What are some Yas Forums approved books?

What are some Yas Forums approved books?

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The bible

Very redpilling

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i can barely read i always have to google what the words mean on this website

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based and redpilled

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The Bible
The Last Superstition by Edward Feser
Faith and Reason: Philosophers Explain Their Turn to Catholicism

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I've read a good number of these. Thanks

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I'm reading "The Bonfire of the Vanities" by Tom Wolfe, its very well written and very redpilled on race.

Nag Hammadi Library
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Republic

Let's not beat around the bush here. He means the King James version, and only the King James version

>Evola was a bizarre character. At the peak of WWII, he would walk the streets of the city during allied bombing raids in order to “ponder his destiny”.
>One one such stroll, he was maimed by a Soviet bomb and as a result spent the remainder of his life paralyzed from the waist down




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The Israel Lobby, it’s a really the only piece of well researched, normie friendly anti Israel literature. You can use it to defend your beliefs without revealing your power level and it’s a great first redpill you can share

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Why is Luxor on the cover? Did Evola go to Vegas?

What's a "book"?

Cringe and semetism-pilled
Jews crippled Indo-European culture by murdering those who refused to convert to Christianity.
The true keys to a healthy White culture lie in OUR roots, not the spin-off religion for shabbos goyim.

This one is just as good if not better.

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Why do leftists think they're somehow free thinkers? They're not immune to any of the things that they criticize their opponents over.

Augustine - City of God

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Not that one. It's fedora wankery.

Based and fpbp

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They're not thinkers.

They have no brains.

>le christianity is a jewish trick

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>Your city being bombed
>You know your army is losing
>You tempt fate to end it quickly
>Brutal irony
75 years later:
>muh dick lmao
Yeah, hot take.

Evola is the most based, most based American would be Dr. William Luther Pierce


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Not sure why no ones posted this.

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This one.

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Mentioned this

The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz

You clearly know little of true tradition and what it means on a metaphysical level for the cultures that keep it.

Wow, you just went and proved how much of a kike you are, good job.

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Authoritarians hate freedom by definition. Therefore liberals, capitalists, christfags and nazis are authoritycucks. You love sucking dictator cock.

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can you give an example of some words that you have had to google from this website? also, are you actually an anglo, or are you an immigrant to australia?

>Not sure why no ones posted this.
Even hardcore racists admit its fake.

Germany Reborn by Herman Goerring is the quickest and most important read you'll ever do.

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Brave new World

Also this

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2nd edition now available

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>IT'S A FORGERY...o-of a fake hehe...

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E Michael Jones - The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

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>The Gay of Men

With all the racism and bbc round these parts this is pol’s holy bible

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Tom Marlboro Riddle is based

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From Evola's private letters to Hitler:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.

What did he mean by this? I thought Evola was a traditionalist?

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Based and Savitri Devi-pilled

Based and notchpilled.

Fake. You're just a niggerloving faggot.

What's Yas Forums approved fiction?
>in b4 LOTR (already read) and edgy humor

For My Legionnaires

Huntington is based



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loved these books as a kid, the only author even more autistic then GRRM when it comes to describing food

>Heirarchy is bad
hi, moishe

mein kampf

Why is every historical account of Jews doing evil things "fake" or "a lie"?
109 not enough

this book is a good read if you're interested in economics, especially pre-depression and post-depression economics in Weimar Germany.

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I'm already redpilled on the fact that I'm biologically attracted to females who are capable of safely bearing children.

Ride the Tiger is better and more topical (since it relates to the post-WW2 world) but you pretty much have to read Revolt and his books on Alchemy to understand any of what he is saying in Ride the Tiger

How so?

the TV series is also very good. Redwall is a fantastic series, it's like a kid version of LOTR

can confirm lol

>muh tradition
t. tradcuck that worships roasties in wheat fields

Traditional LARPaganism includes rampant homosex and sacrificing humans with fire to demons.

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Erectus walks among us. An anthropologist who was tired of the obvious games being played by academia to make niggers look like human beings.

Imagine reading a psyop book written by sandal wearing nuts.