Daughter of Jordan Peterson

Isn't she what her father despises?
She seems to me like some fucking subhuman instagram thot with shit like that.
Initially followed her because I was interested in the carnivore diet.

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built for bbq

No doubt Jordan Peterson snorted crushed up pills off her asscrack


What a perfectly fine individual!

A t t e n t I o n
I n t r a s e x u a l - C o m p e t I t I o n

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compiled to belong to 446, where the previous digits, when divided individually by half, represent a letter of the alphabet in its numerical sequence


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She’s kept it tight.

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she might have once been but attention is like heroin to all women and once they get the taste of 10,000 likes they can't go back to being normal

maybe the heroic female archetype was the whore all along?

I dont think there anything you can do to raise your daughter to act right.

My dad didn't do shit, just lived in his own world, did his own thing, wasn't at all an old-school alpha dominating father. He didn't say what we could do or not, I dont even think he really wanted kids, he just did it because of social norms to start a family and all that shit.

But my sister, she didn't fuck around in her teens, she got her first BF at 19 in university, she ended up marrying him at 25. Now shes 31 with 3 kids.

She did ended up not slutting around, marrying her first BF, and having kids. Without any kind of enforcement or pushing from my father for her to act or be a certain way.

>Isn't she what her father despises?
No, that's literally what he wants, he's a degenerate academic who kinda sorta pretends to be a Christian but rejects the Gospels and rejects tradition. He raised her to be a degenerate whore because he sees no qualms about acting like that. This is the end result of individualism

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>reality vs instagram

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A t t en t i o n i s l i k e s e x f o r w o m e n

>that nose

Nigga at least use a memeflag, that's the whole point of BBCposting

Priests have junkie sons and slut daughters. Old stuff.

i bet she has a clean your room tramp stamp

Someone shop Jordan Petersons face onto the one in the mirror please.

She's a woman. Not sure what your were expecting.

holy fuck she went total hoe.

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>hitting the pipe is just a mem-

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>Jordon Peterson master strategy: wash your penis!
>has a daughter, suffers breakdown

>He raised her to be a degenerate whore because he sees no qualms about acting like that. This is the end result of individualism.
Self-control is hard concept to practice when you are personally dependent upon pills to keep your own demons at bay

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why would she even post something like that just to justify a picture of her side boobs god she's fucking ugly wow

Built for Big Russian Cock.

Almost as addictive as benzos I guess, no wonder roasties are going through such withdrawals cooped up at home

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i bet she washs her penis too

Lol, this cover. Jordon looks depressed as hell.

No matter how hard you try to keep traditionalism alive your children are only going to stab you in the back when they want to explore life and everything you’ve kept away from them

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It's bbq posting nigger, get with the times.

yeah she needs that Polish sausage

he fine.

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Your dad probably led by example and actually loved your sister. That's pretty much the baseline for a father

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to put it on the grill?

sometimes it just seems like luck of the draw or karmic past life forces really do propel a life in a certain direction. good on you, my sister was a whore in her late teens and early twenties but ended up with a a decent guy and 2 kids in the end. they're still married, she's satisfied. so, half and half for her

Because she's very random, she's the penguin of doom lol holds up spork.

Maybe don't listen to Doctor Dickwasher for advice?

Don't cum inside a jew

How is Peterstein a traditionalist? He believes in the most reductive form of liberal individualism, "classical liberals" are nothing more than leftists from the 1990s and early 2000s. It's not possible to be a traditionalist as a radical egalitarian like h is

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amazing post

No wonder Jordan’s suicidal

Yeah it is fucking weird. I met this girl, divorced family because the father was abusive (proof: he was a cop).

Well guess what, she's a total whore with 20+ sexual partners, and her older sister only had two sexual partners and married the second guy. I don't think you can raise people to be good, they either are or aren't.

This instance of a Caucasian homo sapiens sapiens of the female gender was biologically, genetically, culturally, psychologically and sociologically predetermined to have sexual intercourse with an African male homo sapiens sapiens who is possessed of a significantly larger than average sexual organ.

she's looking more like karla holmolka with every day.
wonder when she'll start having sex with dismembered human body parts

She propably licks them clean too

Imagine thinking thats a sexy pose.

Built for BWC

He acts like he can't believe he keeps getting away with his transgressions and expects a shoah any second.

you clearly have little experience with how female brain works.

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That is the most shoopable picture I've seen in a while.

Holy shit :D:D:D


this. jordan peterson only despises the men who outcompete him for the women that are exactly like his own daughter.

I just finished rewatching the reals world new orleans and this happened with the mormon girl. What a crock of shit some females are.

She looks like this whore

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>tfw not even a redpilled man such as JP can keep his daughter from becoming a total thot
it's truly over, lads
lets hope corona-chan kills us all

Imagine being Jordan Peterson, The man who lectured millions of young men on the importance of cleaning their room and you manage to raise a cheating, coal burning slut. Hahaha. I'm glad I never took that prick seriously. I denounced him to everyone when he was at his peak too.

The biggest whores I know come from a household, where the father tries to enforce tradition into the,. My sister is the same as yours. And my father didn't really care about shit.
But then again: My father and my mother had both their first time with each other and stayed together since then

9/10 would brisket

Imagine nosejob...

Peter Stein sold out to the likes and still got jawed. I hope he khs

>"classical liberals" are nothing more than leftists from the 1990s and early 2000s.
nigga you are fuckin retarded

what the fuck is bbq?

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>The biggest whores I know come from a household, where the father tries to enforce tradition
Same man. Women are fucking unstoppable without a pimp hand.

Also, I'm trying to raise my kids to be exposed to the best and worst of the world to try to combat this from happening. I won't keep them sheltered, but hopefully my teachings help them to stay on or as close to the right path as possible. So far my preteen son seems to be doing good. Young daughter of course will be harder, but so far she says "eww nasty" when she sees a typical thot and shit pushed into toddlers and small girls like barbie thot and those weird dolls. She loves to be a mother to her stuffed animals, baby dolls and toys; she watches me cook and clean and wants to help despite being so small. All very good signs.

Don’t look at me with a question like that

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I don't know what she wants young men that listened to her father to take away from this other than that they should listen to the mustache guy instead. Or maybe even the tablecloth guy.

That’s a man

Ead da deesthbuga and stheak

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Mmmm, kielbasa is so damn delicious.

If you totally shelter a human body from all illness their immune system won't be able to save them from the common cold. That's why I think 100% sheltered kids are in danger. How old are they if you don't mind me asking?

Based and cleanyourroompilled

I meant shelter in terms of keeping them away from the degenerate society. Physically sheltering is stupid too, even though my son has eczema and seasonal allergies aggravate it. He hardly ever gets sick, though, which is good. 10 and 3.

>t. cutfag
His message was never for you

I agree with this. How women behave determine to the extent how degenerate a society becomes. Good women with values allow moral decency to prevail. But where they whoring around like in the west those places are beyond redemption, they spiral into a perpetual state of degeneracy.

I come from a Muslim country and we know better to keep our women in check. The moment we let that door open for them it’s over. I’m not religious but Islam is the only thing stopping that from happening right now.

Toddler never gets sick. Maybe twice has she had a fever, and a handful of times getting loads of mucus.

That's Peterson's kid? Close case close on that asshole and whether he has anything of value to say!

this niggas brisketposting nigga


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Funny. Laughed.

quick and dirty

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yes- his precious lil princess.

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He tried so hard. Despite all his wisdom, he wasn't prepared for the wealth of knowledge and fortitude accumulated by the hurt box known as Yas Forums

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