Gold. Bitcoin. Gun

Gold. Bitcoin. Gun.

Which should I put my Trumpbux towards if I had to choose only one?

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My sex change so I can fill your tummy with home cooked meals and you can fill mine with your seed

def gun


Gun if you don't already have one. Otherwise gold and bitcoin. People not taking this action are going to find their purchasing power falling to zero.


Unless you already have guns.

Martial arts classes. Anyone saying "gun" is stupid, guns wouldn't do jack shit against me (black belt Karate)

Make sure to buy the physical bitcoins in case electricity goes out or becomes scarce. Plus they are way cheaper. I bought like 100 bitcoins off Amazon for only like $700. HUGE PROFITS.

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out of all three, the gun has the least chance of depreciating in value

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i cant beleive some people are dumb enough to buy virtual or paper bitcoins
trusting other people to hold your btc for you is top tier retard

Hahhahahahagagagahhahahahahahahah ahahahaha

Oh wait this guy might be serious

GUN, 100% OF THE TIME, you can get anything at gunpoint

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>buying any form of memecoin
You should see if you can buy a new brain to replace the retarded one you have.


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>not having a gun
you're fucked

Gun and ammo

You get the rope first.

Get the gun and with it steal the gold and bitcoin, how simple is that?

he should have melted the coins and cast them as btc

My retarded cousin is also a karate black belt lol

>have gold, man with gun takes it
>have bitcoin, man with gun takes what you buy with it
>have gun, take gold and bitcoin from man with no gun
Granted this is nigger logic, but if shit ever really goes down its best to be able to defend yourself.

An alcohol still. If money becomes worthless, you would essentially become your own federal reserve, minting money in the form of corn squeezins.

I’m into choke play teehee

Already have gun?
More gun

Gun. You can get gold and bitcoin with a gun.

Gun is best option.

Truthfully, you should have several different kinds of firearms. Only having a handgun is like playing golf with only a putter.

Cocaine, obviously.

Have fun with that idea when it's illegal to own too much sugar and yeast. Right back to gun

Stocks for your guns. Good to have spares.

Ape logic is the best logic when you are in the jungle, or your home has turned into the jungle.

Stocks arent even close to the bottom.

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As if it wont be illegal to own firearms within a few years anyway. Its coming, only a matter of time.

You should already own all three

Your not going to get physical gold.
Chainlink not BTC.
So a gun or Chainlink

I already have a pretty healthy Link stack, so I might dump Little trumpbuxx into BSV cause clownworld got clowned and Craig is probably Satoj

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Dude 6 year olds are black belts in karate

So now you like socialism and handouts? Enjoy your EBT-lite poorfag.

Just curious to see how much ammo Yas Forums has stocked up. I haven't gone out of my way to get more just because of the crisis. But I believe that what I've built up over the years isn't bad. My habit has been to buy extra every time I go to the range for the last 4 or 5 years.

100 410. Slugs
100+ 410 small critter
80 12ga slugs
50 12ga 00
200+ 12ga small game, turkey loads
700 9mm
250 5.7
500 7.62x54r
2000 .22

>Martial arts classes
>When you need to stay socially isolated
Big brain

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Buy yourself a new PC, or maybe a nice armchair. You're going to be stuck inside for a long time.

Gun or tools. Gold and memecoin will be worthless.

The currency of the future is blood

not one "seeds", or "live chickens"
this is why you're all going to die trying to eat all that ammo and tp you stockpiled

And you're going to end up with 200 kg of carrots all at the same time.

A white belt in Jiu-Jitsu would fucking wreck you, faggot

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Food and rent.

Kill yourself faggot.

A gun

Why would I do that when I would be the most beautiful woman and give my husband many children? Lmao

btc isn't actually in the form of a coin stupid

Do you set some sort of arbitrary number like 15,000 before you decide to buy in? Thats what my plan is.

No. Get out.

Yeah your bjj gonna help when I blow out your kneecaps

A gun opens up a world of opportunities

Makarov is based

Buy a rubber penis to stick up your butt

Food, ammunition, home gym equipment, more filters. Maybe save a bit