Why are americans still not taking the coronavirus seriously?
Why are americans still not taking the coronavirus seriously?
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Because it’s literally the sniffles
I am pretty convinced this is some attack probably from China at this point.
Because "I do whatever the fuck I want, or I"ll shoot you "
Also because of jews
1/3 of them are evangelists and would welcome a pandemic if it leads to the rapture
another 1/3 of them wouldn't mind dying anyways
Idiot boomers are walking and driving around everywhere while millenials who are at much lower risk are staying home.
They're just dumb
Because it literally has a lower death rate than the flu.
Because, despite our faults, for whatever reason, Americans just aren't as cowed and brainwashed as euros / other euro dominant nations. I mean, look at the UK "weapons" controls on silverware and the way bongs actually defend these kinds of measures and are happy not to have guns, look at the hilariously pathetic behavior displayed on this board everyday by leafs, etc. Ausies also have something similar to the stronger heart and inner compass possesed by Americans.
It's fake and gay.
Are you fucking kidding? Our people are notoriously stupid, self-absorbed, wreckless, and prideful.
Be happy that a large percentage of such individuals will die. Our national IQ should go up quite a bit after this.
Because i havent seen anyone die yet. And also we need more death here. Natures eugenics.
Sssssh let them have it
Because 99% of the people that die from it are either old or sickly.
When this is all over it will be a net benefit for our country.
>69 deaths
Uh....Your death total is over 2000
Give us a week or two more at this rate. Lots of denial and cope still possible here while we haven’t yet begun to see how hard we are gonna get fucked. Exponential growth is gonna be a bitch.
Listen here, Eurotard. Freedom isn't free. If I have to pay for my freedom with 20-30% of my lung capacity then that's the price I'll pay. I ain't going to stop living because of a fucking bug going around.
Money... People are selfish monsters. If they can gain an extra $10 at the cost of a life they never knew, they'd do it in a heartbeat. America is the worst for this, aside from China's Government.
>still less deaths than H1N1 despite Obama taking an axe to the CDC
>Why are americans still not taking the coronavirus seriously?
They are, American privatised healthcare will make a lot of money from the sick, the greater the number of sick the greater the profit.
Because the MSM told me too.
Thats basically all the proof i need that it is benign
What is it?
What about the last third, Gallup?
The false left/right dichotomy is one hell of a drug
It's barely worse than the flu for most people. It is deadly to those that the flu would be deadly to. The media of course hypes the tiny percentage of outliers, there are only 2 cases in all of europe of deaths among young people with no underlying conditions.
I’m out of work because they literally shut it down
This, Americans are selfish, once they are faced with a distaster it's everybody for themselves.
Task force head estimates 100-200K deaths you stupid MAGAtard
I love how he's using the wrong sized shells, didn't notice that before kek
>Our national IQ should go up quite a bit after this.
I doubt it because higher IQ people tend to live in cities where chances of getting infected are also higher.
All the white trash living in suburbia are probably pretty safe since they never have social interactions anyways.
It's a flu who kill the same amount of people as the 2017 flu. YORARIEN
it's a fucking hoax and a rights grab, that's why
fuck off faggot
This is one of the most dangerous memes along with “it only kills boomers”
Let me redpill you on the reasons for this: Americans, for the most part, and I do mean the white ones, are descended from people pissed off enough at the king and his bullshit to brave the atlantic ocean. In a wooden boat hardly longer than an RV. With many other people. no electricity, no refrigeration, lots of rats, dependent on the wind, no radio to call for help, no one that could help them anyway, and the trip took about 2 months. That's some pioneering spirit, some self reliant, DIY, don't take no bullshit, people. Australians are comprised of some people like that (who came later) and the early settlers were, of course, exiles. Criminals. People who said "fuck the police". Europoors are the peasants who licked the kings boots.
The curve is already beginning to flatten. Cry moar, kike.
Besides, I'm pretty sure this whole pandemic was a ruse by (((Dupont))) to fleece people of their money after they lost massive profits overseas because of Trump.
Why the fuck would they test people for the seasonal flu?
Its a classic tail of the boy who cried wolf.
There has been so much "hysteria" in the MSN that when something big ACTUALLY happens no one believes it.
CORONACHAN uwu let me lick your feet!
God I genuinely wish we had less fucking idiots in our country
I just read New York has more daily cases than all of Italy, considering Italy has 60 mn people in it and New York State only 20.
Can you math? New York is three times more contageous than all of Italy. USA is the epicenter now.
dispersed over the year. tens of thousands will die in weeks retard
That chart is not updated, yet the death rate has actually gone DOWN
Death rate was 2%, now it's down to 1%.
Flu has 10% death rate.
Because we did such a good job that most people aren’t getting sick let alone know anyone who is sick
That's based on real data you moron. You can see all the numbers yourself from the CDC and the WHO.
Coronavirus confirmed death rate - 1%
Flu confirmed death rate - 10%
Wake me up when tens of thousands are dying.
>Why the fuck would they test people for the seasonal flu?
They've been doing that for ages.
The feeling is mutual. Panic less and wash your hands, retard.
>Flu has 10% death rate.
Yeah, I get the flu almost every year and I die from the flue pretty much every decade.
>1003 treated with chloroquine
>1 death (oldfuck who arrived straight to the ICU)
It's the flu.
>t. idiot
we're in our houses with rifles and thousands of rounds of ammo, we'll just kill anyone that causes problems. if it's something more we'll find out.
till then I'm playing HL Alyx and my dog is my alarm system.
fuck man how much of a pussy are you faggots? it's not in your control, so control what you can.
Because it only kills boomers and cripples
Confirmed death rate.
For every 10 people they test for the flu, 1 dies.
For every 100 people they test for corona, 1 dies.
Because our leader is busy playing 4d chess with NWO, Chinamen and Democrats. And we are too busy trying to figure out how to spend our Trumpbux
which is fucking fantastic by the way. these zombies slam their heads through glass to get to you. FUCK me I'm ready to kill some looters.
>99% of Italy deaths had at least one pre-existing condition
>50% had THREE pre-existing conditions
>No way to know how many cases there actually are
>We estimate 86% of all infections were undocumented (95% CI: [82%–90%]) prior to 23 January 2020 travel restrictions. Per person, the transmission rate of undocumented infections was 55% of documented infections ([46%–62%]), yet, due to their greater numbers, undocumented infections were the infection source for 79% of documented cases.
We are rational observers. I'm in NYC and we've been under impending doom for three weeks. Impending doom has not arrived, just media propaganda that has been instantly BTFO.
Old and sick people die every day - the only difference is this year we're acting like it's a huge problem.
This. If the msm is pushing anything, it’s bullshit. If this corrupt, evil government is pushing anything, it’s bullshit. This is (((their))) biggest economic takeover, and you fell for it.
>European education
>with no underlying conditions
and even that is suspect.
You can read that all day but here I am in NYC and telling you this thing appears to be overhyped.
fucking bipolar women aren't this bad Yas Forums
fuck everyone
heil hitler
They don't test every case of the flu brainlet. It is estimated that the flu death rate is 0.1%. Corona is likely around 1%
Fake and gay
Flu deaths are estimations no death from the flu over 18 is required to reported
Now do the math. 59k/54mil=0.11 percent
>believe our propaganda
>meanwhile it just skills tons of shitskins, city faggots and boomers
>be concerned normal humans
Fuck off, concernposter.
It's zoomers and millennials
they are incapable of taking anything seriously
They are literally why we're in this situation, the lock downs start happening after the Miami spring break shit.
Im taking in seriously but its clear from all the people on here spamming flu and hoax shit we are going to die
>death rate of flu 10%
yeah, nah
This, people never talk about the genetic filter being crazy enough to come to a new world full of savages. It happened again with those crazy enough to head west.
My favorite and least favorite thing about my fellow Americans is that they're not as domesticated as other peoples, we just hate being told what to do. And we'll ignore what we're told to do or do the opposite. Like all the retards at spring break or fags coughing on produce. Honestly the trait usually works in our favor but it is seriously going to fuck us this time.
Why does the flu/cold analogy end at the number of times per year you’ll catch it?
in my experience it has been Boomers and Gen Xers who are far more cavalier
It’s just a flu cold bro. It disappears at the end of the season and you only catch it once in your entire life just like the cold flu.
They're spamming WHO numbers and graphs you fucking newfag cunt
it's the opposite. anyone that's afraid right now is
1) a faggot and a coward
2) didn't arm themselves as soon as they became of age to do so
3) isn't going to make it anyways
4) will be killed by me when we/if rebuilding this shit is necessary