq freak for it to be that bad.

Also, aren't there a lot of people who play videogames? Don't you create a mental image of a map while playing, thinking where enemies may be located, how can they move etc?

If I try to imagine it I see a red star. But it rotates. Single objects I try to imagine tend to do that. They animate.

imagine that... getting all bummed every time you hear john lennon

Snowflake cope, everyone can do this with training

Under other circumstances, I could imagine the star, but since I am self aware that I am doing this for a test that measures whether I’m an npc, my mind will “jinx” and I see nothing instead. The most I could get was a flash of a red nautical star.

training? it's supposed to be innate
nobody trained you to breathe

Who the fuck is that?

I don't think it's particularly common on Yas Forums , but rather, I think that it's something that's quite present among the population, in general; for most people, the reason is probably just that they don't put active effort into imagining things. I can imagine the 6th star, though.

>why do people imagine a characteristic red star when asked to imagine one
Are you retarded?

sometimes when I'm going to sleep I picture my body getting cut into thin slices by a big knife and it freaks me out but I can't stop it until the whole thing is done so I have to forcefully speed up the process then imagine a hole opening up and the pieces falling in and then I close the box and put it out of my mind

i unno some fuck yoko dated

It's easier to focus on the blackness at first, depends on the person. Meditation improves your ability to "imagine" shit like this

Its not.
Its common among NPCs.

Why you leftist scum constantly project even their smallest flaws onto others?
Its so fucking transparent and its only EVER done harm to your cause.

I can't get a clear image of a "red star", but I feel like I can grab onto a gestalt of it.

If I imagine a baseball, the texture and the seams and the shape are all there in my mind, but it is not visually clear as a whole. It feels like the concrete visual image is just beyond what I can imagine in my mind's eye.

It's six. Huh? Do people think with the light inside their eyelids? Is that real?

Becuase there is a difference between imagining and "seeing". You can imagine and theory craft without having a direct visual representation. Quite frankly, how useful is your ability to see it if you can't bring it out and have it represented in the real world?

Most people do a lot better visualizing things that they regularly see. They can visualize their wife's face, will them to smile or do whatever else.

I swear images like that are a social experiment. And it works on you retards too because you all try to appeal to the ingroup of "yea i totally see it lol only retards cant see it" When you close your eyes, you see the color of your eyelids. If you're seeing anything else while sober, seek psychiatric help because you're hallucinating.

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Pasta fren I can easily see 6.
I can envision number 6 incredibly easily and honestly I find it terrifying that people cannot create entire landscapes, worlds universes in their heads. Like how fucking retarded do you have to be to not be able to Creativity + Imagination = daydreaming

If you really wanna know a true NPC ask if they ever day dream. I have met plenty of people who cannot drift off into internal worlds. Scares the shit out of me and no wonder the Jews use imagination for pure evil against the sheep masses

people with very little imagination are great a school and specific tasks as soon as something unexpected happens that is not in their playbook they break.
and they tend to have high iq
The ability for abstract thought and imagination is arguably more important than iq but less valued.

nigger you should be able to instantly without trying recreate entire fucking worlds in your head that arent from a (((movie))) but entirely of your own design.
NPC's make me fucking sick

wow the steam cleaning thing hits home. I also get gruesome images and I have to imagine the scenario being cleaned up completely and put in a "box" and absorbed into the floor of the imaginary plane

Am I supposed to see this with my actual eyes or my third eye?

The renaissance needs a part two because holy shit you hit the nail on the head.

I know that it may be shocking, but yes, people can very much see it without closing their eyes.

>needing to close your eyes to imagine things

user, you might want to sit down for this..

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anyone can imagine anything and noone can see things with their eyes closed.

shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

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Keep telling yourself how original you are.

My father is an artist so both he and I see it at 6. However I've noticed that if you catch me when I'm tired I end up seeing it black and white and mentally assent to it being red.