This coronavirus and empty shelves have shown us a lot of things. 1. Overpopulation is very real. 2. The private sector has failed at meeting the needs of humanity, government is always better. 3. Individualism has failed, collectivism is always better. 4. If our borders were completely closed this could've been prevented. 5. Many jobs in our society were completely useless and non-essential and this is really putting it into perspective. 6. Eating animals causes diseases, we should all go vegetarian.
This coronavirus and empty shelves have shown us a lot of things. 1. Overpopulation is very real. 2...
Ok commie
Blame the niggers for taking everything.
Ok boomer.
What's funny is that government intervention is why those shelves are bare.
If the free market was allowed to raise prices to float on the demand. Everyone would have all they wanted and needed.
If you can transition OP into eating dicks, it would be a rendered service to the human race.
Its not over population, China has progressively bought off western politicians to become progressively more dependent on china for our goods, hence we have come to such a point of reliance on them we now lack food and other goods, and the last places that need less population growth are developed countries most of the population growth in the world comes from the third world.
Just wipe your ass with plastic bags and shut the fuck up.
The only thing it's proven is that diversity is most certainly not a strength.
Grocery store in Japan:
This post itself proves that commies are as dumb as ever though.
>Government responsible for shortages
capitalism gonna get wiped out by a flu.
Life pro tip right here.
new york will be grown zero
The government says these shops can't change their prices.
And thus the suppliers have ZERO incentive to increase supply.
Government says we need more power and more control.
Government shoots a hobo to death with a pistol while staring right at you.
Government says: "How could this happen? You need to give me more power and more control"
You need to die in a fire of commie corpses.
Just goes to show that Jewish IQ is an average.
They needed to put in provisions of 2 packs of toilet paper per person, instead some sperg bought all 50. That’s ridiculous
I’m sure socialism will solve the problem. It’s not like socialism has ever failed to meet the needs of the market.
Shelves were emptied by Chinese operatives. They take our supplies, ship them back home, and then send us shit-tier supplies to "aid" us - shitty masks that cause disease to spread, etc.
You posted it again
Dumbest post ever
Eat lot of fiber or don't have a BM for a few days a hope the splash cleans you up.
an armed conflict is coming between citizens and states. worldwide global civil war between capitalist and their henchman in state offices and grassroots fascist and everybody else
prepare yourself
the only way meat causes disease is because of overpopulation wich then means most farmed animals lives in shit and eats shit to keep up with demands
I really like those pictures.
Oldfucks will die of hunger.
Point 4 couldn't be more true.
If you let these shops increase their prices to float on the demand, the prices don't go up by much in practice. Sure some places (very rarely) will see 100x price hikes. But see that's where the magic of the invisible hand of the market fixes it. Someone says hey look I have extra toilet paper I don't need, I can sell it for only 50x and I'll make a fortune. it's done, and wham. Now the price is 50x. This invisible hand continues like a ratchet until prices hover between 1.5x and 2.5x hikes.
You let the entrepreneurs correct the market realtime by letting the difficulty of getting the thing float on how hard it is to get that thing.
Government comes in like a dipshit and says: "No price gouging!" Congratulations asshole, now the shelves are fucking bare.
The government isn't the solution, the government is why there's a problem.
You let the shop keepers do what they want to do. It's problem solved effective immediately by using the invisible hand.
Angry and disenfranchised people begin descending on the city centers, or on logistical sites like airports and ports. Their angry invasion resonates in a distinct yet parallel way with people living in marginalized or low-income neighborhoods either inside the city or at its edges (graffiti crews, rednecks, truck drivers, drug dealers, sex workers, former-prisoners, pensioners). Ethical extremists of various ideological or subcultural persuasions operate alongside one another in the streets, united only by their respective unwillingness to police each other’s anger at the system (for better and for worse: anarchists, neonazis, soccer hooligans, gang members). The various social groups never synthesize into a larger whole, but simply move alongside one another, occasionally clashing with one another, but returning week after week to smash the glittering facades of the cities and attacking police and governmental buildings. Those who can’t make it to the urban centers block the roads and arterial infrastructure on which they depend, from outside.
Sorry grandma, too late !
fuck off bill
no one cares about your shit
This heterogeneous alliance of ‘randos’ from the near-and-far hinterlands and urban ethical extremists repolarizes the political situation from top and bottom, rather than left and right. Politicians, leftist organizations, trade unions and N.G.O.’s initially distance themselves from the confusing mêlée and denounce the violence. The crowds pay them no mind, owing them no allegiance. Realizing they have been eclipsed, leftist organizations have no choice but to tuck their tail and chase after the crowds from a rearguard position, attempting however possible to co-opt, manage, and eventually pacify them. College students and middle managers of all demographics attempt to shame and divide the rioters racially, sexually, geographically, by class, by any axis of identity they can, so as to better gain a foothold in the chaos. Along the way, the police will commit their usual heavy-handed blunders, which will (at first) widen the antagonism and expand the struggle, forcing the government to deploy the National Guard. When they reach this point, struggles will will either dissipate, or else succeed in fracturing the armed forces and inducing widespread social defection…
MSM and PANIC! is real, as a low IQ population is highly suggestible.
Grandpa will have to feast on his grocery list.
Eating unclean animals causes illness. If the Edomites weren't flagrantly violating God's laws, this wouldn't have happened.
And you almost had a based post. Maybe next time.
Went to the local grocery store this morning. Shelves were stocked. Went to Menards and Home Depot yesterday night, shelves were stocked. Went to gas station Friday, shelves were stocked.
no food
>grocery stores already getting fully stocked in the morning and holding onto them for most of the day
>panic buying slowing down, but news isn't reporting on it because it's "good" news
>OP didn't take his meds and hasn't left the house since panic buying slowed down
>tries to convince others it's the same
take your meds schizo
1. No shit.
2. Yep
3. Collectivism is good for emergencies or wartime as it is teamwork.
4. Yep
5. The more non essential the more money people tend to make on average too.
6. I've been vegetarian way before it was cool. I age slowly and get a lot more protein than most people.
Nice try shill, we all know they are empty due to failure of capitalism to provide basics needs to the population.
>1. Overpopulation is very real.
Westworld styled sexbots are the answer to that complaint.
Learn what greentexting is newfag
>government is always better
>government struggling to fill shelves
absolute retard
This is kinda true actually.
>toilet paper marked up at $1000 per roll
>educated upper middle class either jews it by shitting in a tin can, or rations the toilet paper
>that brainlet retard still panic buys 9000 rolls and bankrupts himself immediately
>has no cash for food now and either starves to death and his assets are seized, or credit card bounty hunters forcibly take his toilet paper and anything else to pay for his loan
>supermarket drowns in cash and beefs up toilet paper productivity thanks to the donation dollars of brainlet retards like that one
>supply meets demand and toilet paper hoarders are culled, unless they stocked up before the markup
Yeah, got us there
Closest Walmart to me is in Shelbyville, Indiana. All staples outside of milk out of stock for the last two weeks. Only thing that's plentiful is produce, but what I've gotten seems to be a week or more old, except for bananas. They have a decent amount of tomato products, but literally no rice, beans, meat, bread. Only bread product left is low carb tortillas.
That guy has the face of a price gouging reseller. Bet he flipped them on ebay.
Go to ebay right now and search for "toilet paper", "hand sanitizer", or "n95 mask".
Despite ebay claiming to be shutting them down they are always there.
Plus we should make sure PPE are made in the US and not import every fucking thing from abroad. I'm a globalist but there are limits.
When capitalism fails, it's either socialism or death.
>They needed to put in provisions of 2 packs of toilet paper per person, instead some sperg bought all 50. That’s ridiculous
That went over your head. The whole point of raising prices is to prevent the sperg from doing that. Government "anti-gouging" price controls that allow for faggots to buy all the toilet paper.
>collectivism better than individualism
Faggots like you need to be lined up and shot
Completely correct on #5 and to
Add to add, also shows how unnecessary most ‘business’ travel is.
>When capitalism fails, it's either socialism or death.
The right system does not currently exist.
saddens me that so many if the empty shelves pictures are from UK.
but i shopped this morning and got everything on my list except flour, and thats including toilet rolls. if panicking benefit chavs hadnt gone and stripped the shelves driven by media hype, there would be plenty for all.
At least the USSR had rationing and everyone got their share.
Yikes....this whole.... everything
>bought off western politicians
Politicians are to blame for not putting a stop to boomer bossiness owners and executives from outsourcing everything and destroying there communities so the cunts could live in McMansions in all white neighborhoods.
Death > socialism
curious why all these boomers are just stopped and looking. like, bitch keep moving, shit aint gonna appear in front of you
OP is right. The government is our only hope.
filthy forest fan. should be burned for this. and supporting the red dogs.
>t. Derby boy
>If the free market was allowed to raise prices to float on the demand. Everyone would have all they wanted and needed.
What use are full shelves if you cant buy anything? There is absolutely no difference between empty shelves and shelves full of stuff none can afford
>OP is right. The government is our only hope.
Poison as food, poison as antidote.
Based. But Trump didn't put a stop to it. He tried but didn't do it correctly. The only way to fix this is to have some government ownership in critical services and products (such as PPEs, medical equipment and medicine) to limit the damage in the event of similar situations.
>What use are full shelves if you cant buy anything? There is absolutely no difference between empty shelves and shelves full of stuff none can afford
Government intervention allowed for worthless fiat currency. Anything but anarchy is not free market.
from which information do you claim that eating animals causes diseases ?
>over population is the cause of a suddenly demand spike
Okay, schizo.
>1. Overpopulation is very real
The population is easily fed when people aren't panicking and buying tonnes of shit they don't need. If everybody just shopped normally then there would be no issue.
It's kind of common sense so long as industrialized factory farming or especially wet markets being used.
He wants only richfags to survive
This post has shown us a lot of things.
1. People like OP are 100% retarded.
Natsoc is where we need to be
If population was under 500 million science would not exist. We would revert to an agrarian system. Science thrives and expands with overpopulation. Smaller populations are in danger of dying from lack of science and just plain ignorance dominanting see North Korea for case in point
>Anything but anarchy is not free market.
good luck with that absentee ownership, bow tie kike.
>wet market
Define this term, retard burger.
The change you want to see in the world has to happen at the level of a society's value system. It has to be at the level of individual responsibility and philosophy.
Yes this requires a level of indoctrination and such but really you need a strong sense of community. And I don't mean shitty little sub-culture communities I mean as a whole in the local area.
The rampant greed shown on display in these times of need are a reflection of the breakdown of that. People gathering all that they can for themselves and their immediate family because, well, they have no faith that others would help them or even not do the same.
Get yours before others can take it from you. The scarcity mindset.
Here's the problem. You can't top-down control it like socialists or communists because you end up eating away civil liberties and in some respects making the problem of greed and personal isolation even worse. Get mine and never let others know or else the GOVERNMENT will FORCE me to share.
The only option, while keeping civil liberties in tact, is a social change. Individual philosophical and value systems which can't really be legislated. Problem is you'll have people who will prey upon that, like we currently have with the systems in place to keep people as basically serfs to corps and banks and landlords.
Honestly, I find that personally adhering to a philosophy of moderation has helped me immensely in nearly all things.
north K birth rate is higher then south K's... south K gonna implode way faster then north K
>only toilet paper no food
I found people buying all the hand-wash and toilet roll but leaving all the longife food like pasta and tinned food.
They will have to eat toilet paper
> 2. The private sector has failed at meeting the needs of humanity, government is always better.
The government caused the fucking crises by shutting down everything and telling everyone to stay in their house. Private businesses had no way of knowing this would happen, that one day literally everyone would come in and buy fucking toilet paper all at once. And this is true. If they were allowed to raise prices, than hoarders will be discouraged from buying.
When the government is in charge of these things, they can't effectively manage millions of grocery stores on top of managing everything else and end up with price controls and thus shortages, where it's like this all the time -- not just in a weird emergency.
> 3. Individualism has failed, collectivism is always better.
Collective stupidity is what brought us to this point.
>4. If our borders were completely closed this could've been prevented.
This position doesn't even belong on the list of other things here.
> 5. Many jobs in our society were completely useless and non-essential and this is really putting it into perspective.
> 6. Eating animals causes diseases, we should all go vegetarian.
Not true.
Shut the fuck up. The stores are stocked again, they just weren’t ready for literally EVERYONE to rush the stores for two weeks straight. Just shows how emotional and greedy people are.
>t. retard who doesn't understand the supply chain
animation is wrong
>1. Overpopulation is very real
Masss hysteria is very real and I've upped the number of truly useless people from 50% to 60% in my bullshit statistics, all normie filler.
>2. The private sector has failed at meeting the needs of humanity, government is always better.
Noh, mass hysteria got retards buying out the supermarkets, production is in no danger at all and it perfectly highlights the flaws inherent to the JIT system.
>5. Many jobs in our society were completely useless and non-essential and this is really putting it into perspective
Strongly agree, there's a shitload of filler jobs who's contribution to the economy are virtual and completely unnecessary, this is however never thought in your average class room and everybody is kept blissfully unaware that recruiters and a shitload of "management" jobs add nothing. Unless you're producing or maintaining anything your jobs is probably filler.
I'm with you until 6. That comes down to animal husbandry.
Sage all fields
OP is a complete and utter faggot who is unironically convinced of his own bullshit and not shilling.
In big cities, that would only lead to riots and looting. In smaller towns, it would lead to a drastic increase in theft, most likely to the point where the local police department wouldn't give it a shit.
Who the fuck wants to work in that environment?
What this has shown us is that, in a crisis, Americans respond with fear, selfishness, and unchecked stupidity.
Anyone else find the pictures of old people staring at empty shelves depressing?