Finance minister of Germany kills himself
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F for Deutsche Bank
The coming collapse of the German banking sector along with the economy must be so huge he just could not bear to live through it.
who cares
I know our economy and DB is fucked but I didn't think it was that bad.
Massive German bank run when?
STATE minister. We have 16 states.
It’s like if the treasurer of Kopenhagen kills himself.
Couldn't bear the bear market.
>It's a nothingburger
why are you such a attention whore or a idiot who cant read? he is not the finance minister of germany, do you even read the article? pol = NPC media outlet
>imagining these people have shame or feel guilt
They killed him for some reason.
Dare I say.. BULLISH?
So, if the finance minister/treasurer of one of our states killed himself, that wouldn't be newsworthy?
I bought ultra long dated puts on EWG over a year ago
>of Germany
Why do you feel the need to twist headlines like this? He was a regional minister for Frankfurt not the whole of Germany.
facts don't matter on Yas Forums anymore
it's all about emotions
>finance minister of germany
it was a state finance minister, the one from hessen, not the federal one
>state minister
That guy was simply part of a regional government.
>of germany
why spread fake news. he was the finance minsiter of hesse
thats the same "breaking news" as if the finance minister of rhode island comitted suicide
That's where Frankfurt is?
It should’ve collapsed years ago. It’ll only be worse now.
Germans are famously not prone to committing suicide
that JUST hair
he has seen the numbers
That's just some local politician from Hessen. Literally who cares.
>No Carlos pic
You fugged up m8
after discovering people wouldn't die for his stocks. poor guy. hope all the other rich fuckers follow suit/get coofed on
He bound his own hands with zipties and then shot himself twice in the head. RIP
If the guy in charge of finance of Rhode Island killed himself over Rhode Island finances there would be national fucking panic you dumb bastard.
You lot of brown nu-Germans seem to emulate the autism but not the intellect.
It always was, don't pretend otherwise
*finance minister of hessen (a state in germany), not germany
>Finance minister of Germany kills himself
*state minister, not the federal minister
its the state minister for Frankfurt though, he clearly had a lot of say in the economy.
You mean the Austrian who didn't commit suicide? Fucking simp.
RIP in pepperoni. I'm amazed at how stupid they think we are. Guess we're back to suicide by two bullets in the back of the head.
>They said they reached the conclusion he had committed suicide due to “extensive crime scene work, the questioning of numerous witnesses, the situation on site and the technical and forensic evaluations and investigations.
Is witness a new word for hitman?
Yea readFinancial contagion is going to spread like Corona-Chan
Yes. Frankfurt, the financial hub of continental Europe.
>nothing to see here, buy stocks! 'tis a dip, innit?
Not sure you can compare an american state and a german state.
just because he is only a state minister doesn't mean he is unimportant, i just wonder why other politicans haven't killed themself esp. Merkel, she is the reason why many people in this country died because of refugees and now of the virus
He followed Hitler's example
Damage control.
Do these ministers have any real influence or are they purely their so their part of the bundes republik can distribute money for useless goverment projects?
> found dead by train
> killed self
wew laddie. that might be good enough for normie cops, but it's not good enough for an enlightened conspiracy-minded individual who's learned extensively from Yas Forums.
redpill me on making death by train look like a suicide, seems like yet another way to remove problematic people from the public eye.
> desu given his hairline, his neoliberal smirk, his neoliberal weight problem, his typical neoliberal look of confused pain when confronted with something more complicated than a 5oy-based beverage, and his typical neoliberal problem glasses...I'm not at all surprised
I thought they were doing so well with Coronavirus, pre-presentive measures
massive testings
all that hoopla
indeed. but "we" is the average voter
Don't you have some bantu niggers to arm, Moishe?
He was the fucktard finance minister and hopeful minister president candidate of Hesse until he started gambling away millions of taxes, maneuvering his career into a dead end. People like him have a hard time adjusting to lowered living costs resulting from killing their careers so he committed suicide.
If he had ever really cared about Germany's financial and social situation he would have spoken up sooner. He never did.
Just when i was thinking about it, nice trips faggit
What a fucking faggot lmao. Normies are hilarious. He could be at home rn enjoying free pornhub premium. Imagine being that much of a cuck.
>I didn't think it was that bad.
If only you knew how bad it really was.
He left a goodbye letter with him and there's been a copy of it out there, anyone has it?
My girlfriend keeps her savings in DB, how do I convince her to get it out asap?
>Some politician kills himself
>"Well, actually, he's just some random politician, not a big fish"
>"OMG! All of a sudden this is a nothingburger!!!!"
It changes nothing, someone with inside information thought it was better to die than live through what's around the corner.
maybe he was going to funnel money in an effort to actually help people but the corrupt establishment wont let him
Tell her you've got a headache, I always have to get it out when she says that.
probably just pushed in front of the train by some group of "youth" for a laugh. happens all the time. did they find his wallet?
China recently sent tons of "medical equipment" to Croatia via Frankfurt....
empty bun burger, just the flu, this happens every year, etc
remember last year when all the politicians killed themselves
I give her headaches with my dick and still finish. Sort your woman out breh.
to clarify, a relative of mine passed from suicide by train (she married a faux alpha who turned beta christcuck, divorced his loser ass at age 45, and at age 50 realize that her family had replaced her and that the men as rich and successful and fit as her were dating women 20 years younger).
the 14.8 number in the unmodified pic is not auspicious though.
get engine continues to give digits for what it thinks is intel, despite every post being a repost of a repost.
Probably knew that traditional German punishments would be on their way when people learned the full betrayal that’s been taking place
don't fall for that, u getting scammed
Imagine being this much of a bureaucrat
Prolly childless too
Wife and 2 young children
He was “suicided” by merkel
>Was supposed to hold a speech after finding something out
>mystically "kills himself" before that
I think this fucking virus is a WMD, and it's slowly becoming fucking apparent, and likely everyone involved facilitating the enemy in exchange for monetary gain or otherwise will post announcement will be tried for treason across the West.
This fucker knew he was fucked.
He couldnt cope with the fact that people wont buy garbage german cars.
So...he just suddenly decide to kill himself...
it's not the finance minister of Germany, it's the Finance Minister of Hesse State, Germany
reading comprehension is not your forté I guess
why are people so fucking terrified of economies crashing?
you can literally fucking reset everything afterwards
no need to kill yourself over something thats liquid
Bankers die god laughs
>Couldn't bear the market.
heh clever
>Couldn't bear the bear market.
fucking retard
This wasnt a money thing this was a treason thing.
>he was the finance minister of frankfurt!!!1
do you believe because private banks are located in frankfurt the guy responsible for state money of an overall unimportant state is somehow important?
is the mayor of frankfurt important? the minister president of hesse? no they are not, you retards
no there wouldn’t, retardo.